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Started by AutoHandler, Sep 09, 2022, 08:47 PM

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In-game Nickname: Sox#2302

   Forum username: iiRampage

   Why were you banned ?:
   Dear SFT staff,

As requested by UnicornOnAcob, I've took it upon myself to look into the horrible things i've said in the past by scrolling through old dms to find screenshots. This way I can perhaps show my sincere regret in my actions better. I did not recall saying most of these things since it has been nearly 2 years. I regret making jokes about pedophilia and the intercourse of two little people. Another thing I would like to add is that I don't actually think Alvin and the chipmunks are "hoes". All the things I said were all impulsive messages that I typed out in the heat of the moment without really thinking about the consequences and the feelings of others in the server. Allow me to explain why I would like to be unbanned:

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   First of all, I'm a whole new person. In the time being away from SFT I've developed myself to be a more responsible human being. I've always regretted my actions which lead to me getting banned from the Discord server. After I got banned I played on the server for a while but it just didn't feel the same since I had no way to interact with the community without being in game. Second of all my beloved friends are in the discord having fun without me which is alienating and up right upsetting. I've heard alot has happened in the past year and I would love to be able to check it out without  having to see the occasional screenshots sent by my acquaintances. I hope I have expressed my regrets and sorrows in the most sincere and formal way I possibly could have. Again, I would love to be part of the community again.

   Extra Information:
   This took a while to type but I hope the fine ladies and gentlemen on the staff team are willing to give me another chance to redeem myself.

Yours truly,

Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Discord Moderators are discussing your request, in the meantime got a couple questions for ya

Quote from: AutoHandler on Sep 09, 2022, 08:47 PMIn the time being away from SFT I've developed myself to be a more responsible human being.
How would you describe your state of being in the past? What are your goals now? For example, I noticed myself thinking bitterly (previous state of being), and now I'm trying to focus on reminding myself that I'm loved, and to share that love with others (goals now). Feel free to respond directly to me if you wish.

Quote from: AutoHandler on Sep 09, 2022, 08:47 PMI hope I have expressed my regrets and sorrows in the most sincere and formal way I possibly could have
Thank you; it shows. Apologies are nice and all, but what I really want to see is the new you. I want to sign on to discord, and want to think "Man, I'm glad Rampage is here, they truly make this place brighter, lifting others up, nothing like they were before". Apologizing to the staff is one small part, it's the community that both you and I are here for, be the change you want to see the world.
Have a fantastic day!


At this time we have decided not to go ahead and unban you, but that is not to say you will never be unbanned with future requests. The reason you won't be unbanned at this time is because we feel we gave you plenty of chances to get your act together when you still had access to our server, and it doesn't feel justified at this moment in time to give you another.
I started with 10 hearts, now im at nine, because you stole one from me (porcupine). -dyduke :'(:heart: