Jun 05, 2024, 06:43 AM


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Messages - BrainyDevil

What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: BrainyDevil
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 5 hours. A couple of weeks ago it was 60. It tends to differ based off of my availability.
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 1093h
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: No
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: No
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: JMod
Why do you want that rank?: I was JMod a while back, but I had to resign shortly after and leave SFT for about two years due to personal reasons. I've always wanted to be able to help people in this server because of how much the community has helped me. Now that I have been back for a month, I believe I am ready to become a staff member again.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): US
Do you have a Discord account?: BrainyDevil#7105