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Proudly established in 2010, still going!

About Super Fun Time

Started by mordalthunder, Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM

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Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM Last Edit: Oct 31, 2013, 12:59 PM by mordalthunder

While some of you already know this, the newer members don't.
So here's the story of SFT from its creation and until today.
I am not a very good story teller so i will just write this chronologically instead

The team
2008-ish (not exact sure) - I met bogey and Juusto on a samp server. We all played there and were members of that community

(not exactly sure) - bogey and i both start small sa-mp servers and mess around with them. It was my first failed attempt at hosting a server XD (it was on my pc, it was laggy and unreliable)

The start
September 2010 - bogey and I start a garry's mod sandbox server. This server was also hosted on my pc but was better and quite successful. bogey helped a LOT in making the server since i was relatively noobish back then. We met people such as altosigma (darko), Combinesniper, Miricx and others on the gmod server.

The website
October 2010 - bogey and I decide to start a gaming community and forums for our new garry's mod server. Thus superfuntime.org is born. (Domain Name:SUPERFUNTIME.ORG - Created On:02-Oct-2010 07:48:12 UTC). We decided for Simple Machines Forum (which we are still using today), and bogey does most of the work for the site (including making the first SFT frontpage which you may remember)

The birth of SFT Minecraft
November 2010 - darko (gmod name) aka altosigma (minecraft name) tells me about this game minecraft (mind you, i had previously heard and seen minecraft, but only classic, not survival). Initially i thought the game is stupid (yeah, i know, i was a moron :P) so i disregarded his advice. However, after a day or so, i downloaded this misterious pixelated survival game and gave it a try. It was love at first sight. I played for a few hours (20h or so), and that, honestly, is the only time i played minecraft singleplayer. After talking with altosigma, we decide to start a small server that we can play on (with a few friends). altosigma starts building a spawntown in singleplayer, so we have a place to spawn and are protected by mobs. This is the first town SFT had (Torchstone). We start the server, begin playing on it, we each call our friends in and before you know it the server is a success. We started finding staff for the server (as it was becoming needed). Mind you, back then, i used to train every staff member, regardless if he was a JMod or Admin.
Those first days (and even weeks) were the most memorable for me. I loved how we were able to have common storages where we could put starting resources for new players and not have to worry about someone taking them all or something like that. Buut, it didn't last long. When the server got known more (we posted it on server lists,  etc) the first griefing attack started. Mind you, we had no protections back then. When we logged in the next day, everything was griefed, tnt'd and destroyed. It affected us quite hard, but we started rebuilding the town (manually, we didn't have worldedit or stuff back then). In honor of rebuilding the town after the first griefer attack, we built the monument of bling. You can find a video of the first spawntown (a tour of it) here -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By7bVpfRFZg It was also my first minecraft-related video.

The architects
December(ish) 2010 - Two misterious new players joined our server. Initially we thought they were weird because they always played together, built together and did everything together. They had incredible building skills and compared to our cobble shacks their builds were simply breathtaking. These players were Tinoow and Pimmert.
They built awesome things, and we imediately started working together (they started building spawntowns for us).
The first spawntown they built was Civitas Vallis (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT7IcK03he4). A truly awesome and special spawn.By this time the server was getting highly popular and we had ~40 slots i believe.

The fall of SFT
Beginning of 2011 - Unfortunately our new popularity also attracted some unwanted attention. A hacker by the name of Alienyde, for unknown reasons up to this day, began ddosing us keeping us down for days at a time or even weeks. (mind you, back then, the minecraft server was hosted at my place, so we didn't have any ddos protection or anything like that). This has lead us to become a private server for a while, allowing only trusted players to join and closing the server for the rest. This lasted for a few good months. PS: The only thing we ever did to Alienyde was to politely ask him to Stop Talking Like This (with caps at the beginning of every word).
PS: As a terrible coincidence, boymac also joined around this time xd

The rebirth of SFT
February 2011 - A manager (Fractalion) decides to build a weird town made out of worldedited spheres called Spheretown. Each of these spheres had its own mini-biome and people could live in spheres. It turns out this "Spheretown" becomes a huge success, everyone over the internet talks about it (reddit, etc) and before you know it, a famous youtuber whom i never knew about (shameful me), joins the server and asks if he can be given flymod to film Spheretown. We agreed, helped him and what happened next is truly a legend.
That famous youtuber was nobody else than CaptainSparklez. His video Spheretown (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8) helped sft recover from the private community laying in ruins to a public server even stronger than it was before the attack. His video quickly becomes viral and before you know it we start getting hundreds or even thousands of joins each day, all asking about spheretown. This is also when we moved the server to a proffesional datacenter.
In addition to this, another wonderful thing happened: FearThe1337 joined the server. He imediately become a priceless part of this server, as he started developping custom plugins for SFT and help us really stand out from the crowd.

