Jun 05, 2024, 12:46 AM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - Bruhmoment2023

1. i play on many dif servers now cuz The world reset I HATE IT i mean i keep lossing all the things i worked on and other example omelot he has SOOOO much money he can save everything he has had and me since i wanna fuel my imagaination i keep buying stuff so i cant save  alot of money and end up not being able to save my builds hence the reason i quit
but i could drag in a few 20 players i think NOT completley sure
im really thinking that removing any plugins will affect in a MAJOR Loss of players
thank u for ur help  :)  :diamondblock:
um hi i am a member of the server and wanted to clarify if auto bone meal farms are allowed not to sell for emp bucks but to use for crops????????????