Jun 04, 2024, 07:03 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Messages - American_Walrus

Walrus Mod. Look it up, it's real.
Are we just "items" to you Tow? DX

Jk, thanks for all the hard work.
Sounds great, hope people  find some fun stuff :D
Probs go play Xbox or something. Get some Mountain Dew. Then shoot the hoe for breaking and entering.

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Forum Games / Re: Post your origin story!
Jul 31, 2015, 01:43 PM
One day, I died. Then heaven had good Wifi and a nice PC so I joined SFT for the dental insurance

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Forum Games / Re: True or False
Jul 31, 2015, 01:41 PM
False, the person below me likes going to the zoo

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If only there was a walrus island...
And why did you guys cut off Alaska, I love Alaska ;-;
It's the closest thing to a walrus island.
Jk, the new map looks great, it'll last awhile:D
Quote from: Brightpkz on Jul 27, 2015, 11:46 AMTotally off-topic with these decks though they're BAD ASS.

But, I suggest a "battle arena" plugin for the cards. So players could use these cards to battle each other! :D

^ Just a vague idea

That sounds freaking awesome, I'm with bright here
I fun guy I know out of SFT, super cool and pretty sure he likes Pokemon
Likes to hunt walruses. Hes red. We play sky wars occasionally… pretty much a nub
Quote from: Cireshie on Jul 26, 2015, 04:34 AM
Quote from: American_Walrus on Jul 25, 2015, 08:57 PMWe are down to only 4 active hosts, which is not enough in my opinion.
One more eventhost might be good, but another eventhost does not guarantee more events. I don't see as many events hosted by EventHosts as I think I should be seeing. I do understand that I'm not online 24/7, but that doesn't mean I should see only a few events in the actual time I play in a week. I understand timezones are a thing, but surely I would see another eventhost in my timezone host.

You make a good point saying an EventHost doesn't guarantee more events, but isn't that the point of this post? To find more suitable staff that will participate kindly in their positions? It's all in finding the right person, which we obviously need to do more of.
I also agree that not as many events are hosted as there could be. Adding a proactive, kind, suitable member to the EventHost staff team could change this.
It all links back to what Towelie said
All respect intended,
In-game username(s): American_Walrus
Event name:Run from the Beast, or RftB
Warp to your event: /warp RftB
Event description: This is a PVP event in which the event host selects 1-3 "beasts" (Players with good armor and swords) and the rest of the players hide and run from the beast(s). There are in-game ways to die without the "beasts", and many obstacles to slow you down. This takes place in an abandoned hotel with many hiding spots. Eventhosts can be beasts as well, but cannot fly. There are secret warp signs that warp you around the hotel as well.  The Eventhost counts to 40 to give players time to hide.
Event rules: -No flying, /j, /top, only running and hiding
-Dont fight back, only run
-No betraying other players
-Watch out for pressure plates, some of them are deadly
-Signs can be misleading
-Have TONS of fun
Notes for the host: - This event can give all players the ability to be beast, and  is fun for all players
-This event isn't run by the books, meaning that it can lay out in different ways. Its not the same thing over and over again.
-This can be as much fun for the host as it is the players!
-Watch out for cheaters
-The good armor and swords are in the main entrance
Quote from: feelmytaco on Jul 06, 2015, 10:51 PMcan the game be deadly c: because i want *POW POW* and and *BOOM BOOM* and and *HHAAAAA YAW!!* or action either way

Wow Nich. Just wow. And yes, it can have action. (PVP and such)
I just realized how much time and money this is going to take. Welp, what else am I going to use it for?
Already cleared land! I'm all in.
Yeah, I agree, but I am specifically talking about mods. Mods (maybe Jmods) are the only ones that are constantly working while on the server, and the only ones where one HAS to be on the server to please the people. (Due to the constant need of protections, lava placement, etc.) I understand not being financially stable enough, as I do in real life. Maybe not an emp prize or random pumpkin pies,(that rhymed c:) but maybe more gratification. I think we have fallen into this mindset that illustrates that mods are here just to make our SFT experience better, while they are trying to have an SFT experience as well. I understand that they Volunteer to do this, but maybe SFT as a whole could say thanks a little more.

Thanks for reading
I completely agree, Tera. That's a good point.. Maybe we could just show some more gratification
I think the mods should be payed or something.

I've noticed mods like Jinxie, Katherine, and JohnOakleyJohn say the words like "One sec I'm really busy" and "Everyone please be patient I'm the only mod on" too many times. I acknowledge that they are SUPER busy, and I think they should have some kind of reward system.

Maybe I'm SUPER wrong and the mods don't feel that way.. :/ Tell me if I seem unreasonable, it's only a suggestion :D
I know why you wrote this comment, it was because of me   :\  I remember asking you about it. Just wanted to say I figured it out and fixed it and crap