The second admin
May 2011 - The spawn witout a name. Another map reset, Tinoow and Pimmert build an imposing spawntown, with greater proportions than any other spawntown we've had before. You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.
Shannee was being promoted to admin around this time. Mind you, at the time, there was only one owner (me), only one admin (PinkyB) so when shannee was promoted as our second admin it was really an impressive admin. Shannee was an awesome player, an epic admin and a mighty fine lady. She occupies a very important part of the SFT history. She was sort of the mother to the whole server (especially the kids playing there) and was loved by everyone.

The Youtubers
January 2012 - PaintballKitty joins SFT. Being a noob and not knowing anything about the youtubers i had no idea who she was but everyone freaking out and being like "OMG PAINTBALL KITTY" made me realise she's a big shot youtuber. With her, also came pabbie (unfortunately i don't remember whether he joined before or after her).
Kitty brought a lot of attention to SFT via her youtube videos/tweets, contributed to the fun of sft by building a Spleef arena, several parkour arenas and filming videos of sft.
She has also brought several famous youtubers to SFT, such as slyfoxhound, gassymexican, simon from yogscast and bebobvox.
She also brought CaptainSparklez back to see Spheretown 2.0 (built by Fractalion and boymac45).

The Saga Continues
Many other important things happened on SFT and will continue happening, but if i were to list them all here you would have to read for hours.
Do you think i missed something? Let me know in a reply and i will update accordingly.

Behind the scenes
Here's some behind the scenes info about how sft started, how it continued, how it was hosted, etc.
Our first server was a server that i had taken a loan at a bank to buy. That server was meant for webhosting, as i had a failed attempt at starting a webhosting business. Having that server home and having nothing to do with it, i decided to put the minecraft server on it. Mind you, in the beginning, i used to pay all the billls, and the bank loan from buying that server - yep, i still pay that stuff today. It's not much though.
When the server was moved to a datacenter, the bills got too much for me to pay, so we started acepting donations. Since then, we've gone through two server upgrades (hardware), several bandwith upgrades and others.
The donation money are used for paying the server bills, purchasing advertising on reddit/minestatus/other websites, paying 3rd party subscriptions such as cloudflare, dropbox, etc and the leftovers go in a fund that is reserved for when replacement parts are needed (servers are computers, they break and when they do, you need to act fast and replace that part.

Special thanks
bogeymanEST - Without you all of this wouldnt've been possible. Without your help and knowledge i woudlnt've started SFT. I will never forget that.

altosigma - Without you, there wouldnt've been a minecraft server. Thank you for suggesting it and insisting on it. Thank you for building the first spawntown and for dedicating the time to this.

PinkyB - You were the first admin, and the first staff i could trust 100%. You had great contributions to SFT and i have you to thank for what SFT is today. I hope you will come back some time. (FYI: he's having some IRL problems and he said he will try to come back when he can)

Shannee - You were the second admin and a great influence and moral guide for all of SFT. For this we thank you. It was sad to see you go and i hope you come back, even if just as a visitor/player.

Dpa1991 - For all the help you gave me and are still giving me. For all the servers you started (Tekkit, Factions, etc). For the moral support. For basically doing the same thing i do. Never leave.

Fractalion - For basicall reviving my server. It was because of you building spheretown that CaptainSparklez came and made a video and brought us back from the dead. I owe you a great deal for that.

Miricx - For being a great supporter of SFT, making videos/starting projects, despite being a troll.

aknapp13 and Fractalion - For inventing the Emporium and for convincing me it's not a stupid idea :P

lordrayken - For teaching me that not everyone is honest and to not trust anyone. FYI: This guy made up stories about PinkyB going against me, starting his own server and stuff, with the intent of making him admin over pinky. (he was a mod at the time i believe). All the rumors were false, ofc.

boymac45 - For sending me twinkies and for being awesome

All the other people i forgot to mention. - I am trully sorry. If you aren't in this list, it doesn't mean you weren't special or that you didn't contribute to SFT. Means that i forgot to add you here :P.

The players of SFT - for choosing SFT as your favorite server.

