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Messages - MosesRN

Wow, so many familiar names. I've been here since 2011 under the IGN joshholymoses. This community was a huge part of my life through middle school and high school. I've lurked for a while but recently came back to play every once in a while. Still great as ever, albeit with fewer people. Working as a nurse now and working towards CRNA. I'm planning to hop on more in my free time!
Cannot believe no one has said anything, but what about a Starmade server?

I remember someone suggesting it a few years ago but people laughed at it because the game was in REALLY early stages of development and looked like a minecraft ripoff. Now, it is much more developed (still alpha) and is a great cross between Minecraft and EVE: Online/ freelancer. You can have factions, build ships, mine planets and astroids, salvages ships, fight people and pirates, make space stations, build homes on planets, etc.
Quote from: Terror134 on Dec 19, 2014, 06:38 PM
Quote from: joshholymoses on Dec 19, 2014, 05:39 PM
I can't seem to join- it says connection timed out :/

Server crashes a lot randomly and auto-restart doesn't always help us. :S
I do not have access to restart it anytime I want, but I messaged Saywhat to restart it. Sorry. ^^
Don't be, I thought it was an error on my side.
I can't seem to join- it says connection timed out :/
I guess I'm not going to India then  8)
Quote from: Towelie on Nov 13, 2014, 12:05 PM
WORST GAME EVER (Assasins Shit Liberty).

If you want a decent game franchise fucked up, leave it to Ubisoft, they are the best at it!
It's hard not to fuck up an overused, tired, and crappy game style to begin with. Should have ended at revelations, all they're doing is making new maps with an occasional new skill. COD anyone?
CHILL2000 was the codename from the 1999 siberian terrorist organization to release chemicals into the air via a volcanic eruption to blot out the sun and create a massive ice age on earth. They were thwarted by government organizations, but the chemicals they found were actually kept and are now known by the top leaders of the Illuminati to use as they please.
General Announcements / Re: Starbound Server
Nov 09, 2014, 03:26 PM
iz dis meinkwaft?

But in all seriousness, the game is pretty fun but I stopped playing because I never had anyone to play it with. I'll definitely check out the server!
There are plenty of scientists saying that it is contagious even when you arent showing symptoms. I chose to belive them. There is so reason it couldnt be. People are also packed in the US. Have you never been in a subway? Yes first world countries have sewage systems and fresh water but that wont be the deciding factor in it spreading. No Ebola isnt the most infectious thing out there but you treat it like theres nothing to worry about

Yes, that IS a deciding factor. When you are squalering in the shit of some guy who just puked blood everywhere, you're going to have a problem. When you live in a home with 10 people and great uncle mahakalaka just started bleeding from his eyes in a pool on the ground, you're going to want to be far from it.

No, we should not completely ignore the problem, but we don't need to act like it's the goddamned bubonic plague.

@killjoy, no the nurses did not follow CDC guidelines. The projections could be accurate or could be completely off. there is no way to tell due to the thousands of factors involved.
Quote from: ExconHD on Oct 20, 2014, 12:07 AM
Quote from: joshholymoses on Oct 19, 2014, 09:21 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Oct 16, 2014, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Eternal_Jamie on Oct 16, 2014, 10:52 AM
Glad to see the UN getting in on the scare mongering as well, was getting bored of hearing indavidual governments do it.
It's not scare mongering at all it's a very real situation and sadly due to the incompetence of the CDC it's starting to spread in the US too.

Did you know a nurse travelled on an airline with hundreds of other passengers after calling the CDC and saying she thinks she has ebola because she had a high fever but the CDC said nah, it's fine you don't meet the criterias for Ebola and when she got in the country she was diagnosed with ebola?
She reported having a temperature of 99.6 degrees F (normal being around 99) before heading on the flight, still under the requirements to be considered a high fever and could be induced by physical activity, stress, or a multitude of other small ailments. She was one of many nurses on watch for contracting Ebola.

Let's look at the facts-

Ebola Transmission
If we are accepting what governmental leaders around the world are telling us, Ebola is contracted by being in contact with the carrier of the disease. Ebola is considered the "caretakers disease" and for good reason. Ebola is only transmittable when the patient begins showing noticeable symptoms I.E flue like symptoms, internal and external hemorrhaging, vomiting, etc. The reason it is so rampant in three of the many African countries is because the living standards and medical procedures there are much worse than around the world. Many still believe Ebola to be a superstitious disease and do not head the warnings of doctors there. Sick patients are living in a small home with 10 other people while vomiting and bleeding everywhere while mother and father take care of them, in turn getting the disease.

Ebola in the U.S.
The man who contracting Ebola and flew to the U.S. had lied about being around anyone who had Ebola and flew the airlines without symptoms. The 2 U.S. nurses had contracted the disease because they did not have the proper equipment in the Dallas lab to be 100% safe from infection. Both nurses are doing well since the sickness was caught early. Quarantines in large hospitals and proper equipment have been sent to ensure that it doesn't transmit further.

