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An Informational Update

Started by UnicornOnACob, Jan 23, 2020, 05:41 PM

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'So, what is this server?' - a question I was asked recently. I often see Guests joining for the first time and then leaving again after an hour or so, never to return. A possible explanation for this could be a lack of information available to new players about plugins and such; all that new players are really presented with (that I'm aware of) at spawn and /warp guide is SlimeFun, the rank system and a few fun commands. I'm thinking SFT could do with an updated guide or at least a way of seeing a list of plugins that players are going to come across and have access to (therefore needing to understand how they work) eg. Steve Co, PyroMining, PyroFishing, PyroMon. We get a lot of questions about these plugins in particular and I think they can be rather intimidating to new players that just do /random as soon as they see that you can and are thrown into a world they thought was going to be vanilla but is really far from it!

One potential option would be an exit message when a player leaves spawn that asks them if they've read the rules and such, maybe detailing a warp such as an updated guide where they can find information on things they're likely to come across in the early stages. We have some really great plugins on SFT that a lot of new players just aren't educated on, having the potential to essentially overwhelm them when they do come across them. If we could make it clear to players there are a few things to learn about the server before they learn that they can just warp away off the get-go we might get less confused new players who take the easy option of just leaving as soon as they come across something they aren't familiar with from other servers/singleplayer.

TL;DR - we could do with an updated guide :)
I started with 10 hearts, now im at nine, because you stole one from me (porcupine). -dyduke :'(:heart:


I was thinking the same thing, the guide really needs an update.


Well uhm, if someone were to write a new guide in a book, I could do that. And FYI, you don't even have to write it in-game as this *SHOULD* work:

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


I'd be willing to give it a go, I'd appreciate a list of plugins to write about (as I may miss some that I'm not too familiar with) and any recommended topics to cover you may have.
I started with 10 hearts, now im at nine, because you stole one from me (porcupine). -dyduke :'(:heart:


Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796