Jul 27, 2024, 10:35 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Topics - Dogggeh

What server/gamemode would you guys like us to host and enjoy playing on?

It doesn't have to be something we haven't hosted before, it can be anything from a modpack to a pvp server

Just let us know below, I look forward to reading your responses:)
Howdy howdy,

To all skyblock players and beyond you have until this countdown ends to become the potato overlord...

The island that is able farm and bake the most potatos by the end of that ^ countdown, will EACH (as i have been asked this 10 times, yes every person on the island) receive a custom armour set of my choice that comes with buffs, many of our custom enchants, and possibly some special abilities... an example of one of these sets is below

And a 200k emp prize added to their /is bank

There are only two rules- The potato's must be baked AND stored in chests on your island

Happy Farmin :)
Howdy Howdy,

Skyblock is making its return in superb fashion, this time around it has a more simple approach focused around "real" Skyblock and therefor will be Skyblock with actual sky  ;)

When you first spawn in and type /is you will be prompted with two options for generating your island.

This is the Normal difficulty Island.

And this is the Hard difficulty Island for those who wish for a challenge.

There are many differences between this release and the last, with this release having more of a focus on being a longer term thing.

After many suggestions we have switched from our old skills system to use Mcmmo which I'm sure many of you are familiar with, there is now also a complete new set of challenges.

I hope to see you all at 8pm est on Friday night for a few other surpises :)

Creative / Creative Feedback/Suggestions
Jan 31, 2021, 01:47 AM
Hey Guys,

Similarly to the post about Survival please use this post for any and every suggestion/piece of feedback you may have regarding our Creative server,  and I shall get back to you within 24h :)

p.s if you wish to discuss privately my discord is Dogggeh#0192


This Sunday 6pm central time Carissa and I will be hosting the weekend event, which will be three rounds of Christmas Special Tower Spleef.

The prizes will include but are not limited to, 250k for the winner each round and some Christmas Themed items.

Cya there.
Paintball is back :)

To join do /pb joinrandom , you can use /pb shop to buy hats and perks.

In the future i can add more arenas if needed :)
As SkyBlock won the voting for the new server, here is a brief description of each type of SkyBlock please choose which one you would rather we made :)

Normal SkyBlock

Basic Skyblock where you have to survive on an island lost in the skies.


This is a variation of SkyBlock. Instead of falling, you must contend with acid water when expanding your island and players can boat to each other's islands.


SkyGrid is filled with floating blocks placed on a four block grid. So every fourth block in every direction is an actual block, and everything else is air.


CaveBlock, pretty self explanatory but its a gamemode where players survive underground. Mine, craft, and dig a hole


OneBlock puts you on a block in space. Players have to survive on a single block, but it changes every time you break it.

Ty for voting :)
General Announcements / [Poll] New Server
Sep 27, 2020, 02:05 PM
Hey Guys,

If you could vote on the top two servers you would like us to host that would be great, below is a brief description of each option.

Hardcore Factions

HCF is a fast paced version of Factions, where you will be pvping against other small factions. Small border worlds would be in place on HCF to encourage PvP. There will be a peaceful period which could last about 2 days (or less) and then PvP will be enabled. There will be big events such as King of the Hill (KOTH) where factions will have to battle it out to stay on top! This is just one of the events planned but there are many more to come!

Skyblock Adaptation

Skyblock type server, can include but not limited to Custom Challenges, PVP, Supply drops, Custom Enchants, and more. But of course this can be changed/adaption to however you guys want it.

Fortnightly Mini Competition

The fortnightly mini-competition will be a rotation of small server events/gamemodes such as Bedwars, Skywars, TNT wars, Hunger games, etc and you will be able to compete for prizes on the server of your choice.

Whatever option ends up being chosen we will mostly be going off of what you guys want when adding/changing stuff.

Ty for voting :)

Survival now has a new minigame/gamemode called VillageDefence, made by the same developers as our much loved /murder gamemode.
To start a game you use /village and it will take you to the lobby where you will wait until the game starts, you can play with 1 player all the way up to 10. The aim of the game is to protect the villagers from the increasingly difficult waves of zombies, there are also many kits you can select and unlock.

You can also vote to change the weather now :), to start the vote do /wm and click either sunny or rainy, to start a vote costs 2k

Hope you all enjoy!! if you have any questions feel free to pm me :)
Hey Everyone,

With the upcoming world1 reset i thought it would be cool if there was a way to transport animals (pets) across worlds so that they can continue living in the new world :)

Now you can do exactly that by crafting a Mob Transporter, the crafting recipe is below.

