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Messages - Miricx

w e l c o m e  t o  m y  p r i s o n
EU following the footsteps of china
congrats dipshits

boy arent UK happy for leaving EU now
-Advertise the forums more ingame, make it more interesting, give players ingame a reason to visit it.
-Remove inactive boards, some boards havent had posts for over 1 year, for example make the survival discussion one board and the smaller servers sub-boards. That way the forums is easier to navigate.
-Make forum events rewarding minecraft players ingame or give them some kind of points on forums that gives them some kind of advantage or something.

But the real reason forums is inactive is not because the forums is inactive, its because all the servers are inactive aswell and that's right now the biggest issue with the community in my opinion. So that's to me the main focus right now. We get players and the forums will be active automatically, just like it did 4-5 years ago.

We need to stop beating around the bush and we all need to figure out something together that will get SFT, not forums, SFT back on it's feet again.
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: Miricx
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: uhh i got 14 hours this week i dunno how that shit happened lmao, im not botting thats for sure trust
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 2651 hours in total and that's from 2010 and forward. Half of it is flying around in spawn and looking at chat, which means I can detect any dipshit within a mile radius
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: No, i dont think so at least. I guess I got banned once but i got unbanned again within 2 minutes so that doesnt count fam
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: I may have been banned alot but I'm not a cheating asshole or a deceiving asshole who would advertise any servers since I've been loyal to this community for 9 years straight. Also xraying and that bullshit aint no good because I don't play minecraft seriously anyway
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: Eventhost
Why do you want that rank?: because im the person whos gonna save survival from the deadass and rigged events as we know it. I for example have so stanky ass questions in Quiz, im very biased and ill make every event lit, #trust
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): EU Sweden boi
Do you have a Discord account?: hell yea, Miricx#7322, hit me up fam
Quote from: AtomicPulse on Feb 14, 2019, 10:26 PMIf only there was the opposite.

A negativity day would be good :D
thats everyday
prison break and how i met your mother
im sorry but i cringe everytime i watch this
might just be me since i made it and i just look at it and think that it could have been made so much better

anyways, fond memories, its fun to reflect back to the past from time to time
General Announcements / Re: SFT Q&A 2019 Q1
Jan 23, 2019, 03:34 PM
Quote from: Nubbun on Jan 23, 2019, 03:34 PMWhat's the current endgoal for SFT 2019?
I can probably answer that one; to find the next big thing to get the community back on it's feet again
General Discussion / Re: Autism
Jan 20, 2019, 02:04 PM
heres every type
General Discussion / Re: Year6
Jan 13, 2019, 06:44 PM
Quote from: Nubbun on Jan 13, 2019, 06:34 PMthird day will just be that one nerd that already spend too much time on a building so they might aswell finish it and for 10mins some other member that joins, more than likely a staff that just comes on then goes "oh i have to leave, take care"  :redflower:
that was an extremely specific prediction
General Discussion / Re: Year6
Jan 13, 2019, 05:46 PM
The community is shrinking and the servers are harder to pay. We have four servers. Three are constantly inactive and one server, the main server, is barely getting played on. Bringing back an old server is gonna end up in the pile of the other dead servers we used to have. It's gonna have 5-6 players on the first three days and then it's gonna die out again.
General Announcements / Re: SFT Q&A 2019 Q1
Jan 13, 2019, 05:36 PM
Quote from: onionboys on Jan 13, 2019, 04:56 PM
Quote from: Miricx on Jan 12, 2019, 06:15 PMlmao the boi just got fuckin served chopped onion

call me frostpaint cuz ill be back
the reply fire
General Announcements / Re: SFT Q&A 2019 Q1
Jan 12, 2019, 06:15 PM
lmao the boi just got fuckin served chopped onion
General Announcements / Re: SFT Q&A 2019 Q1
Jan 05, 2019, 12:41 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 05, 2019, 10:22 AM
Quote from: stevebean on Jan 05, 2019, 12:26 AMIf you could change one thing about SFT, what would it be?
its popularity :'(
cue the sad violin music
I remember back in the day when I actually fucking despised this guy, not only because he was an annoying **** on YouTube but that we lived in the same country.
Ever since he stopped gaming and became controversial, this guy's been a comedical beast in my book, my boy Felix got my respect.

subscribe to pewdiepie or be a bitch lasagna
General Announcements / Re: The state of SFT
Dec 06, 2018, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the update.

As I've stated before, I'm well more than available (currently more than ever since my firm is closing down and in the end of the year if I haven't found anything else, I'll be unemployed) for any missions on the "entertainment" apartment, if there are any old projects or new projects I've worked on before that you want me to revive or create. I'm very dedicated to keep this community alive til the end of my days here. You know my capabilities and what I can do.

Hit me up on Discord
Community based games are dead. Games like CSGO and Fortnite aka Lobby based games are ruling currently. Like Xenii said, the community is good, there's nothing wrong with it, the players just get bored of playing the same game, not the fact that it's not updated with more features or entertainment. You can keep feeding Minecraft features and mods, but it won't change the simple fact that it's still the same concept and still the same game.

Also on a completely different note (or not), my friend nniillss found an old YouTube video that goes back to late 2011, which filmed an old town that we made in a skyrealm. It got me thinking, since I completely forgot about them; What happened to SFT Skyrealms? Now that was a feature that was awesome in my opinion. The question has probably been answered, I bet it got removed for a reason, but I have just forgotten about it.

In case anyone's asking what the fuck I'm talking about; (You can see the full view of the island at 3:01)

also also; Nothing lasts forever, sadly. Reality is the sad fact that people eventually split apart and move on to other adventures, or in this case; games. Just take the video as an example, who is really still active from the video to this very day? People grow up, get jobs, girlfriends, whatever and the time to sit down and play Minecraft the entire night is not an option anymore.

Life sucks, then you die.
how we finna find the next big thing when mainstream games are just shit
and not only shit, but shit that isn't hostable aka fortnite, pubg, csgo, scum, rocket league

community based and good games are irrelevant 2018
If it isn't going around just terminate it, there's no point in poking the dead, use the resources on something that's worth investing on
Alex jones is my favorite meme
General Discussion / Re: Autism
Aug 09, 2018, 09:16 AM

i would give u mine but i got permanently banned twice XDDDDD
riot are actually mentally disabled, im better of watching esports instead, ive stopped giving a fuck about that game at this point