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[Survival] Voterewards revamp

Started by Wppvater, Feb 12, 2021, 07:28 PM

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Feb 12, 2021, 07:28 PM Last Edit: Feb 12, 2021, 07:40 PM by Wppvater
Hello everyone!

For a few weeks now I've been reworking the voterewards plugin and config, which has resulted in the following changes:

New features:
- The plugin now tracks your total votes, vote streak and highest vote streak
- Milestones: When you hit a certain amount of total votes you'll get a Milestone reward, which may include specific rewards or getting a reward from a high tier. For example voting for the first time will give you a bonus 3 steve co crates and keys!
- /vinfo to give you information about your voting stats. /vinfo player to see that of another player (member+ to use)
- /vtop votes/current/ever to see the people with the highest amount of votes, highest current voting streak or highest ever voting streak
- Tiers are now determined by your vote streak.
- Grace period: If you miss voting during an entire day as counted by the server, you'd normally be reset back to tier 0 (and vote streak 0). With the grace period if you vote within 5h of the server "resetting the day" (which it does at midnight UTC) you'll keep your streak!
- New special tiers: 5, 6 and 7. These do not occur as often as 0-4.
    - Tier 5 occurs once every 30 days, so when you've voted 31 days in a row tier 0 will be replaced by tier 5. Next time will be at 61 days. Tier 5 rewards are worth 100k on average (2x as much as tier 4)
    - Tier 6 occurs once every 100 days, using the same logic as above. You'll also get a reward from tier 6 every time you hit a multiple of 300 votes. Tier 6 rewards are worth 200k each on average.
    - You get a reward from tier 7 each time you hit a multiple of 1000 votes. Tier 7 rewards are worth 1m each on average.

Rewards have also been revamped! They now include lots of different items, with many new vanilla, pyrofishing, pyromining and slimefun additions. All tiers are at least as good as they were previously, and some of them have been buffed significantly!

Some of the new rewards include artifacts, dolphin tails, diamond ores, mythical fish, sifted ore, concrete, crab scales, fossils, shiny spawn eggs (rare so you won't get too many), rare steveco crates and keys, shulker shells, player head coupons and a very rare nether star. There's around 200 different rewards, which is too many to list so you'll have to find out for yourself by voting!

Something to be aware of is that we'll have to wait to get data from other databases, so everyone will get their first vote reward as they vote for the first time after the update.

Votetokens are a bit less common than before, around 10% less.


I cant wait to see what I get at 20,000 votes cast...