When crafted the Mob Transporter has 10 uses and can be recharged by shift right clicking with diamonds in your inventory. Each charge will use up one diamond and give you one more charge.

To transport a mob right click the mob with the transporter, then to let it out left click the ground with the transporter.
Hey guys,

As you can probably tell from the title of this post, when 1.17 update comes out we will be resetting World1.
(but no sooner than 30 days)

Below are the prices and process for getting your builds moved prior to the /w1 reset.

No. of build(s) moved: Cost
1 Free
2 500k emp
3 1mil emp

One build is one build, not multiple builds under one prot.

If the one build is gigantic we will not move it, but most large builds will be fine.

Chests, item frames, signs, etc must be moved manually.

If no Managers are online or you wish to just use an easier option than asking ingame, you can use this link; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsnwcKZmwz8bQ8xckww69PpfN-mzDxBy1BTLHnUAhUlfOWnQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
PyroMining has had a huge update, including mining augments(like the fishing augments but for a pickaxe) new boss's and heaps more, you can check it all out using /mine journal.

PyroMining has also been re-added to w1 and w2 so it is not just in sw anymore.

Hope you guys enjoy checking out all the cool new stuff included in this huge update!!  :christmaspig:

This Friday at 6:30pm EST i will be hosting an intense game of Grassluck (/warp grasslick).

The winner of this game of Grassluck and undoubtedly the undisputed champion will receive 1 Million Empbucks, I hope to see you all there!!

Countdown for those who want it ----> https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20200606T0830&p0=152&msg=1Million+Empbucks+Grassluck&font=cursive

Factions Staff List


:snowball: Scotmid


:snowball: AtomicPulse
 :snowball: Doggggeh


:snowball: ceddy24
 :snowball: Xerxers


:snowball: BluetigerESW
 :snowball: saywhat2365
Factions Ranks and their power level

The number next to the rank name is the mcmmo power level needed to get that rank, your mcmmo power level is all of your mcmmo levels added together (so to rankup it is much easier to grind a variety of skills). To see your power level do /mcstats and it is the top number. Once you achieve the power level for a rank you should rankup automatically, it may just take a few minutes.

Miner --- 0 :

/kit includes;

Stone Pickaxe, Stone Axe, Stone Sword, and Stone shovel

Kit Cooldown --- 12h

Farmer --- 50 :

/kit includes;

Steak x8, Seeds x8, Stone Hoe, and Water Bucket

Kit Cooldown --- 12h

Ranger --- 100:

/kit includes;

Bow, and Arrow x16

Kit Cooldown --- 12h

Warrior --- 200 :

/kit includes;

Sharpness 1 Iron sword, Iron Chestplate, and a Iron Helmet

Kit Cooldown --- 24h

Salvager --- 400:

/kit includes;

Anvil, and a Iron Block

Kit Cooldown --- 48h

Lancer --- 750:

/kit includes;

Diamond Sword, and a Protection 2 Iron Helmet

Kit Cooldown --- 48h

Demoman --- 1250:

/kit includes;

TNT x8, Redstone x8, and a Lever

Kit Cooldown --- 24h

Paladin --- 1800:

/kit includes;

Sharpness 1 Diamond sword, Unbreaking 1 Diamond boots, Protection 1 Iron Helmet, Protection 1 Iron Chestplate, and Protection 1 Iron Leggings

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Chiefton --- 2500

/kit includes;

Diamond Sword, Diamond Axe, Diamond Shovel, and a Unbreaking 3 Book

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Warlord --- 4000:

/kit includes;

Diamond Helmet, Protection 3 Iron Chestplate, Protection 3 Iron Leggings, Diamond Boots, and a Sharpness 2 Book

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Celestial --- 6000:

/kit includes;

Protection 1 Diamond, Helmet Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Protection 1 Diamond Boots, Sharpness 3 Diamond Sword, and a Fire Aspect 1 Book

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Ascended --- 10000

/kit includes;

Sharpness 4 Book, Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 Book, Power 5 Bow, Fortune 3 Pickaxe, and a Diamond Block

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Permitted Mods

  • Optifine
  • DirectionHud
  • GammaBright
  • ArmourHud
  • Effect Status

If you feel any other Mods should be added feel free to post in the factions suggestions megathread, or you can let me or another staff member know :)