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Messages - FishNChips

^Btw I had a name change, This was Ranger_113
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: FishBoi_
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 7hr and 25 minutes, and im posting this on a monday
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 715 hours and 49 minutes.
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: Nope, never
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: Nope, never
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: Eventhost
Why do you want that rank?: I have been EventHost beforehand, and i just really enjoyed hosting events and seeing people have fun!
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): US
Do you have a Discord account?: FishBoi#4863

I do realize that I have been inactive for awhile, and while not intentional, I do regret it somewhat. I got caught up in varsity golf, I started my first job, and school got real. But of the time that I was gone, I had a lot of time to think, to mature. So I decided to shoot my shot with this, because I know I am ready for this, and I would love to go back to hosting events and staffing.
What I think that could be really cool is some sort of plugin that has firearms. This would be cool to collect rare "skins" or "variants" of the guns that you could get through drops or SteveCo. It would also be nice to have events allocated to the plug-in. I would research for a plug-in, but I'm busy and a tad lazy :)
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 15, 2021, 05:01 PMI kinda wrote the whole post focusing of the example of Slimefun but this post is not at all asking to remove Slimefun and other such plugins, I am merely asking you, the players, what do you want added/removed from survival and if someone says something concise enough we can start a poll based on that.
Sorry, my bad, should've been more clear.
Although I know you were looking for these responses, I feel as if we should take into consideration the economy at this point. Survival isn't survival, and instead of focusing on pyro and addons, we should focus on the base, the concrete of this, not the decorations.
Something I think we should do with the next update/reset is increase price on the overall economy. Increasing values for all ores, wood, and such. I mean think about it, diamond are like 1,200 emp at the EMP (I think) and the first arriving guest gets iron tools, and 5,000 emp. They can already buy 3-4 diamonds plus they already have the tools. There isn't much "surviving" as if your getting the whole point of the game handed to you within the first time you join in. If we increase the economy, the whole economic system will (in my opinion) function much better.
I finished my track not to long ago, the name of it is Fireball Beach and the warp is /warp FireballBeach or /warp FB. This track is outfitted with its own start up light, and many cool yet challenging obstacles. The coolest part about it is that the track changes every time you take a lap. (thanks to some piston gates revealing paths that you can take). so no more lapping on the same track for 3 rounds, the track changes and shows new paths and obstacles as well as cool sights. This track has already been tested and I got some quite positive feedback from the players!
(I sent you (towelie) the pictures in your dm VIA Discord)
Can these "Go Karts" go up slabs or stairs? If so I have an awesome track in the progress of making.
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: FishBoi_
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 7 hours and 18 minutes
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 647 hours
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: No
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: No
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: EventHost but either is fine, wherever I need to be
Why do you want that rank?: I want EventHost because not only will i get to help people, but i get to help people earn money and be happy. Plus, I was an eventhost and I really enjoyed it.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): US
Do you have a Discord account?: FishBoi_ #2485
Quote from: XxChromeGOATxX on Dec 17, 2020, 07:30 PM
Quote from: XxChromeGOATxX on Dec 17, 2020, 07:23 PM:sign:  up, starting tonight
the warp is /warp NS3 and i'm working solo. there is nothing there now, but i will start in 7 hours from now
I am finished
Quote from: XxChromeGOATxX on Dec 17, 2020, 07:23 PM:sign:  up, starting tonight
the warp is /warp NS3 and i'm working solo. there is nothing there now, but i will start in 7 hours from now
:sign:  up, starting tonight
Is there any chance I can change my vote from caveblock to one block?
What time would that be if I live in CST?
I dont know if it's too late but might aswell.

Your Minecraft nickname: XxChromeGOATxX
Your Business name: LBMetro
What does your business do ? (describe): LBMetro is a growing town filled with shops, houses, and a surprisingly large, 10 story, autoshop. (There are smaller attractions) but another large one I'm in the process in making is Vault 113, a cheap option of housing, which the goal is to help players get back on their feet from debt.
What are the names of your 3+ employees?: they are all trusted to me, the first is DruddigonR, he is my irl buddy and we do everything together. Number 2 is Autpek, he owns a Shop and house in LBMetro and I trust him very much. Number 3 is winston_b, he is the person who helped me start this and I trust him a lot aswell.

I hope if I'm too late, then the people ahead of me got their wishes granted. Thank you and have a nice day! <3
Hello my name is Landon

 :cookedmeat: My IGN is LandonB2005
 :cookedmeat: My uptime this week is a hour and 37 minutes ( i was gone out of wifi alot this week)
 :cookedmeat: My total uptime is 181 hours
 :cookedmeat: Have i been banned in the past 6 months? No, i have never been banned
 :cookedmeat: Have i been banned for Xrays... etc? No
 :cookedmeat: I wish to be a Jmod
 :cookedmeat: I wish to help even more than i can right now because most of the stuff i help with, i cant do.
 :cookedmeat: US Missouri

 :cookedmeat: im 13 years old and very serious in what I do in life or whatever i do

 :cookedmeat: i just want to wish everyone good luck and have fun!  ;D

PS: my discord is LandonB2005

I did this at my school

Good luck all! :)

[attach name=20180922_172249.jpg type=image/jpeg]27977[/attach]
my IGN: LandonB2005

my Age: 13

my Region: USA

current uptime in a week: 11 hrs

banned? No never ever

I work hard for my goals!  8)