Jun 04, 2024, 06:42 PM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - antidotelul

feels like there needs to be a more hands on staff team for factions.
lots of unneeded drama that escalated to personal shit for no reason.
people being banned for no reason (lol)
people being both accused and exposed for cheating yet nothing was done
guess its time to  come back.
Faction Recruitment / Re: TMF
Apr 17, 2020, 06:22 PM
Ingame name: antidotelul
Timezone: EST
Age: 12
Do you have discord? Yea
Do you have any factions / 1.8 PvP experience? Yes, a lot.
Which of your skills would most benefit our faction? (Mining/potions/building/pvp etc) PvP is my strongpoint :)
General Discussion / Re: garywb
Apr 02, 2020, 03:28 AM
When I joined in 2015, Gary was part of the reason I kept playing. He talked to me in pms for a while when I was  brand new and encouraged me to keep playing. Thank you so much Gary, you will never be forgotten.

I will also never forget the massive drop party and event party right before the reset. That is probably my most vivid memory of him and sft as a whole.

Rest in Peace.

With SashaLarie, Colbyf782, DrYouReInMySpot, SaiTheSavage, Autpek, CurgeZK and Burz. <3
Team name: Siztersss
Team members: antidotelul and kalem_jellybean
Warp name: HauntedHouse
General Announcements / Re: Reddit Post
Aug 10, 2019, 03:20 AM
Thank you Sasha for another great reddit post <3
I'm sooo excited :)))
What is your IGN- antidotelul
What is your uptime in the last week- 52 hours, 13 minutes.
What is your overall uptime- 202 hours
Were you banned in the last 6 months- No.
Were you ever banned for xraying/advertising/exploiting glitches- No.
What rank do you wish to be- (EventHost/Jmod) Jmod.
Why do you want that rank- I wanna contribute and help out with the server as much as I can.
What region are you from- US.
Do you have a discord account- Yes, antidote#6722