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Have a Super Fun Time!

Minecraft FAQ

Started by VikingEatsMeat, Dec 23, 2010, 11:29 PM

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Dec 23, 2010, 11:29 PM Last Edit: Aug 13, 2015, 12:31 PM by Chill2000
Minecraft FAQ

Table of Contents

FORUM (questions concerning the forum)

What does FAQ mean?
FAQ is short for Frequently asked questions.

Are there rules about posting on the forum?
Each board has rules, like for the Minecraft Help board the rules can be found:HERE but on some boards there aren't any. For example in the unban requests, the top-most topic is called: POSTING UNBAN REQUESTS

INGAME (regarding the game itself)

Does this server have a whitelist?
Try connecting to mc.superfuntime.org
(But no, there isn't a whitelist for the server)

What are the server rules?
To read the server rules, either follow this link: Minecraft server rules or use /spawn or /normal ingame.

Can I have my house protected?
Yes you can, while being ingame write /who to see if any Blue Mods are online. (Manager and Admin can also do this, but to relieve their workloads the blue mods have been assigned to do it)
If there is one online, ask him/her to protect your house and if there isn't, try /who again later. You can have a maximum of 10 protected houses in World1 and 10 again in World2.

How do I get blocks/money?
To get resources, you have 2 options.

 -1st You can mine them, which is the main purpose, as this is SMP --> survival mulitplayer. (It's like singleplayer, you have to get your resources yourself, but now you can do it with friends and build with them too.)

 -2nd Trading, you can trade with other players. (There is no mod for trading installed, but it's a popular thing for the players on the server to build shops. The shops have their own systems for trading, some involve flowing water and others chests.)

 -If you get your resources in a dishonest way, ex. stealing, glitch abusing or hacking. You WILL be banned.

By far the easiest way to get some EmpBucks (the server currency) is to go to our homepage and click "Vote for SFT" . You can make up to 20,000emp per day by voting on the 8 server list sites. When you vote, you also receive an item like spawn eggs, cobwebs, xp bottles and much more. These are dependent on the amount of consistent days you vote, so keep voting.

You can sell your items for empbucks, by starting a shop, visiting other's shops or by visiting the Emp when it is open at /warp emp. (If the gates are closed the emp is closed.)

Where can I build a house?
As of now, you can build anywhere except in the spawn town. For more info about building rules, read the rules topic
You can go to the wild by typing /random ingame.
Please do not grief other player's homes or you will be banned.

Can I make my own town?
Yes, you may. But only if these requirements have been met: Please read the building rules at either /spawn or on the website at http://www.superfuntime.org/rules
There are a few conditions you have to fulfill before you can even dream of an approval:
 - 1st The town can't be too big, with lots of unused space
 - 2nd You can only own ONE town
 - 3rd You only can have 5 empty plots at a time, add more when they get occupied.

How do I change my characters skin?
To change your characters skin you need to upload it on minecraft.net
Step one: Go to www.minecraftskins.com and find and download a skin. This is probably the largest database of minecraft skins on the internet.
Step two: Go to www.minecraft.net, log in, go to preferences. Here you must upload the skin you have downloaded. You can drag the picture of the running guy around, so you can see yourself from any angle.
You can also make your own skin. Using a Skin creator And if you have any problems, there's a tutorial here. (Photoshop or any other more or less advanced picture editor can do this too)

I have seen people teleport, how do I do that?
There is a few commands for teleporting.
To teleport to the spawntown write /spawn
To teleport to one of the warp points type /warp <warpname> There is a list of public warps located at /spawn
You can also teleport directly to a player using: /tpa <player> ex. /tpa VikingEatsMeat and you'll send an application to me, asking if you may teleport to me. Then a message will pop up in my chatbox saying <player> would like to teleport to you. To allow type /tpaccept and to decline type /tpdeny. You can also use the command /tpahere <player> to ask if the player wants to be teleported to you. The same accept/decline commands work in this case.  (You can only teleport to a person/a person to you with the /tpa or /tpahere command if the person is online)

Everyone can use /home to teleport to their home. First, use /sethome at your home to set your home location, then you can use /home to teleport back to your home.

Can I start this HUUUGE project that I've been thinking of?
Before cluttering the map completely with random structures all over, we'd appreciate if you check the general discussions board, thus there always being several topics about projects involving enormous structures, check them first, as the building, or what inspired you may already be in the process of construction.
If you have a new idea, of something cool, please post a topic in the general discussions board, to ask for permission and a place to build it (if you locate a place yourself that's great, but it still needs an approval).

OTHER (connection, community and more!)