There are others too that i have a lot to thank, but because things sort of ended badly, i won't mention it. Just know, i appreciate your work here regardless. (PS: This is adressed to more than one person.)

This is the history of SFT from the start and until now. This is to teach newer players that we aren't just another server out there, and that we have a rather interesting history. This has been (and still is) a heck of a ride, but i'll be damned if i regret anything.
Sure, sometimes you have to do things in life that you don't like, but overall, i always acted for the greater good of the community.
I've been accused more times than i can count that i'm corrupt, that i take donation money, that i promote people based on favoritism, but you know what, all these accusations were unfounded and i proved so. It's up to you to decide whether a server with this history is "just for the money" or if we do it for the pleasure.
FYI: I've been offered money for the server countless time, sums well exceeding 5000$ but i declined every time.
I was also offered to "merge" with another community but i declined as well.
Keep being awesome, and know that there isn't any other place quite as awesome and unique as SFT.

Social Media Links Super Fun Time





Vote Links Super Fun Time

Vote here

Noteable Youtube Videos

Minecraft: Super Fun Time Server

Minecraft | Kitty's Parkour Map ft PaintballKitty | Ep.1

Minecraft | Kitty's Parkour Map ft PaintballKitty | Ep.2

Minecraft: Spheretown

Super Fun Time - Minecraft Server 24/7 No Lag!

Minecraft Gladiator Arena - Coliseum

New Brickport - Minecraft Town


Maybe you should add "By TowelieDOH" next to "History of Superfuntime"? xd Just a suggestion so that people don't get confused xd


Quote from: mordalthunder on Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM
The second admin
May 2011 - The spawn witout a name. Another map reset, Tinoow and Pimmert build an imposing spawntown, with greater proportions than any other spawntown we've had before. You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.
Shannee was being promoted to admin around this time. Mind you, at the time, there was only one owner (me), only one admin (PinkyB) so when shannee was promoted as our second admin it was really an impressive admin. Shannee was an awesome player, an epic admin and a mighty fine lady. She occupies a very important part of the SFT history. She was sort of the mother to the whole server (especially the kids playing there) and was loved by everyone.

It was called Civitas Vallis, I remember because my place was south of it, and it was my favorite map because I found this awesome valley/hole in the ground as well.


Quote from: Jyncs on Oct 31, 2013, 12:04 PM
Quote from: mordalthunder on Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM
You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.

It was called Civitas Vallis, I remember because my place was south of it, and it was my favorite map because I found this awesome valley/hole in the ground as well.
That spawn was called Sanctuary o_O and was built by Shannee.


Quote from: pothnozz on Oct 31, 2013, 03:29 PM
Quote from: Jyncs on Oct 31, 2013, 12:04 PM
Quote from: mordalthunder on Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM
You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.

It was called Civitas Vallis, I remember because my place was south of it, and it was my favorite map because I found this awesome valley/hole in the ground as well.
That spawn was called Sanctuary o_O and was built by Shannee.
Um, no. It was built by Tinoow and Pimmert. Sanctuary  = after we decided to build a new spawn, shannee decided to take the spawn into her custody and name it Sanctuary.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Quote from: Towelie on Oct 31, 2013, 03:31 PM
Quote from: pothnozz on Oct 31, 2013, 03:29 PM
Quote from: Jyncs on Oct 31, 2013, 12:04 PM
Quote from: mordalthunder on Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM
You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.

It was called Civitas Vallis, I remember because my place was south of it, and it was my favorite map because I found this awesome valley/hole in the ground as well.
That spawn was called Sanctuary o_O and was built by Shannee.
Um, no. It was built by Tinoow and Pimmert. Sanctuary  = after we decided to build a new spawn, shannee decided to take the spawn into her custody and name it Sanctuary.
Waaat, i've always thought.. It also says in the SFTWiki that we no longer have. That shannee built it o_O


Quote from: pothnozz on Oct 31, 2013, 03:33 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Oct 31, 2013, 03:31 PM
Quote from: pothnozz on Oct 31, 2013, 03:29 PM
Quote from: Jyncs on Oct 31, 2013, 12:04 PM
Quote from: mordalthunder on Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM
You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.

