Sep 21, 2024, 01:03 AM


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Started by AutoHandler, Jan 14, 2021, 03:58 AM

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In-game Nickname: Lucky

   Forum username: _Luckycharm_

   Why were you banned ?:
   I made a inappropriate joke.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   I didn't think it was bad to make a dirty joke I really don't think its necessary that im banned I didn't know why xQuicscope banned me the joke wasn't directed to him the person I said it to wasn't mad I don't see why he needed to ban me I really hope this doesn't effect my survival ban time please I'm really looking forward to tasting the air of the amazing sft survival nature please unban me I have learnt my lesson.

   Extra Information:
   also sorry for not adding full stops I'm not good at writing stuff


Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.


Hey Lucky

First off, it was not only the joke that resulted in your ban. It was the actions you took for the entire week that lead to it. The joke was just the final straw. You were constantly interacting with survival staff and players even after being asked multiple times to stop. You were constantly asking people to come to creative after being asked to stop. You were asking me what mods were in the modpacks we have currently even after being told you can google them for a full list. You would join survival vc over and over after being told to stop. You even had the silenced role on our discord due to your actions. So I will not be unbanning you at this time. You can try again in 1 month and we will see then about unbanning you.

Do not post another unban, ask in your survival unban, or dm staff/players asking about an unban from our discord until 2/14/2021 or you r ban time will be increased.
