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Apology to the Server and Staff team

Started by Beanz__, Jan 23, 2022, 11:06 PM

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hey guy's as you know other night I (Smugworm3422) lashed out at everyone for no reason. i'd love to apologise for that as none of you deserved my anger and lashing out that i gave.

the reason why i was in that fowl mood and lashed out at you is because i am over protective of the people that mean a lot to me. that day i went to my phone provider (Vodafone) and i asked them if i could get a sim card replacement like i was told to do over phone and they know full well i have level 1 clearance an they treated me like absoulte crap. they know all the reasons why i have level one clearance and they ignored it, an they decided to drag my mum out who has a lot of health problems and is disabled out not once but twice which nearly put her in hospital and they didnt even give a reason to why they wouldnt allow me to get it myself.

yesterday i called them up and i'm assuming it was someone of high power in the vodafone company who responded as they were outraged that i was turned away as i have level 1 clearance again it's the highest clearance there is. in context of the clearance Level 1 clearance allows me to do everything my mum can do EXCEPT change her billing information, and it was Vodafone themselves who decided to put me on level 1 clearance as they know my mum can't get out to them due to her health and disability.

an that night i was just extremely infuriated due to how they treated my mum. i know this is no excuse to how i treated everyone and i am extremely sorry for how i treated you all, especially when you were just trying to have some banter with me.

If you want me to have any reprecusions for how i treated you all then i'll accept anything you want, as long as i can still play on the server as i love the server. I CAN however promise you that this will NEVER happen again BECAUSE i've realised when i've had that bad a day then it's best not for me to join the server and i will not join if i've had that bad a day, i can promise you that. also i am taking roughly a week off to help calm the situation as i dont deserve to be on for a week with how i treated you all


Hope you're okay Beanz_ mate would be good to see you on soon we have sponges to build.