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Posting Rules (Marketplace)

Started by Brightpkz, Nov 05, 2014, 01:41 PM

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Nov 05, 2014, 01:41 PM Last Edit: Mar 19, 2016, 04:28 PM by Brightpkz
All normal forum rules apply. Please read them here.

Additional rules for this board:
  • You must lock your topic once the transaction has been made.
  • By posting a market advertisement, you are agreeing to carry through with the deal.
  • All items or property offered must be given in the transaction.
  • You may not change the details of your purchase/sale after the first offer has been made.
  • From now on, selling donator shop items for EmpBucks / any other currency is a grey area. We will not allow post of such trades on the forums and you will receive a warning if you are caught posting it, but you can trade them in-game as long as you don't publicly advertise them. NOTE: This does not apply to permissions, you cannot sell your donated permissions
  • Please remember that selling SlimeFun items are strictly not allowed!
  • Posts that do not have offers will be locked and removed in 7 days.
  • Posts that are not updated in 5 days will be locked and removed 2 days after if the Owner does not PM the current Board Mod that they want to keep it.
  • ALL posts be it selling, buying or auctioning MUST have closing dates, be it a month/week/day (1 month being the most, 1 day being the least.)
Buying rules:
  • The first person to agree to your terms is the one to sell you their product. If you wish to wait for better offers, you must specifically say so in your opening post.
Selling rules:
  • The first person to agree to your terms is the one to get your product. If you wish to wait for better offers, use the auction option.
Auctioning rules:
  • All bids are final and binding unless otherwise mentioned by the owner of the auction.
  • You must specify the close date or the closing conditions in the original post.
  • A bidding time that's set to only start after a bit is made is NOT allowed, instead, post owner should set an auction time.

Store rules:
  • Discuss with the board mod to set up a Store in the Marketplace
  • Make sure you are able to stock up. Inavailability of stocks for 1 month or more will cause the store to be locked.
  • You are to list all sold items with clear pictures/descriptions, stores with unclear item descriptions will be locked.
  • To better promote stores, store posts will get stickied!

Not knowing the rules is not an excuse!
When you are about to make the trade it is highly recommended that you make screenshots proving that the trade went through properly, or that it did not. Video of the trade is much better, however. This will be useful in the event that a dispute comes up.

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


Updated with new rules :)

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


Updated with new features for store posts! :D

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33