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Messages - Kakota

-Reduce summerheat and raise winter temps. Even if their own biomes.

-Changing the color palette wouldn't hurt.

If I think of more I'll add.
Hello survival community!

The team is super proud to bring you the new Seasons plugin and allow you to experience a unique gameplay filled with realistic similarities to real life while giving a more survival feel overall!

But what is Seasons and how does it work? Well, we will break it down for you!

Seasons is a plugin that allows you to experience all 4 seasons - Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! Each season has their own pros and cons and you must adapt to the new seasons as they change. With no further ado lets get into some tips and tricks and further information about this plugin!

Base Temperatures

Winter Temp varies from 5C down to -10C

Spring Temp varies from 5C to 23C

Summer Temp varies from 20C all way up to 40C

Fall Temp varies from 5C up to 20C!

But other things like running, swimming, drinking amongst other things all have effects on how cold or hot you get!

Sprinting/Running Adds +5C to your current temperature
Going into any body of water Will reduce your temperature by -10C in Summer and Winter and only -4C in Spring and Fall!
Drinking water Gives you a cooldown buff if your temperature is 25C or hotter for 5 minutes real life time bringing your temperature down instantly by -15C!
Full Hunger Bars Gives a +10C buff if temperature is lower then 25C
Block lights Add 0-30C until temperature is 25C
Rain Reduces your temperature by -4C
Storms Reduces your temperature by -5C

All clothing add the following warmth buffs up to 25C
Leather will add +20C instantly to you - ideal winter clothing!
Iron, Gold and Diamond Armor only add +10C to your temperature
Netherite only adds +8C to your temperature

Farms and Crops

Now you may ask yourself what about farms, how are they effected?

Winter All outdoor crop growth is stunted; bonemeal won't work when winter arrives! However, indoor farms will allow crop growth and bonemeal will work.

Spring Everything is growing! Flowers are flourishing, and crops do grow, just at a delayed rate! Potatoes and carrots you may notice take a bit longer to reach maturity.

Summer Everything is growing like weeds and you'll notice normal speeds for crop growth! You may notice berry bushes blooming too!

Fall Just like Spring you'll notice a delay with some crops like potatoes and carrots taking a bit longer to reach maturity.

Saplings however should grow year around, you may notice some delays in certain seasons though!

How long do the days last? How long does each Season last?

Unlike vanilla minecraft days where each days lasts 20 minutes real life time, in Seasons each day will last 40 minutes giving a more realistic feel to the game and allow you to experience the Seasons even longer!

December: Daytime; 18 minutes Nighttime; 22 minutes
January: Daytime; 17 minutes Nighttime; 23 minutes
February: Daytime; 18 minues Nighttime; 22 minutes
March: Daytime; 19 minutes Nighttime; 21 minutes

April: Daytime; 20 minutes Nighttime; 20 minutes
May: Daytime; 21 minutes Nighttime; 19 minutes
June: Daytime; 22 minutes Nighttime; 18 minutes
July: Daytime; 23 minutes Nighttime; 17 minutes

August: Daytime; 22 minutes Nighttime; 18 minutes
September: Daytime; 21 minutes Nighttime; 19 minutes
October: Daytime; 20 minutes Nighttime; 20 minutes
November: Daytime; 19 minutes Nighttime; 21 minutes

Each season has about 72 minecraft days
Which gives each season about 2 days real life time to cycle thru or 48 real life hours or 2,880 minutes
Overall view and feel of each season

Winter will have a blue-greenish color to leaves and the ground. The sky will appear a bit more white to give it a wintery feel. All exposed water will have a thin layer of ice across when winter arrives. It will snow instead of rain and snow will be a bit more common. Crops will not grow unless indoors. You may also notice more wolves, polar bears, and snowmen around!

Spring will be lustful in flowers - they are everywhere! Bees will be out and about collecting honey. The world will appear in beautiful pink spring leaves, flowers, and a light-blue tint to the waters.

