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[Survival] Everything is 20% off

Started by Towelie, Nov 03, 2014, 09:22 AM

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Everything is 20% off in the Survival Premium Shop.
Also, we have added some of our discontinued items for a limited time only (48h)

NOTE: We are doing this as donations for Survival have not been doing so well and hopefully this will give us a quick fix.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


You may also do /buy in Game!
Please don't forget to /vote aswell!

Thanks tow :)
Quote from: MrEpicWonder on Dec 25, 2014, 09:21 PMi have such a good memory, an apple, an orange and a tennis ball thrown at my dick.


I decided to write this post here instead of making another frontpage post: I am really worried about survival and its existance:

- We keep dedclining with the voting sites. Few years ago we were top 10, then top 20 then top 50 and now... top 100. People don't even vote any more. I have no respect for people that can't even bother to vote daily as it takes them just a few minutes and also rewards them.
- Donations have been going ok i guess with a bit of ups and downs. In this past week, they've been doing bad. (21 eur raised so far this month, and that's ~2 donations).
- I am not seing much involvement from the players/staff lately and I feel like I am trapped and not being able to do anything. I spend hours trying to find new plugins / new functionality to add to keep things interesting but I just can't find something new that would interest the players. Hopefully this will change when 1.8 comes out in ~1-2 months.
- The playercount varies from season to season. In the summer it's really good but the rest of the time it varies a lot reaching lows that seem worrying.

If you really care and want to help us, and can spare a few minutes of your time each day for SFT, here's what to do:
- Vote. Vote daily on all the voting sites. You have no idea how much it helps us. If all the people would stop being lazy and could be bothered to vote daily there would be a huge difference in the number of players/donations vs what we have now
- If you can afford it, donate. If not, voting is already a huge help so try to do that.
- Tell your friends / social media about us and try to get new players around. Word of mouth is the most powerful method of bringing players to our server (That and youtube videos from famous youtubers it seems).

Things aren't ending, i'm just sharing my worries hoping that you will be able to help me with them.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796