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Messages - American_Walrus

General Announcements / Re: What's up?
Dec 04, 2016, 03:36 PM
I think in order to grab the attention of people, you should consistently (every 2 weeks maybe) change the colors of some of the announcements. (Things that say vote for us, be nice to other players, etc. Not the things used in the automated red/green broadcast thing that managers+ use). Currently, those announcements have meaning only to the people who have just joined. Right now, for any players that play more than an hour a day, it kinda just blends in with the chat. It has no meaning at the moment because it's just kinda there for those people. If you changed it every 2 weeks, or more, it might grab the attention of the people mentioned a lot more than it does now.
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 02, 2016, 10:27 AM
Quote from: American_Walrus on Dec 01, 2016, 11:45 PMI think @Toadlet has enough subs!! He should do SFT vids
I talked to him, it's up to him really, I can't force him to do SFT vids if he doesn't want to.
C'mon @Toadlet , we believe in you @Toadlet !!1!
I think @Toadlet has enough subs!! He should do SFT vids
Polls / Re: Early Bird or Night Owl!
Nov 29, 2016, 01:41 AM
I wake up early and stay up late to amount to few hours of sleep. Yay
Forum Games / Re: Which emogi is better?
Nov 21, 2016, 02:15 AM
This is a mess
Polls / Re: Anxiety
Nov 19, 2016, 04:25 PM
Welp. I got a 71 on ome's test there. Pretty sure I don't have anxiety, but I do get anxious (if that makes sense). I'm generally pretty chilled tho
Quote from: ochoaj on Nov 11, 2016, 01:01 AM
Quote from: American_Walrus on Nov 10, 2016, 10:49 PM
My opinion is contained in this. Exactly this

I didn't know racists aren't allowed to live in New York City...
-eyes roll so far back that they fall out of my head-
Josh, I don't know a lot about you but I do know that you tend to focus on one detail. Try to look at the big picture of the thing

My opinion is contained in this. Exactly this
This was a shitstorm of an election. I'm glad it's over. I'm not happy about the outcome, but I'm happy it's over. From rigged elections, to accusations of rape, to illegally sent emails, to the few good candidates getting voted the hell out, to playful accusations of being one of the most infamous serial killers, it's been an eventful 9 months.

You can neither say nothing will get done or that a lot will (Like the World War 3, Civil War, Nukes being discharged, blah blah). This has been the first time in decades that the House, Senate, and White House has all been Republican. We have no idea what's coming, but it certainly isn't the stupid shit in my parenthesis there.
Polls / Re: Are there girls on the internet?
Nov 07, 2016, 09:21 PM
As a male who uses the internet, I used to be female. Once I popped open my first laptop, POOF! Male
I've always wanted a job in medicine, not necessarily surgery. However, it's the closest I'm going to get here. Surgeon
Tiny little crack. That's strange because I drop it almost every day. My laptop, however, Intreat with extreme care. I keep my little buddy very safe
Polls / Re: Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton
Nov 04, 2016, 01:02 AM
Quote from: MetaBird on Nov 04, 2016, 12:23 AM
Quote from: American_Walrus on Nov 03, 2016, 11:58 PMEither a popular or unpopular opinion here:
We joke about all of this, but honestly, I think there's blame that needs to be set. You can blame Donald Trump for being his disgustingly offensive self, and you can blame Clinton for being a careless dumbass, but who are the people who let them get to where they are now? Us. Or at least those of us who can vote. We could have eliminated these fuckbuckets as soon as they walked into this, soon after like Carson, or later like Cruz and Sanders, but no. Our negligence and the humor of our situation took over. So those Americans who didn't vote, this is their fault. Just more reason to laugh at America.

Choosing which of the two you want is like picking which STD you want.

Presidents don't have that much power anyways. Remember, we have 2 more branches, Legislative and Judicial, besides Executive (which is the president's) to control how much a president can do.
Well yeah, of course. But the president is the commander in chief and is the person Americans and non-Americans alike look to in a time of American or foreign conflicts. A prestigious title that neither Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump deserve
Polls / Re: Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton
Nov 03, 2016, 11:58 PM
Either a popular or unpopular opinion here:
We joke about all of this, but honestly, I think there's blame that needs to be set. You can blame Donald Trump for being his disgustingly offensive self, and you can blame Clinton for being a careless dumbass, but who are the people who let them get to where they are now? Us. Or at least those of us who can vote. We could have eliminated these fuckbuckets as soon as they walked into this, soon after like Carson, or later like Cruz and Sanders, but no. Our negligence and the humor of our situation took over. So those Americans who didn't vote, this is their fault. Just more reason to laugh at America.

Choosing which of the two you want is like picking which STD you want.
Quote from: ste2302 on Nov 03, 2016, 08:26 PM
Quote from: George_Filos on Nov 03, 2016, 07:31 PMTowelie I have a really good way for people on sft. Over 100 people will join.

I will try do the following:
1)Send to a really famous youtuber [Kwebbelkop] to join sft with him minecraft acount.
2)Over 20000 watch his videos so It's not luck for people to come.
3)Kwebbelkop is gona buy items from /buy i think.


Why don't you hit up PewDiePie as well? I'm sure he has some spare time.
Isn't @Toadlet PewDiePie??

boo, bitch
(you can see that there's still some walrus underneath, I'm not a heathen.)
Quote from: abandoncaptian on Oct 27, 2016, 05:16 PMThank you everyone for your support. And thank you Towelie for bringing up the topic of people calling me out and saying Im fake, and confronting the haters.
Grats bro. If you're anything like @darknuju , you'll be great for SFT
Polls / Re: Which is the best?
Oct 22, 2016, 03:03 PM
My dogs are very enjoyable and happy. If I were to leave for 5 weeks or 5 minutes, their reactions would be the same amount of happiness. On the other hand, whenever I greet my cat or a friend's cat, if I can get close enough without them running away, they only let me pet them for about 5 minutes, then it's scratching and biting. It's like they want attention, but they only want a specific and exact amount of attention. That's why I like dogs more. They are sociable, funny, up for pretty much any activity, and have the potential to protect me and my family when worse comes to worse. (Not that cats can't be sociable or funny)

I've also noticed this:
Cat people are soooooo defensive about cats. I think it's because a lot of people are dog people (or at least vocal about it), so they feel like the minority of the pet-loving world. Idk
Forum Games / Re: What's Your Excuse?
Oct 16, 2016, 09:40 PM
I'm lactose intolerant

Want to sit in my underwear and eat popcorn all day
Polls / Re: Chocolate vs Vanilla
Oct 10, 2016, 01:25 AM
That is... wow. I hope this was during summer
Quote from: Towelie on Sep 17, 2016, 02:29 PM
Quote from: Stancrazy on Sep 17, 2016, 10:43 AM- You don't actually get rewards for each round. The game doesn't award them to you.
Are you 100% sure? You should get them at the end of the game and only if you don't leave!
If you leave you are no longer given rewards.
Played once, no rewards either
"Which STD do you want" is an equal question

Btw the other two are Gary Johnson- Libertarian (my choice) and Jill Stein-Green party.

It is very likely neither of those will win.
Polls / Re: - sigh -
Sep 13, 2016, 08:51 PM
Yes, vaccinations were/are useful. Once the smallpox vaccine was introduced, the disease was completely eradicated. Smallpox is the only disease to be wiped off of the plant. Measles outbreaks arose in 1990 Japan as soon as people started easing up on their vaccines. Search it up. Vaccines helped us so much. What part of them would be a malediction?

Sorry to hijack this post