Summer all biomes will have light-blue waters and the sky will appear a bit lighter - leaves in most biomes will get the color of jungle leaves. Spring flowers will disappear and patches of summer berries will appear! Outdoor farms will yield crops 2x faster then indoor farms. Jungle animals will be in every biome and the weather will be clear and beautiful!

Fall will bring much needed rain. Trees will turn into all kinds of colours: orange, blue-green-ish, green, yellow and brown and grass will appear a bit darker and muddy. The sky will linger in grey, giving it the fallish feel! Bats will spawn at night and more spiders(and even cave spiders!) will spawn at night - you may notice even foxes and mooshrooms too!

Temperature effects

Freezing effects -10C will give you increased hunger, -15C will give you slowness and -20C will give you frostbite damage! You'll lost half a heart due to frostbite every second until you warm back up.

Spring effects When your temperature is between 15-30C you'll get 2 extra hearts of health!

Heat effects 55C will not let you heal, so you'll need to lower your temperature to heal back up! 60C will give you slowness and 65C you'll start suffering signs of heatstroke; you will take damage and lose half a heart every second until you get 64C or lower in temperature!

Each biome has their own pros and cons; example a desert biome in summer will be much hotter then a summer birch forest or taiga biome.
A desert biome will be much warmer in winter then a summer birch forest or taiga biome in winter!
But no matter the biome, winter will yield no crops unless it is indoors!
General Discussion / Re: 7 years
Sep 27, 2021, 03:39 AM
I hope this new chapter in your life brings you good things and a positive outlook. We'll truly miss you, and SFT won't be the same without you </3 goodluck buddy, I hope life brings you good things!
Hello SFT community!

A player reported to me of items being shot out of item frames by skeletons, so I looked into it myself and figured out the cause.
Skeletons and players can shoot items out of frames if they are unlocked
Skeletons and players CANNOT if they are locked with /cprivate

To prevent your items from being shot out(and possibly disappear forever!) we are highly encouraging you make sure all your item frames are locked with /cprivate - you can use /cpersist to have this command repeat until you turn it off with /cpersist again.

Have fun playing guys! :heart:
While I'm not sure how direct this is, to what is being asked. World resets do help majorly in SFT - it allows players to build new and improved buildings, get rid of "inactive builds" that have been abandoned(but can have an active owner/player), and allows us to keep up to date on new MC releases and keep SFT up to par with newly added items and worlds! :)

Quote from: Towelie on Apr 28, 2021, 02:42 PMTL;DR Without adding any worlds, how could we improve our current world layout?

Without world resets, I am not sure how this is possible at its best experience. Only suggestion is reseting SW, nether, and theend...SW could have some resources w1/w2 does not, but longrun I am not too sure myself...I personally agree with Autpek as well.
Quote from: Mazeworker on Mar 28, 2021, 09:56 PMMobs(any that use projectiles) can one shot players in full diamond gear... annoying as f.

@Mazeworker mobs are now set on normal mode in w1 and w2 and hardmode in theend, nether and sw :) That should take care of the one-shot in diamond armor as many were dying instantly without a chance to fight back!
Quote from: BluetigerESW on Feb 25, 2021, 03:42 PM@Kakota FYI, 1.8.9 would be the best version to play on (not 1.8.8), although ik the server is 1.8.8 cause for some reason the only 1.8 version of paper was that.

I tested it with 1.8.9 and it works! I'll update the post with this :)
Mini-games release postponed for now, its not yet ready.

Hello everyone! We are really excited to announce this.

*intense drumroll...*

We are releasing Minigames this weekend!
Let's give our Minigames build team a huge shoutout for putting in the time to make this possible!

The server currently has BedWars on 1.8.8 for an old pvp-style. We are planning on adding more exciting minigames in the future!

We all hope you enjoy this awesome minigame and hope to release future ones if you all enjoy BedWars! Do you want to see any minigames or other things added? Let us know below!

Note to anyone wanting to play - Minigames will require 1.8.9 to play, since we are using the old combat system. You will have to create a profile for 1.8.9 on the MC Launcher.

