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Messages - Kiannaa

Quote from: xQuicScopex on Dec 18, 2020, 01:19 PM
Quote from: Kiannaa on Dec 18, 2020, 12:17 PMAs long as it is on 1.8.9 pvp. I don't believe having it on survival is a good idea as it will be too buggy. Concepts such as speed bridging, PvP mechanics etc won't be the same if it is played on survival. The whole version has to be 1.8.9 for it to be enjoyable.

this is why i started the minigames server in the first place, a lot of minigames that are loved need 1.8.9 to be played "correctly" which isnt possible on survival
Yup, if mini games were like bedwars were played on survival it would just be too buggy and not enjoyable. I definitely agree with the mini game server.
As long as it is on 1.8.9 pvp. I don't believe having it on survival is a good idea as it will be too buggy. Concepts such as speed bridging, PvP mechanics etc won't be the same if it is played on survival. The whole version has to be 1.8.9 for it to be enjoyable.
General Announcements / Re: Skyblock Release
Oct 27, 2020, 07:39 AM
Possibly another custom made PvP Arena coming! ;)

General Announcements / Skyblock Release
Oct 25, 2020, 01:53 PM
Skyblock - Acid Island

Hey everyone!
@Dogggeh and I have been working on the new SFT Skyblock server! We gave everyone options to choose what theme of Skyblock you would like to see and Acid Island came out on top. Therefore, we decided to create an Acid Island Server based on unique challenges which you will need to complete in order to beat the game! Acid Island is extremely similar to Skyblock although it is more difficult to travel freely and survive.

When will it be released?
Friday 30th October, 8AM EST (Sydney Time: Saturday 31st October, 12AM)

What is the goal of Acid Island?

Your objective is to complete all of the unique challenges. Keep in mind that it won't be easy,  it's a hell of a grind! You will have to overcome obstacles and be logical...especially when you're surrounded by acidic water.

Acid Island is very competitive as you will be climbing up on the leaderboard for #1 Island Level and Island Bank.

Want to play with friends?

There is a maximum of 6 players who you are able to share an island with but challenges will have to be completed individually!
Use /is team invite!

Island Types:





Custom Enchants / Anvil
Skills / Stats
Upgradable Cobblestone Generator
Silk Touch Spawners
Cosmetic Surprises


Countdown: HERE


@TeraStorm - Spawn Creator / Tester
@SashaLarie - Shop Price / Tester
@nicholiplays - PvP Map Creator
@Lady_Carissa - Tester
@Chill2000 - Tester
@noobtube59 - Tester
@_0i - Tester

Quote from: SashaLarie on Oct 22, 2020, 03:04 AMI don't think it works. We had a Pixelmon staff member telling a Survival staff member to stop swearing, when swearing is allowed in chat as long as its not over the top or aimed at anyone. I feel like we can't just throw the chats together and hope that everyone loves it and everything works, because it kind of doesn't and I have heard from a lot of people that they don't like it.
^^ Things are ran too differently on other servers. I just don't agree with this new change I definitely believe that /gshout would be a better idea. Chat is way too confusing at the moment.
Quote from: Magnet on Oct 07, 2020, 01:19 PMWhile I wanted hardcore factions, I don't mind skyblock either so I am glad that it is coming. If I'm not mistaken, didn't there use to be a skyblock server?
Yeah I'm pretty sure there used to be! AcidIsland is currently in the making and we'll give more information closer to the release date! We'll also ask for opinions/suggestions on things shortly!
Hey all, thank you for the votes! We're going along with doing AcidIsland for now. Please look out for new upcoming posts relating to skyblock! We need your help to decide what you would like to have added/remove!

We'll keep you updated c:
Quote from: badbrad01 on Sep 30, 2020, 10:06 PM
Quote from: Kiannaa on Sep 30, 2020, 05:54 PM
Quote from: badbrad01 on Sep 30, 2020, 04:44 PM
Quote from: TeraStorm on Sep 30, 2020, 04:34 PM
Quote from: badbrad01 on Sep 30, 2020, 04:19 PMAs the voting system was for the pvp players is the SKYBLOCK going to heavily PVP based or not
I think whichever option is picked will have optional pvp, it won't be heavily pvp based afaik but @Dogggeh can confirm

I think personally it should be heavily linked to pvp as thats the only thing missing from SFT
There is a PvP aspect but like Tera said, it will be optional. Since this is after all skyblock, there it would not be heavily focused on PvP.

