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MassHunt Event

Started by ThorandCoal, Jul 10, 2014, 04:46 AM

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Jul 10, 2014, 04:46 AM Last Edit: Jul 13, 2014, 10:13 PM by ThorandCoal
This Sunday the 13th, we will be hosting a mass treasurehunt at 4:00 PM GMT -5.
:chest: Your hostesses: ThorandCoal & TennisKhera :chest:

What you will need to bring:
- Food.  :cookedmeat:
- Pickaxes.  :diamondpickaxe:
- Shovels.  :diamondshovel:

- No PvP.
- No flying.
- No compassing.
- No godmode.
- No setting warps inside the event.
- Normal server rules apply.

How to play:
- Warp: TBA.
- Wait for the game to start, Tennis and Thor will let everyone in and you are then free to go. It's pretty much like regular treasurehunt, only on a much larger scale (which means more chests).
- Once you're in, you'll encounter stone and dirt. Break through those, and you may or may not find some chests around. When you find a chest, break it.

You will be able to die in this event! If you die, your stuff becomes free game for anyone playing. There's a high chance your stuff will be found and taken before you can get to it, and you will not be able to get your stuff back unless that person is feeling generous and is willing to give you back some/all of your items. However, you may rejoin after dying no matter how many times you die. As well, you may leave the event to deposit valuables in chests and return with no penalty except starting back at the top.

Countdown to the event:

Event has ended! Hope everyone had fun!


Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796




Survival Elite
Just your average energy drink


Sounds good! :) I probably won't be on that time though  :-\



Thnx tennis and thor!


I've never done a treasure hunt before, this might be a good time to start.


I was going to ask if I could play...but I have to work at my irl job.
I'm so bored with working irl...



tennis and toe hosting it... whats the catch :p Jk seems like fun!