Additional information will come this week!

We hope you have a lot of fun!
Quote from: cyuma_ on Jan 29, 2021, 11:19 AMIt's kind of a suggestion although it might sound stupid. I feel like the Emporium should sell ores. I sometimes have a hard time finding ores (mainly emerald ores) for my autoshop. I would be helpful to like just go to Emp, buy it real quick. That way i can keep my store stockedu p and the community happy! Just a suggestion, I would understand if it would be denied.

While your suggestion is great and would make a great additional the Emporium, there are a few reasons it isn't added. Sometimes when you mine one ore, you get a double drop(so you get 2) and also, with fortune(2 or 3) you can get several item forms out of one ore and make a decent profit to the emp. So finding a price to balance it would be a bit tricky and a possible way to become rich off the system currently. But lovely suggestion! :)

Quote from: Magnet on Jan 29, 2021, 01:01 PMI feel like the tolerance level for people who break the rules is too high. I myself have seen first hand that too many warnings are given before someone gets kicked or banned. This is especially true on the Discord server, although it certainly does happen on the Minecraft server. If the tolerance level for rule breakers was lower and action were be taken more quickly, I guarantee you that there would be so much less toxicity on the server and would overall make the community a lot better. I love this community more than you know and I want nothing more than to see it thrive and for it to be a safe place for people to go to when they are dealing with issues in their life.

I'll bring this up to the manager+ team

Quote from: simp_chef on Jan 29, 2021, 02:44 PMi have a suggestion maybe admins and managers should holkd a contest to make a datapack for the survival server it may sound stupid but  i think it would be pretty cool

I'll bring this up the team to see how doable this is!

Quote from: Mazeworker on Jan 29, 2021, 04:03 PMCan we bring in Micro Blocks... like the ones I've seen on the Hermit Craft videos.

And allow the Traveling Trader trades (For the micro blocks) I think it would be a neat idea to have something else to collect.

I'll look into this and see if I can find an updated version!
Quote from: BepiStar on Jan 19, 2021, 07:48 PMOh Kak this is awesome!!! When I get my next payment I will definitley make a couple purchases!  :laugh:

Sounds great! Just contact me on discord or my Etsy weather USA or International! I did the Etsy to make domestic easier haha :) But I do not mind PayPal for domestic's!
Quote from: Groot_69(MW3) on Jan 19, 2021, 07:41 PMAre these things you put on your keychain?

Yes! Their a keyfob :) I'll punch a hole in for the buttons(your color choice!) and add a spilt keychain ring to attach your keys to! I also have small lightweight clasps used for lanyards to attach to a current keychain ring!

Edit - these can also be attached to backpacks or even used as a zipper pull! But most commonly used as an keyfob/keychain for a keyring!
This has already been discussed with and approved by Towelie.

Hi everyone! I have released keyfobs and can do drink coasters in these designs too upon request!
30% of all profits will go directly back to SFT to help the server  ;D

All keyfobs are custom made - choose the thread color(s), and even button color!
I am selling these on my Etsy for domestic and International can be done via PayPal!
I can ship these pretty much anywhere in the world via First-class mail with insurance.

For those wanting to buy outside the USA, please contact me on discord Kakota#2524 to discuss shipping prices & total payment price!

(The long wait times on my Etsy are just for the custom ones due to COVID19 delays & to ensure the customer is happy before shipment!
Most will ship within the week for instock supplies!)
Thank you all for your input and votes! I will be locking this as we're looking into it  :)
Hello everyone!

I know there was a poll about this before, but we are redoing it!

Please comment below why you'd like to see this on SFT or why you wouldnt!
When you think of SFT, do you think of it having bedwars or do you not?
If we added bedwars, would it effect you staying or would you leave?

Please give your honest input, we want to know why you'd want this added or why you don't want it added! Can be for any reason at all, we want to know if its worth adding :)

We came across a very neat bedwars plugin that would work similar to our other minigames like /murder /terminal /rooftops etc on how it'd work!