Infectiousness of Ebola
Don't be around someone who is vomiting, coughing up blood, shitting themselves, or bleeding out of their skin and eyes. Many other diseases and sicknesses are MUCh more contagious than Ebola, with a higher death rate. Over 40,000 people die every year from the flue in the United States alone. Go get a flu shot and stop having a meltdown over Ebola (not directed at anyone, just the media and mass coverage in general)

This is, indeed, fear mongering.

There is plenty of reasons to believe that Ebola can spread with out any symptoms. Nurses across the US believe themselves that they are not ready to deal with Ebola. Saying that the common flu is so much worse and you shouldnt have to wrry if fucked. the death rate of the flu is less than 1% than over 60% with Ebola. If you dont think cities are already crawling with bacteria that can transmit diseases then your e screwed. First world countries are dirty in a different way. The 2 nurses contracted Ebola because THEY chose to not follow proper precautions. It was all their fault. Just because youre not around people that are sick/ showing symptoms doesnt mean you cant get it from being out in public. Why are you saying to worry more  about the flu then just go get a shot? Ebola doesnt have a confirmed cure. That combined with it clearly being able to spread and its mortality rate makes it much worse
My whole point in involving the flu as a factor in this was due to its easy transmittable and the death rate that follows. You act like Ebola is the most infectious thing on this planet when it really isn't. First world countries are a "different" dirty, but that is not what I'm talking about- that is something you would say in elementary school- I was getting at the close proximity of people in third world countries and the lack of a proper sewage system, water purification system, and proper hygiene. These are all provided in first world countries and cuts down on the risk for spreading the disease exponentially. Not to mention this diseases is like a fucking strobe light to spot, the symptoms are almost souley unique, and if you aren't showing the symptoms, you aren't contagious.

Now to mention the nurses, they did not follow protocol (which there really wasn't a stable protocol at the time) and were not given proper equipment.
Quote from: Towelie on Oct 16, 2014, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Eternal_Jamie on Oct 16, 2014, 10:52 AM
Glad to see the UN getting in on the scare mongering as well, was getting bored of hearing indavidual governments do it.
It's not scare mongering at all it's a very real situation and sadly due to the incompetence of the CDC it's starting to spread in the US too.

Did you know a nurse travelled on an airline with hundreds of other passengers after calling the CDC and saying she thinks she has ebola because she had a high fever but the CDC said nah, it's fine you don't meet the criterias for Ebola and when she got in the country she was diagnosed with ebola?
She reported having a temperature of 99.6 degrees F (normal being around 99) before heading on the flight, still under the requirements to be considered a high fever and could be induced by physical activity, stress, or a multitude of other small ailments. She was one of many nurses on watch for contracting Ebola.

Let's look at the facts-

Ebola Transmission
If we are accepting what governmental leaders around the world are telling us, Ebola is contracted by being in contact with the carrier of the disease. Ebola is considered the "caretakers disease" and for good reason. Ebola is only transmittable when the patient begins showing noticeable symptoms I.E flue like symptoms, internal and external hemorrhaging, vomiting, etc. The reason it is so rampant in three of the many African countries is because the living standards and medical procedures there are much worse than around the world. Many still believe Ebola to be a superstitious disease and do not head the warnings of doctors there. Sick patients are living in a small home with 10 other people while vomiting and bleeding everywhere while mother and father take care of them, in turn getting the disease.

Ebola in the U.S.
The man who contracting Ebola and flew to the U.S. had lied about being around anyone who had Ebola and flew the airlines without symptoms. The 2 U.S. nurses had contracted the disease because they did not have the proper equipment in the Dallas lab to be 100% safe from infection. Both nurses are doing well since the sickness was caught early. Quarantines in large hospitals and proper equipment have been sent to ensure that it doesn't transmit further.

Infectiousness of Ebola
Don't be around someone who is vomiting, coughing up blood, shitting themselves, or bleeding out of their skin and eyes. Many other diseases and sicknesses are MUCh more contagious than Ebola, with a higher death rate. Over 40,000 people die every year from the flue in the United States alone. Go get a flu shot and stop having a meltdown over Ebola (not directed at anyone, just the media and mass coverage in general)

This is, indeed, fear mongering.
Quote from: TRITIUMNITR0X on Oct 07, 2014, 01:39 PM
Unfortunately for me, I've been fucked over by Steam's Greenlight / early access scams way too many times (ie. Rust, 7D2D, The Forest, Arma 3, ORION, War Thunder, etc.)
How were some of those games scams?
He is making nowhere near that much money. You're not ttaking into account that they are not paying nearly as much as you think. Psy, with his Gangham Style, made roughly 890,000 dollars off of his youtube video that had +1 billion views.  http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/12/how-much-are-1-billion-youtube-hits-worth-only-870-000-just-ask-psy/266020/
Just played an AI mission and DAMN they are smarter in the long term than you'd think. I was firing in one direction and they actually used flanking maneuvers and stuff like that which I thought was pretty cool.
Quote from: ExconHD on May 10, 2014, 06:57 PM
Quote from: rallyreaper on May 10, 2014, 03:05 PM
Quote from: spen96 on May 10, 2014, 02:12 PM
Please don't start banning guns.

