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A stupid mistake I made in my MC world (its basically a story lol)

Started by Aelia Angel, Jun 29, 2018, 04:49 PM

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Aelia Angel

I was in one of my Minecraft worlds and I decided to go exploring, marking my path with landmarks that I would remember easily, because I am a visual learner xD. It turned out to be a big mistake I wound up getting really into mining coal in a ditch and I had forgotten which way I arrived to the ditch. I thought I was going the right way, until I realized I didnt recognize anything. I tried finding my way back to the ditch, but I wound up getting even more lost.

I didnt want to die, I had a lot of stuff in my inventory, and It was really good stuff too.
I decided to make a cave and dig allllll the way to bedrock. I only had about 20 torches and about 8 stone pickaxes and one iron pickaxe. I somehow made it to bedrock without needing to got the surface more materials xD. I easily found redstone a few minutes after I hit bedrock. Thankfully I had mined some iron on the way down to bedrock. In fact, I got more than what I needed.

I didnt encounter lava, which is good. I'm not good with lava. xD

I went back up to the suface and thankfully it was daytime, and it was rainy, but I didnt mind it.
I had no wood with me, so I mined a nearby tree and made a crafting table, later using the cobble I mined to make a furnace with said crafting table. after that, I made a compass. Two to be exact.

Since I now know what the compass does, instead of just being there, I used it to find spawn. It was actually closer than I thought and I saw the giant mushroom I had mined a bit before I got lost in view before I even put one torch down. I was really upset with myself. I mean, I literally made 4 stacks or torches for nearly nothing! I made a trail of torches so I would find the cave anyway. Theres gotta be more redstone down there! xD

Two lessons:
1. Dont give up
2. Make sure you know where you are before you make any location related decisions. xD

I failed pretty badly, didnt I? xD More proof Im a noob at Minecraft, despite the fact Ive played since 2013.
Former Pocket Mod
If you fail, fail foward. Don't be the victim of the hard times. This is what it takes to be successful.


Sounds like my first experience with the nether except with no compass and not being close at all to my nether portal(I eventually found it about 200 blocks away from me on the other side of a lava pit, very elevated)
You must accept the fundamental truth of reality, Lost = Life!!


i've done this many a times, what i have learnt what is easiest for me is to write down the co-ordinates of where my base is or write down the general direction i was coming from by looking at the sun


This usually only happens to me when I'm mining in caves, as I have a strong memory of the path I took but caves always look different when walking back the other way xD

Long time StarNomad