This plugin in will be a minigame and work like the ones mentioned above ie you will not loose your levels, items, etc.
Hello survival players of SFT!

We are very excited to announce our Secret Santa for 2020!
First off, lets give a big shoutout to @TheStarNomad✯ for designing this years Secret Santa!

How does this work?
Contact any mod+ online and request a chest to be placed for you!
Once the mod removes the lock, you simply do /cdonation and tada! The chest is yours :)
No one can take back what they placed - so no risk of being stolen!

You can leave anyone a gift in their marked chest by simply opening it and placing the item in there ;)
All names are in Alphabetic order to easily find your friends. There are warp signs located at the beginning and on the floors on the posts outside the rooms!

What happens if you put the wrong item in there?
Inform an admin+ ASAP to retrieve it for you!

When does this event end?
December 24th is the final day of gift giving!

How long can I claim my gifts?
Until January 8th, all unclaimed items will be left at your /home via an admin+

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact TheStarNomad via ingame or discord The Star Nomad ✦ ᛖᛚᛋ - ᛖᚾᛞᛖᚱ#8100

Merry Christmas to all!
/warp SS2020 to claim your chest and start the Secret Santa gift giving!
Goodluck Maze on the surgery! Praying for a safe recovery!
I do not have any screenshots....but I remember this to this day.

When I first joined SFT I was about 16yrs old back in 2014, it was my first server I ever joined. Being inexperienced and a bit young, I kept dying often to mobs, falls and other normal deaths. I cannot remember the player, but I remember her name was a light blue(elite type I think). She owned a treehouse, free of rent to anyone and everyone and she offered me a room, showed me around a little crop and meat farm. Free of charge, and honestly...this encouraged me to stay.

I died less, and had a home to store all my belongings. If it wasn't for her I probably would not stayed due to my high-death rate....I now built my own guesttown to encourage guests to stay! Also opened to all ranks needing help to get onto their feet  :heart:
Submitted  :)
General Discussion / Re: garywb
Apr 01, 2020, 07:39 PM
May he rest in peace :heart:

He was a very kind and welcoming player, but also human-being. He has inspired many of us and I hope in return, we can all do the same he did for SFT.
Hello SFT community!
Me and @samanthasnee will be hosting this weekends event.

We will be hosting sheepluck, lavaluck, tower leafluck, and anvilluck.
100k per round and there may be several rounds of each!

Events begin at 8PM EST Saturday the 4th!

Bring your game on  ;)
Team name: Christmas Dog
Team members: Kakota, Ollie505, Spiritdance
Warp to the build: /warp kakchristmas
Me and Maya will be hosting this weekend event!

Multi-sponge hunt in w3!

Each winner gets a Christmas themed surprise! Plus 100k emp!

Event begins Sunday, the 24th at 8PM est time!
Hello SFT community & players!

Me and @MasterX70 are hosting this weekend event on Saturday, October 12th at 9PM Eastern Time

There will be duds, decent and awesome chests!
Duds will contain little value to them.
Decent will have good items in them and worth a good amount!
The awesome chest will have a stack of diamonds and worth over 70k! It may contain even other diamond related stuff or other goodies

For those unsure how to play, here is a guide.

There are 6 units. Each unit will be voted on, one will contain the high value, while there may be a dud or 2!
Players will be publicly auctioning on these chests, and whoever has the highest bid wins that unit!

All unit items can be claimed after the event is over unless otherwise mentioned or instructed!
There may be item frames and/or armor stands holding just a few items you may find within the chests!
Thank you, guys! I am proud to be helping with the community to improve this server <3 
I do agree 3,500 hours are a lot, but I feel it takes away the "fun side" of survival....which is...surviving. While I agree with the kits, I feel enabling godmode; even though obtaining those hours are extremely hard takes away the side of survival. Staff only have it because it is necessary to do our jobs or else, we would not be able to correctly.

I feel the kits are a good asset, but I am agreeing with Sasha on godmode and lava placement. Item frames I don't see an issue with, but placing actual lava - no.