It was called Civitas Vallis, I remember because my place was south of it, and it was my favorite map because I found this awesome valley/hole in the ground as well.
That spawn was called Sanctuary o_O and was built by Shannee.
Um, no. It was built by Tinoow and Pimmert. Sanctuary  = after we decided to build a new spawn, shannee decided to take the spawn into her custody and name it Sanctuary.
Waaat, i've always thought.. It also says in the SFTWiki that we no longer have. That shannee built it o_O
Nope, Tinoow and Pimmert built it. Unless I'm delusional. I really don't kinow 100%

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Quote from: Towelie on Oct 31, 2013, 03:33 PM
Quote from: pothnozz on Oct 31, 2013, 03:33 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Oct 31, 2013, 03:31 PM
Quote from: pothnozz on Oct 31, 2013, 03:29 PM
Quote from: Jyncs on Oct 31, 2013, 12:04 PM
Quote from: mordalthunder on Oct 31, 2013, 10:41 AM
You can see this spawn in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsYnzE3LTRs
PS: Sadly, nobody remembers what this spawn was called.

It was called Civitas Vallis, I remember because my place was south of it, and it was my favorite map because I found this awesome valley/hole in the ground as well.
That spawn was called Sanctuary o_O and was built by Shannee.
Um, no. It was built by Tinoow and Pimmert. Sanctuary  = after we decided to build a new spawn, shannee decided to take the spawn into her custody and name it Sanctuary.
Waaat, i've always thought.. It also says in the SFTWiki that we no longer have. That shannee built it o_O
Nope, Tinoow and Pimmert built it. Unless I'm delusional. I really don't kinow 100%
Hm. Well well. If we really want to know we could just ask them :p But meh.


Tinoow and Pimmert built it, I am 100% sure. It was called Civitas Vallis.


SFT is the place to be!  8)


I can't be the only one that shed some tears after reading this inspiring story (sorry for the bump)


What did the first superfuntime webpage look like?


Eight month bump, because I'm a jerk.
That is all.

The Lovin Spoon

Sep 14, 2014, 08:16 AM #14 Last Edit: Sep 14, 2014, 05:40 PM by Jyncs
Quote from: MackCashews on Sep 14, 2014, 04:13 AM
Eight month bump, because I'm a jerk.
That is all.
oh you expected nice comments? and funny ratings? well good news for you because bump yourself.


Quote from: MackCashews on Sep 14, 2014, 04:13 AM
Eight month bump, because I'm a jerk.
That is all.

There was absolutely no need to bump this, it was fine where it was. You have been bumping some very old posts recently, and if this continues you will start to receive some delightfull forum warnings.


I was being facetious when I said "because I'm a jerk", brE. While I think I understand your displeasure, your sarcasm is excessive and hurtful. :l
@ddude_stnom my reason for bumping this post was that it gives a lot of info on the history of sft, which I thought was relevant with the fourth anniversary having just happened and given all the nostalgic talk I've heard in the chat. Although I can't speak for all the new players, I know I've personally been wanting to learn more about the history of SFT and how it works, and I found this post helpful. If other new people are in my same situation, bumping it brings it to their attention as well. I honestly didn't expect such a strong negative reaction from everyone, and I'm sorry if I've hurt anyone's feelings or inconvenienced you all terribly.
All that said, I feel I had legitimate reason to read and bump this post, and I don't appreciate being sardonically chastized or vaguely threatened.
ddude_stnom, if you feel inclined to send me a private message with specific posts I've bumped and why you feel my actions were inappropriate, I will of course review it thoroughly to improve my future participation in the forums. If you are rather trying to prevent new people from participating in forum discussion, feel free to disable my forum account.
Good day, all.


Quote from: MackCashews on Sep 14, 2014, 04:13 AM
Eight month bump, because I'm a jerk.
That is all.
+20 warning points

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796



First of all, I would like to apologise if you found my previous post offending at all, and not giving you enough detail why I said so.

I'd like now to discuss why I said so;

Bumping old posts is a serious offence on the forums as 1st. Old topics need to die naturally and 2nd. In your case, there was no need to bump it as this topic is stickied to minecraft discussions.

You can find the forum rules on minecraft discussions aswell. So I suggest you take some time recapping them.

Now, the main reason which bugged me was you posting 'I'm a jerk'. Reason being, as if you were to be bumping a post asking a question, that'd be fine, but for that reason? If you bumped if saying 'Just bumping this to allow new users to see it', it would still not be allowed, but with better reasoning.

So, what can we both learn from this? I need to give better reasons in circumstances like these, and you, for not bumping posts which do not need to be bumped. :P

Your forum warning will still stand, as it is a forum rule, just to let you know.

Hope this makes sense! :)



Just a question, when did people start having PE Super Fun Times?
Pocket veteran/Pixelmon Charmander/Survival member