Will I get any goods/bonuses for advertising the server elsewhere?
Advertising of the SuperFunTime community is always appreciated (positive advertising of course) ;) Please be careful when advertising, since advertising on other servers is strictly forbidden in SuperFunTime, and may get you banned. Always ask permission before advertising anywhere.
As of now, you won't have any personal gain from advertising the SuperFunTime elsewhere, but it will help the community towards a more popular server --> possible donators --> server upgrade (RAM/internet speed/hdd/processor/etc.) Which will result in more playerslots (currently 110) and less lag.
The reason you don't get anything that way is because it's impossible to know if you were the one to guide new users here.

How to play on the SuperFunTime Minecraft server?
To play Minecraft, you need to own the game first. Buy it by searching "Mojang" on Google

What are the server ranks?
This section can be viewed in-game at /warp tutorial as well.
The ranks are listed with the one at the top being the highest.

Admin --> This rank is close to impossible to get. Only the four server owners (TowelieDOH, Dpa1991, FearThe1337 and bogeymanEST) can promote to Admin. The Admins control high end aspects of the server (rank changes, large events, server restarts, etc). Whatever they say is LAW!

Manager --> Only the few most trusted people of the server have this rank. They remove BCVs (Building Code Violations) as well as run the Emporium (the server's official shop). The amount of people holding this rank is kept to an absolute minimum.

Moderator --> Normally the highest obtainable rank (except for manager). To get this rank, you have to be a good asset to the server. The mods are the sheriffs of the server and some of the most trusted people roaming the place. They have all the necessary commands to keep the community going. Mods are the ones to ask if you want something protected or a protection changed, fire/lava placed, 1x1 stacks/towers removed, or someone is breaking server rules.

Junior Moderator --> Jr. Mods have the task of keeping the server clean of griefers, hackers, glitch abusers, etc. (Just like all the above ranks). You could call them the deputies of the server (helps the sherifs and the government --> admins). This rank is not unobtainable, but you have to show how much you care for the server, and prove your worth as a player and helping others out. (A big part of any mods job is helping newcomers!)

Legend --> This rank is given to players who have had a forum account for at least 2 years, have played for at least 1000 hours on the server, and are well known in the community. They should also have no major bans. Promotion is from Owners only. As advantages, they get /kit legend and /jumpto.

Elite --> This rank is given to players who have players that have been playing on the server for at least 500 hours. Advantage: They get /mytime day and /mytime night

Veteran --> This rank is given to the veteran players of the server. People who have 200 hours uptime will achieve this rank. Veterans have access to /top, as well as /kit food.

Sponsor/Santa Claus --> To get this rank you need to donate at least 147 Dollar!! For details on advantages for this rank go here.

Eccentric --> To get this rank you need to donate at least 120 Dollar!! For details on advantages for this rank go here.

Philantropist --> To get this rank you need to donate at least 75 Dollar!! For details on advantages for this rank go here.

Benefactor --> To get this rank you need to donate at least 53 Dollar!! For details on advantages for this rank go here.

Contributor --> To get this rank you need to donate at least 36 Dollar!! For details on advantages for this rank go here.

Donator --> To get this rank, simply donate some money to the SFT community (To get the rank, minimum donation is 10 Dollar). When doing so, you get a few extras. You get some diamonds (according to how much you donated).
The donator rank wasn't made so you can buy your way to power. The rank is merely a sign of gratitude for the donation. Donating should be out of good will, and because you want to help this community grow. Donators have no right to demand things, simply because they donated. Also Donating is not a sheild from bans. you are subject to the same rules as everyone else. Donators have have acess to /top

Member --> To get this rank, you have to play at least 24 hours then get your own forum account from here, or do /rankup member. Members can place [Bridge] [Gate] [Lift] signs and can make towns. They can also do /kit farm and /kit member.

Guest --> Newcomer rank. You will have this rank until you have 24hours uptime and apply for membership and Request a Promotion.  Do notice, however, that there is no "Builder" rank.  This is because even Guests can build! (providing they follow the building rules) Guests can use /kit tools for basic stone tools and /kit torches for 5 torches. They can also do /warp create [name] to set a warp, and /warp pcreate [name] to set a private warp.

Untrusted --> Untrusted has no privileges or commands except /tpaccept and /pstats.  You get this rank if you are banned for x-raying or, in some case depending on the damage, you can get it for griefing.

To see what commands the different ranks have: Read this

(Begging will NEVER get you any rank above member! And will probably even delay the waiting time to become a Member)

I can not connect to the minecraft server, help!
There could be many reasons, first of all, can you connect to minecraft at all, or is it just the SFT server?

 -If you cannot connect to your own minecraft account, Minecraft.net may be down. Open your browser --> go to www.minecraft.net If the site does not show, the server is down, and you'll simply have to wait for minecraft to get back online, this may last minutes or even hours, but I'm sure that Mojang is trying their best to get it back up as fast as possible.

 -Check the shoutbox as a server crash is usually posted there quickly after the crash, also if Towelie is updating the server software, he posts it there. If it isn't written there, try the IRC chat, as people tend to go there and talk about the crash if the server is down.

