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What would you buy?

Started by iLaxrv10, Apr 14, 2015, 05:48 PM

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Apr 14, 2015, 05:48 PM Last Edit: Apr 15, 2015, 07:18 PM by iLaxrv10
Hey guys! iLaxrv10 here and I was wondering what people would buy!

:goldenapple: Can be as silly as you want
:goldenapple: Cant offend anyone
:goldenapple: Cant be inappropriate
:goldenapple: Cant use profound language

Ill give a good and bad example

I would buy:
:goldenapple: a completely custom pc
:goldenapple: multiple lizards
:goldenapple: boat filled with monkeys

I would buy:
:goldenapple: A knife
:goldenapple: A m******ing hippo
:goldenapple: A bag to put on iLaxrs face because he is ugly.

I know this is a really wierd game but I was bored and it will hopefully fix your boredom as well!

Ex-Pixelmon Manager
Ex-Survival, Lost Islands, Pocket Edition Elder
Ex-WildWest, B-Team, Factions, Prison Owner


I would buy:



 :diamond: i would buy a wonderful gift for my best friend to say thanks for everything she's done for me
:diamond: i would buy a custome made pc
:diamond: i would buy a game store
:diamond: i would buy microsoft to tell them to STOP buying everything


I would buy poop, alot of poop ALOT OF POOP POOOOOOOOOOOOP
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.


i would buy happiness time and friendship :3


- Microsoft
- Apple
- Samsung
- Minecraft
- Time
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Google

Something like that..


I would buy...

1) minecraft for pc :p
2) Super gaming computers
3) Games for it


 :greenrecord: 5 single family houses in a small area
:greenrecord: Custom built pc for every one of my family members living in the area
:greenrecord: A small solar plant to power the area
:greenrecord: A bomb shelter in the area
:greenrecord: Massive plumbing network for the best water cooling possible
:greenrecord: Buy out all the government and establish UN as the government to rule all of the countries
:diamond: Alpha Centuri cuz why not

Quote from: iLaxrv10 on Apr 14, 2015, 05:48 PM:goldenapple: Cant use profound language
So I cant say anything intellegent?


I would buy many stocks, so I can remain rich.


I would buy a massive castle with so many rooms I could get lost (always wanted to do that) and with secret passages c:

Also a really good gaming pc fur lyfe

And the best food on da planet, so there aren't any preservatives and stuff in my body

Long time StarNomad


I Would Buy:

 :gold: Minecraft
 :gold: PC Gaming
 :gold: Gaming Laptop
 :gold: All Games :3
 :gold: All Gaming Console
 :gold: Fraps
 :gold: GAMING headset
 :gold: Gaming Mouse
 :gold: Gaming Keyboards
 :gold: Gaming Bag
 :gold: Gaming Chair
 :gold:  Minecraft Premium Account  :christmaspig:
im shy mg.


I'd buyyy

A Large-ish house, with around 5 bedrooms, living rooms, large garden, bar, few bathrooms, secret cinema room, etc.

64 inch flatscreen tv with surround sound.

Unsure why "knifes" aren't allowed, but like collectors swords/knifes, I'd buy a few.

Fallout shelter in the garden.

Stock food.

I'd probably buy a few cars.

Consoles, loads of games and stuff.

Insane Gaming PC.

Loads of cds

A safe to store money for download festival for years and years to come.
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 16, 2015, 09:12 AMI'd still like to see the nativity scene re-enacted in minecraft while I eat popcorn and mock Christians
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 17, 2016, 08:45 AMSending me any inappropriate pictures will cause you to get banned (unless you are a female and 18+)



An otter


a life


Aelia Angel

Dec 19, 2015, 10:19 PM #14 Last Edit: Jan 12, 2016, 12:00 AM by Kitty_Cat
My own PC with MC and Pixelmon Server.
A kitten translating device.
A magic potion to open the MCPE server of SFT on my iPad.

EDIT: i didnt need a potion to open the MCPE server
Former Pocket Mod
If you fail, fail foward. Don't be the victim of the hard times. This is what it takes to be successful.


I would buy....

 :diamond: A New iPhone 6s

 :diamond: UC Berkeley so I could go there for free

 :diamond: Several houses throughout every region of the world to visit and stay in
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


A servant to do my work 4 me!
Apple company,
More Guinea pigs


1. World peace

thats all i want...........


Pay SFT's bills for two years

And buy a new computer