Definitely worth the try. The version which skyblock supports is the latest but there is 1.8 PvP mechanics which have been implemented. There will be more info on this once it is released!

Why optional? if people wanted that aspect they could play survival
Because if people wanted the PvP option they would've chose something else other than skyblock. It's quite difficult to force everyone to PvP on a skyblock server so that's why it is optional.
Quote from: badbrad01 on Sep 30, 2020, 04:44 PM
Quote from: TeraStorm on Sep 30, 2020, 04:34 PM
Quote from: badbrad01 on Sep 30, 2020, 04:19 PMAs the voting system was for the pvp players is the SKYBLOCK going to heavily PVP based or not
I think whichever option is picked will have optional pvp, it won't be heavily pvp based afaik but @Dogggeh can confirm

I think personally it should be heavily linked to pvp as thats the only thing missing from SFT
There is a PvP aspect but like Tera said, it will be optional. Since this is after all skyblock, there it would not be heavily focused on PvP.

Definitely worth the try. The version which skyblock supports is the latest but there is 1.8 PvP mechanics which have been implemented. There will be more info on this once it is released!
General Announcements / Re: [Poll] New Server
Sep 30, 2020, 02:16 AM
Thank you all so much for voting, we'll be making update posts and gaining your opinion on what we should add. Please check #announcement channel often on our discord server or add the @pingme role! We appreciate all the votes.
General Announcements / Re: New Server
Sep 28, 2020, 12:33 AM
Thank you all for the suggestions please look at the following thread HERE to cast your vote! Once there are a lot of votes, there will be more posts to see what majority likes to see within the selected server. c:
General Announcements / Re: New Server
Sep 28, 2020, 12:30 AM
Quote from: xJimJam on Sep 28, 2020, 12:10 AM
Quote from: xJimJam on Sep 26, 2020, 12:45 PMI've seen some YouTube videos about the "one life" or "x life" where you basically start with one heart and the more you die the more hearts you gain. I don't know what happens after you reach all lives but it'd be interesting to play. (It's also a modded thing but I think it can happen in vanilla. I think.)

Idk about having another factions server considering the ones we've tried to bring back usually die off or stop having players after two weeks or so.

OR we can have another one of these bad boys https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,150384.msg721529.html#msg721529
Yeah, I really liked Wild West but it died off really fast. I was like the only player left when it died. I believe the quest-like adventure would most likely occur in skyblock. Great ideas though!
General Announcements / Re: New Server
Sep 26, 2020, 03:27 AM
Quote from: Kamer on Sep 26, 2020, 02:10 AMHCF sounds like fun, please just make sure to include stuff like KOTHs with rewards for factions capping them. A way you could work this is by having KOTHs at set intervals, such as a major KOTH (better rewards) every 2-3 hours with a smaller KOTH (worse rewards) in between, so that players know when to get on if they want to participate.
Yes, events like KOTH will happen but I doubt it will be every 2-3 hours (depending on playerbase). We'll figure this all out as a community if the HCF server idea does pass through!
General Announcements / Re: New Server
Sep 25, 2020, 03:17 PM
Quote from: Tyler7733 on Sep 25, 2020, 03:13 PM
Quote from: Dogggeh on Sep 25, 2020, 02:24 PMAnother option could be a survival skyblock type of server? idk
If you would do skyblock, just make sure it isn't barebones, an ore gen(where some % of cobble from cobble generators is replaced with ores) would be good along with other things, but I also advise against overloading it with pluggins to the point where it might as well be modded. From my experience, the best slyblock servers really just need an economy,a way to obtain everything or at least most of what you would normally in a regular world through a shop, and a few plugins to make it very mildly less grindy, but also add a better end game.(just realized how much I wrote about skyblock on a post about factions)
It's not just about factions it is more of a "what do you want to see" post!
General Announcements / New Server
Sep 25, 2020, 02:03 PM
Hey SFT!