-A 3rd reason could be that your minecraft client messed up, either by Mojang, a texture pack, or some mod. It could also be because your computer is malfunctioning.
In this case, post here if you think it's because of Minecraft, or post here if you think its your compter for help, because there could be way too many explanations for your client to have crashed and if I were to write them all here, I could probably use the rest of my life posting all those explanations.

All JMods and above have permission to add some FAQs to this post as I probably missed a whole lot.
These were just the ones I could think of. (If you add one, please make sure to use the same layout, or it will be messy in no time)

Did this answer your question(s)? If not, please post a reply below, with your question, and the community will try to answer it!


Dec 24, 2010, 01:57 PM #1 Last Edit: Dec 26, 2010, 12:47 PM by bogeyman_EST


very helpfull dude, thanx ;D


Jan 22, 2011, 09:45 PM #3 Last Edit: Jan 23, 2011, 10:00 PM by VikingEatsMeat
That's the reason it's there :D I gotta update it though, with the recent changes due to the shift from hmod to bukkit. A lot of commands have changed, among other things...

EDIT: FAQ is now updated.


Oh I didn't know you got bonuses for bringing friends.. I just talked my friend ncklmn and dvdlmn into buying minecraft and I told them about the server and now they play pretty much every day haha... Minecraft and SFT FTW!


Quote from: Marc815 on Jan 26, 2011, 08:28 AM
Oh I didn't know you got bonuses for bringing friends.. I just talked my friend ncklmn and dvdlmn into buying minecraft and I told them about the server and now they play pretty much every day haha... Minecraft and SFT FTW!
Great :)


Quote from: freddy_krueger on Mar 08, 2011, 05:51 AM
You should have a list of ALL the plugins we use, because I would appreciate knowing them, along with some other people. Also don't write bukkit, write ALL of the subcatagories too, gate, bridges, elevators, (Hopefully we can try the /stargate). This would allow a much greater understanding for what we use, and possibly increase the use of these too on the server.
That particular list is not public. Towelie is guarding it with his life ::)

If it was public, anyone could just go and get those plugins too, and have a server that runs the same stuff for themselves, making an almost as good server.
Listing the plugins is practically screaming to everyone that they can go and start their own servers.

Also, some plugins (a growing list) is custom for this server only, written by our plugin dev FearThe1337
They are not possible to download anywhere :)


Hooray for privacy and independance!  :D


Updated the FAQ (it's a long time since this was done last)

Now, the new ranks veteran and trainee is included, as well as some better looking links.

And a few other fixes.


can you please add where to find all the commands? I've been looking for quite awhile and have not found a list :(


No1 could / can make a better server than this, SFT is special  :).


I read all of it,  ::)

Took like 30min  :o


Quote from: Miricxboii™ on May 18, 2011, 06:37 AM
I read all of it,  ::)

Took like 30min  :o
That is exactly what everyone should do.
Your resident :christmaspig:.

ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ. ʜᴀʀᴅᴇʀ, ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ, ғᴀsᴛᴇʀ, ᴅᴏɴɢᴇʀ .ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ


Quote from: PortalmanEST on May 18, 2011, 09:49 AM
Quote from: Miricxboii™ on May 18, 2011, 06:37 AM
I read all of it,  ::)

Took like 30min  :o
That is exactly what everyone should do.
And i did.

Nothing more to discuss about it ;)


Perhaps an update would be in place?


Updated something of it.


I have a question, how do i get the thing under the post i make, the one that says achievement get?
Anyone have a link or something to it?


Whatis the server ip? Ik I sound stupid :/


Quote from: Mark8008 on Nov 22, 2011, 05:09 AM
Whatis the server ip? Ik I sound stupid :/

It's mc.superfuntime.org


Hey guys :)
I just looked through the FAQ, and it seems to need a SERIOUS update!

But I'm glad to see that it's still being used. :D


Quote from: VikingEatsMeat on Dec 12, 2011, 02:00 PM
Hey guys :)
I just looked through the FAQ, and it seems to need a SERIOUS update!

But I'm glad to see that it's still being used. :D


Quote from: VikingEatsMeat on Dec 12, 2011, 02:00 PM
Hey guys :)
I just looked through the FAQ, and it seems to need a SERIOUS update!

But I'm glad to see that it's still being used. :D

Your still alive viking?? O_o


I sure am! ;)

I'm just not active at all anymore, there's maybe a month or 2 between my logins. :P

But I'm not sure if I would be able to keep up with all the stuff that's been added, even if I started again... Also, Skyrim is taking up most of my free time xD


a few things needed to be added: remove trainee dpa is know an owner, nolifer(500 hours) contributor(20 euros), benefactor(60 euros) philanthropist(130 euros), And sponsor or Santa clause (220 euros) and remove super donator ;)
Warlock_Ben, Assistant to the one and only Dondougo


Besides it needing updates I find it really helpful.