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Have a Super Fun Time!


Started by AutoHandler, Nov 14, 2024, 05:11 PM

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In-game Nickname: RYAN_D3Dgaming

   Forum username: RYAN_D3Dgaming

   Why were you banned ?:
   Kept an illegal auto-shearer farm up, and accessed the wool chest.

   Why should you be unbanned ?
   Staff hadn't followed the correct procedure in BVCing the build.

The reason it was built was for building wool, no wool was sold!

I didn't gain much wool from using it!

It's a general vanilla feature so I saw no problem - it didn't exploit the game or economy.

It doesn't help that EMP and auto shops are regularly open/stocked. - Which is why I was starting my own to let players play but still beable to get the resources they want.

   Extra Information:
Are you banned? Click here to request an unban.



We are looking into this. I would like to state that there is not a BCV procedure for illegal builds. They are special cases and are handled separately from BCVs. I am unsure of what illegal BCV procedure that you think was not followed.

Wither you got much wool out of an illegal build or not, it is still against server rules. I will also give you the option to add any other additional details that might of led to your ban that you left out during the confrontation with staff before we process. There is one big important detail you left out that I would like you to include in order to gain back our trust.



Nov 14, 2024, 11:04 PM #2 Last Edit: Nov 14, 2024, 11:22 PM by RYAN_D3Dgaming
I understand it was wrong to have the machine, and yes I opened it a few times but the area was hardly loaded so it didn't generate a lot it was everything that was burnt in front of kak!

I also understand that I have said some things yes I regret it.

I've also had conversations with Tow and apologised and said how much I'd love to help get the server back to how it used to be.


Hello Ryan.

I do appreciate you cooperating with me and throwing away the wool without problem. I am willing to unban you on some conditions below. However, if you build any more illegal builds and do not remove it when asked, we may not be as kind about it and with harsher conquenses. If you're unsure if a certain build is allowed or not on the server, just ask a staff member :).

--- Promise me you'll never build any illegal builds again and/or remove it when asked.
--- List me 3 rules from here.
---Serve 2hrs of untrusted(limited commands)

You have one week to respond to this unban. Failure to respond to it within the timeframe will require you to submit a new unban.


Attaching this image as proof to acknowledging the terms & conditions since Ryan can't access his SFT account from mobile for the next 4mo. I will handle this next time I am ingame, and update here.



You have been unbanned Ryan!

You may request your role back when you hit 867h 39m by asking any admin online or opening a discord ticket.

Welcome back :)

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