Dogggeh and I will be hosting a server but we're unsure of what you all want! We're willing to branch out to many ideas and we would love to hear your opinion on what SFT is missing!

Our idea:
We were thinking of hosting a 1.8 Hardcore Factions server. HCF is basically a fast paced version of Factions, where you will be pvping against other small factions (Most likely around 4-5 member per faction). We will make sure that the border is smaller than the other worlds you would usually see on SFT to encourage PvP. There will be a peaceful period which could last about 2 days (to get prepared) and then PvP will be enabled. There will be resets often and the faction who has dominated everyone will receive recognition and many prizes! At the moment, we're not 100% on everything as these guidelines could change but this is just a rough idea. If the HCF idea is going to continue, we'll be asking for community feedback on a lot of the plans we have in mind to suit your wants!

Your idea:
What would you like to see? We're willing to open up to anything and we could use your help! Keep in mind that it does not have to be PvP related but we would like to satisfy the SFT PvPers out there as well!

If you have any questions about this you may ask down below or PM us on discord (Kiannaa#5633 & Dogggeh#0192).

Please suggest the type of server you'd like to see down below!
Want to earn easy EmpBucks?
Invite your friends on Survival and you will earn up to 50k EmpBucks!

How it works:
- Get a player on the server (Player must have less than 12h uptime when you are referring them)
- Post a screenshot of your friend's uptime
- You will earn 50k EmpBucks once your friend joins the server and after you post the screenshot, your friend will need to make a forum account and confirm you invited them by replying to your post!
- A person cannot be referred by more than one person.

NOTE: The players you invite don't have to be your friends. As long as you don't break any rules when advertising (eg: don't advertise our server where not allowed), you are allowed to claim as many rewards as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! :redflower:
Quote from: JustAddWater on Aug 13, 2020, 01:37 PMHow does the one build rule apply to towns? Are we unable to move towns?
It is free, as long as it's on /town!
Just an update: People who have buildings in /autoshop or /parkour are able to move it for free. I still advise for you to remove the items from autoshop chests before calling a manager+ over!
Very proud of you all! Thank you for putting a lot of time into this new eventworld :)
Hey everyone!

/sportbikeshop - You can jump 1 block with this vehicle! The three bikes range from 20k/50k/75k!
/racingcarshop - You can drive on slabs/stairs with this vehicle, although you are unable to jump (obviously)! The three cars range from 100k/150k/175k!

You guys should try it out!
Have fun!  :)
Quote from: Green_Giant on Jul 21, 2020, 07:19 PMAnother thing:

I don't think Terminal has been set up properly for murder.
- Needs more gold spawns.
- A few more cauldrons dotted about.
- There is NO altars set up at all yet, these are needed. Probably about 6-7 given the map size.
Yeah, my bad it was my first time setting it up. Fixed!
Quote from: TeraStorm on May 03, 2020, 01:51 AMimo most of your cons are pros too

The server is pretty small so if we removed dynmap there would be barely any pvp and very little raiding, would kill the server
I honestly think it's going to be super boring without the map. I mean there's not even that much pvp to begin with but imagine it without a map.
Happy Birthday, Dpa! :)
Hey guys! This weekend event will be hosted by TeraStorm & stevebean because I cannot attend the event this week. /warp anvilluck will be hosted on Sunday at 8pm MST, you can convert it to your time if you're unsure. You will need to dodge the anvils but keep in mind that you may die! The Host will remind you so just be careful as I'm telling you ahead of time!

Winner will recieve 200k! :D

I hope a lot of you attend as it is a big prize!
Thank you!
Hey Everyone!
This weekend Darren64_NY and I will be hosting at /warp candyspleef! All you will need is to bring a shovel. Fly will be disabled while the event is going on!
123K EMP will be given to the winner. There can only be 1 winner but there will be 2 rounds!
I hope to see you all there! :)
Click HERE for countdown!