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[Lost] Busy :(

Started by blalp, Mar 15, 2017, 06:49 PM

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As you might have noticed, I have not signed on to lost as much (if at all) in the past couple weeks. This is because I am helping out more on a global SFT scope, such as website, prison, ect. I will continue to be around on skype/discord a lot if you need me. Please don't feel bad if I have to defer you/your question to someone else. It is only because I (unfortunately) don't have unlimited time. I want to help you all, don't get me wrong, just I have to scale down a bit. Does this mean I am forgetting about lost completely? No way. I will continue to try to brainstorm ideas to improve lost, as well as looking at how other sft servers do things, and I am trying to get a couple developers (currently in training) to help out on lost and fix some major problems. If the server is dying or a bug/glitch is happening, by all means, please pm me. For example, I currently have two ideas to improve lost that may take some time to implement. First off, an auto-restarter if tps gets too low (Also will try to add a /voterestart, and if everyone agrees on a restart, it will restart). And additionally, a tour feature when players join for the first time. The chat messages were an improvement, yes, but not enough I feel. This will show them around to a couple locations(<10 seconds) then say another command /tour that will give a more in-depth tour (and 25kEmp). Unfortunately, due to a packed schedule, these will not happen as fast as I would like. The Auto-restarter is first, then the tour.

Hope you understand and have a nice day ;),
Have a fantastic day!