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Messages - Nubbun

ty and congrats the 2500+1s was well deserved!:3
im derping with attachment hope this one works xD
Quote from: Cocobutter03 on Aug 29, 2014, 11:12 AM
As a lot of players on pixelmon would say #Dpa4NextPresident!

Thank you for all your work and effort dpa1991!
#Dpa4NextObama* but yea xD
*football voice* GO DPAAAAAAAA!!!!! :D
hey so i have a problem with my minecraft keeps freezing after i get in the server for between 2mins till 40mins (random times) and it doesnt give me a crash report since its not crashing. when i play the window  with pixelmon just stops responding with the music still going and it wont let me close the program unless i restart my laptop.
i have updated java to the latest version and i am using technic launcer.

and im sorry i know this isnt alot to work with but if anyone have any ideas why this is happening then plz tell me thx :/

I reposted this from my previous post x)

---- update I just had to change memory it's fixed xD
So the initial plan about a storage world did it only fail for Pixelmon stuff or Pixelmon stuff AND vanilla stuff?
Quote from: invisiblecrush1 on Jul 03, 2014, 04:45 PM
we will still keep our Pokemon,correct?
I'm pretty sure pokemons are kept since dpa mentioned in another post that it's only Pixelmon items and the world that would disappear or reset.
not ranks, money or pokemons :3
Quote from: SnipeMasterShark on Jun 30, 2014, 01:59 PM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Jun 30, 2014, 04:22 AM
They actually dedicated an entire month to beta testing and have selected a beta testing team, what they tested -- I don't know.
It might be because its early in the morning for me, but i LoL'd so hard at that ^

Magl beat me to my first question*

How would stuff in enderchests be affected?

I have a few fossil blocks, would those disappear as well?


If you get the pixeltest modpack you will see that fossils dissapear too and only vanilla stuff in enderchest stays (so Pixelmon items can't be saved in enderchest) :/
also got another question if the world resets... i would imagine a world reset would make us lose items in chests so can we go to /w2 and place some chests with our vanilla items (tools, armor, ores etc) in em and then when /w1 is reset we get to get our items back from /w2? :D
Just to be clear the map reset would just be the map. Not money, pstats, ranks, mctop right?