Jun 07, 2024, 05:16 PM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - Leemur35

General Announcements / Re: What is this?
Jan 08, 2016, 02:18 AM
Pokemon Map.
Perhaps we could use some more eventhosts to the eventhost teams. I am always aware that there is a rule in place that says that eventhosts cannot host events with too big of prizes? Or is that just for reasons of money issues. I ask this because in my experience  the bigger the prize pool (about 100k) the people in the event go up quite a lot. This makes for better events because more people are in them. Better Events = More Fun. More Fun = More Votes. More Votes = More People. More People = More donations. More Donations = Happy Towelie.
In addition to the above statement. I would add more rewards and better rewards to try and keep higher level players interested in voting. In order to do this I would Add another tier to voting rewards. After that I would add if you continue to vote everyday you remain at the highest tier as long as you continue to vote.

In order to get people donating more: I believe you need to expand the selection of items to donate for. Right now the only real thing you can get are cosmetic items and ranks. Therefore I believe we should add more item bundles or Enchant Level (maybe some SFTmmo exp). Finally I believe we should add a difference upgrade for Donation ranks. For instance if you have donator (12USD) and want to get Contributor (34USD) you can pay 22 USD and get the new rank.

These are just ideas that I'm throwing out to help out a bit. Thanks.
Woot, Needed both of these, thanks Tow.
General Announcements / Re: Please /vote
Jan 01, 2016, 08:25 PM
I figured this might help people realize that their votes are indeed very VERY important.
Username: Leemur35
Rank: Elite
Timezone: GMT -5
Can we add a giant Zombie Survival mod to this map. That would be amazing. Then add some pre built towns and buildings.
General Announcements / Re: Anyone hungry?
Dec 23, 2014, 11:20 PM
*throws hand up* I shall assist you however necessary.