I'm not ;) I'm adding something i like to call, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
So you take out a gun and decide to add a rocket launcher?

Quote from: ExconHD on May 10, 2014, 04:38 AM
Great so now people are highly defenseless against vehicles. Now I'll just go add some ammo to my Venom and ruin everyones day :)
I've been looking everywhere for ammo for a 50 cal but cannot seem to find it XD. Seems you had better luck!
Quote from: ExconHD on May 09, 2014, 05:12 PM
Quote from: rallyreaper on May 09, 2014, 04:00 PM
Quote from: ExconHD on May 09, 2014, 03:55 PM
What about the 4 other LMGs I named? There's a reason that they're in game.

They don't do the 8000 blood damage that the mk 48 mod 0 does, so till i get people complaining about them then ill deal with it. and i mean active players, people who actually play the server xD
Uh yes they do...... The PKP actually does even more than the mk48 because it's 7.62x54 instead of 7.62x51 that the mk48,M60 and M240 variants use. Think about it the mk48 uses M240 belts  why wouldn't the M240 also do 8k damage.
You have a point on the m240 variant, but I'm not sure about the PKP.
Quote from: Jyncs on May 09, 2014, 12:24 PM
A few things, very minor.

1. The trader for vehicle/tools seems to be missing at Stary traders

2. Last night I got stuck at Stary Traders when a spawned vehicle flipped blocking me in between the trader and the walls around him. I cannot resell it back because I have not sat in the driver seat yet. I cannot sit in the driver seat because it is flipped. I cannot vault or crawl underneath of it. I cannot die because of god mode. If someone could just remove the UAZ I bought....that would be swell.

Good job still, I hope it lasts still. Josh, Rally and I took out some AI's last night, it was sweet
Yea, a Huey was buzzing me with their guns and finally took out their pilot and it crashed right in front of me. Really fun!

@Excon, Instead of complaining about everything, why not give constructive criticism as to why Rally should not remove the MK48. There are a ton of more powerful weapons to get, but the MK48 is just stupid good against basically everything. Besides, you can still get them through AI missions. 
If there is a way to drop the aircraft (especially airplane) spawn rate, it would be greatly appreciated. I have not gone 5 minutes without finding a flyable aircraft of some sort. Biplanes and c130's are ok, but I have found ospreys constantly. As for helicopters, there are tons of MI's littering open fields and such. Little birds, black hawks, and venoms are found much less. If possible, could you just lower the spawn rate somehow?

EDIT: Where the hell do you find ammo for the .50 cal on the HMMWV GPK M2 (heavily armored humvee). It's like 129x99 ammo or something, but haven't found any! You can't buy them at traders either...
Quote from: Jyncs on May 08, 2014, 12:02 PM
Was on last night for a bit of fun.

One thing that I would like to see added (but is more of a personal preference than anything) that I have seen on other servers is that when you spawn, you are dropped in and have to use your parachute to land. I just love that element of it, and it also gave more random spawn points than just the coast. (Again, personal preference because I think it is a bit more fun to drop in like that!)
only bad thing is that players can see you dropping in, giving them an opportunity to hunt you down.
Quote from: Pimmert on May 07, 2014, 06:20 PM
I'll install arma again for this, im curious if its any better than standard dayz
Imo it is. Standard days is fun as hell, but once you get geared up well, there's nothing to do

In epoch, you build bases, find vehicles, make money, fight people/ai (more often since they are localized at trading hubs). It also allows you to have more badass things like humvee convoys and armored SUV's.  The amount of vehicles on the server is awesome too. Most of them are in bad shape and low gas but still work. This allows people to move without giving an unfair advantage (which an unarmoured crappy vehicle isn't much of an advantage other than moving around the huge map)

@Jyncs- be on at 5pm EST and you, rally, hobodavid and I can go looting and get everyone geared up!

PSS: Is the MK48 in the server? If so, please consider banning it. Of all guns, this thing can fully auto shoot 8k damage rounds that can take most any vehicle out with a few shots...
You're doing a great job with fast response, Rally.

I do have one major complaint and everyone is gonna not like it: Please please PLEASE remove towing. I hate the idea that you buy a LOCKED vehicle and then someone just comes and tows it away...unless if there was a way to not be able to tow owned vehicles :)
Also another bug seems to happen for me and a few others: When you die, instead of logging out to the lobby, you have to completely restart the game or it'll get stuck at "waiting for character to create"

Another is the kicking for side chat talking allows you to insta-disconnect and reconnect without the punishment that occurs when you alt-f4. It's basically even easier than alt-f4.

Other than that, loving the server and having a blast finding vehicles and shooting at AI XD
Can't wait to play!! I missed Epoch even though last time was a little rough. Too bad I just renewed my sub to Eve online and then THIS comes out...
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Jan 26, 2013, 12:08 AM
repost :D