Jun 05, 2024, 02:10 AM


Have a Super Fun Time!

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Messages - hughesplace

oh... my... Well I might as well just throw myself in the water right away because there's no way I am winning any of those spleef games lol. Good luck to everyone who plays though, thats a lot of money O.o (I'm pretty poor so I'm not saying this because i want the winner to give me the money although that would be amazing like my dream i promise im not being passive aggressive oh no im really poor i want money but hahaha im not winning i suck at spleef winner is lucky money is cool even though im poor give me money jk im funny haha) aka give me money. :)
Discord Nickname: Hughes
Have you ever been staff on a SFT server before? If yes, which and what rank?: Ex-Survival Mod
Most uptime gathered on a single server: About 910h or so?
Why you wish to be discord staff: Because I am on discord a lot, and I have access to discord for most of the day everyday. I also love helping people in need even when I can't come online, and to clear the chat from drama!

EDIT: Changed discord name.
some girl with the username Lucy_23x
Forum Games / Re: Slap, Hug or Rocket
May 08, 2017, 11:32 PM
Rocket ;)
We're just being moles in Connect4, don't worry
IGN: hughesplace
Survial uptime: 845h
Can you get 6 hours of uptime on Survival each week? Yes
Have you been banned before? If yes, why should we overlook this? No, I don't think so.
Do you have or can you get a Skype? Yes.
Are you applying to be JMod or EventHost or both? If EventHost, will you be able to host 25 events per week? Eventhost, and yes I would be able to host 25 events per week. (I know I just resigned from Mod, but I think Eventhost would be better for me right now  :) )
O: Nice bird you got there, Tow!
Balloon fihgt!

Type: Amazingness
Forum Games / Re: Alphabet Game
Feb 28, 2017, 12:04 AM
V is for Villages that I DONT burn down.
Exciting! Sounds cool :)
Hey, I was thinking of a Steve Co. Crate Prize Idea... Maybe there could be a "Angel Armor" Prize, where the helmet Is gold, (like the halo) and everything else is iron or leather dyed white with Feather Falling. Maybe an "Angel Sword"? These are just Ideas, I haven't thought much on them, but I hope you consider it! :)