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[Survival] Hopper limits.

Started by SashaLarie, Mar 08, 2021, 02:33 PM

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Mar 08, 2021, 02:33 PM Last Edit: Jun 14, 2021, 08:13 PM by Kakota
Hello everyone!

Unfortunately, due to the fact that hoppers are the main cause of the huge lag spikes on the server, we need to take action. We are reducing the hopper limit from 200 to 100 (per player) so please make sure that you remove any hoppers that put you over the new limit. We are aware that this will make some of you unhappy, but it is a very important change that we need to make.

We thank you all for your cooperation and patience!  :heart:

Please take a moment to read this long explanation Towelie made:

So, going to cover a few frequently asked questions:
- Why did we remove pipes : We found out that even though it worked the plugin was outdated and not opensource, and if we kept using it, we ran the risk that at some point in the future, let's say when 1.17 comes out we would lose the pipes.. And that would cause even more harm than removing them half a day after adding them did
- The limit was raised to 100 per player and it's going to stay like that
- You can find autosmelters in /sf guide under Electrical Machines. You can use my free energy bank at /warp airstrip to power them, just place the furnace on a green mat and you can start using it. Otherwise you will also need your own electrical network
- Our devs are currently working on slimefun expansions that a) add autosmokers b) make cargo management system in slimefun useable by changing the reicpe to no longer need holograms
- We are not actively enforcing the rule yet, we are giving everyone a few weeks before we start enforcing it. I didn't mention that part but yeah
- I get this is upsetting but honestly, 100 hoppers is enough when the addons will be made, and they are currently being made as a high priority.
- Hoppers are by far the most lagging thing in minecraft, and the laggiest thing is a hopper waiting for an item. I knew when I took this decision that reducing the limit to anything will generate controversy, but I didn't see a better option. Well... I did have another option but it involved completely breaking some functionaltiy of hoppers by making hoppers tick every 3 ticks and transfer 3 items every 3 ticks instead of 1 item every tick. That would break hoppers that depended on redstone clocks
[9:55 AM]
So I'd lke to recommend everyone to get into Slimefun and use it. We will add more to it and check the blocked items, try to maybe enable more of them, as far as making our own custom addons, so you should find replacements for most common hopper systems there soon (don't have a term but our devs are actively working on it)
[9:56 AM]
[9:56 AM]
Hope this clears most questions


Yep, sorry everyone but hoppers are really laggy :S

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50 is nowhere near enough
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Quote from: George on Mar 08, 2021, 05:52 PM50 is nowhere near enough
Actually they are with pipes... for anyting except lag machines. Every hopper lags the server a ton.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796