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Messages - misspiggy95

Who won this? @TheOfficialMiner
General Announcements / Re: SFT Client
May 02, 2017, 06:38 PM
Quote from: lionblaze10 on May 02, 2017, 04:17 PM
Quote from: Qwerty102964 on Mar 17, 2013, 07:20 PMNice! :D

@Qwerty102964 nice to see you again

Also,  love the idea
look at the date on the post :P

Shouldnt this be locked and moved then?
Quote from: TennisKhera on Apr 01, 2017, 07:57 PMI think the real joke is you thought some people would believe someone wanted to purchase SFT
Marry me right now
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Mar 20, 2017, 01:43 AM
Spring break=Becoming an ice cube and flying out to visit your best friend ;D @Toadlet
Forum Games / Re: Alphabet Game
Feb 27, 2017, 04:41 AM
R is for Really I'm just playing the game.
Forum Games / Re: Alphabet Game
Feb 27, 2017, 04:22 AM
P is for People need to stop copying already made forum posts!
General Announcements / Re: What's this?
Feb 25, 2017, 07:45 PM
for some reason reminds me of harvest moon
Doing different events doesn't always mean you have to build something extravagant.
I still think one of my all time favorite weekend events was the "Crack the Code" Katherine hosted a while back.
It was challenging, used teamwork to solve some pretty hard riddles, and a lot of people showed up to it
Survival Guides / Re: Ways to make money!
Feb 13, 2017, 09:30 PM
Quote from: MrChanango on Feb 13, 2017, 08:54 PM
Quote from: Halla on Feb 13, 2017, 05:45 AMSometimes selling houses that people like to buy can earn you a LOT of emp, but the downside is sometimes when you use the resources to build the house, and no one buys it, then it was a complete "waste" of resources and time consuming.

Also, I loved to see this post again! :heart:
Nice one to add :) thanks for the suggestions :)
@MrRed2017 @Halla Please move to the appropriate board then ;P
Survival Guides / Re: Ways to make money!
Feb 13, 2017, 08:33 PM
Shouldnt a post like this be stickied in Survival Guides rather than general survival discussions?
If you are trying to clean up the economy, just setting everyone's EMP to 0 won't do much more than piss off players.
They can still sell their large collections of ores or valuable items/stock up before you set everyone's balance then just re-sell.
With the EMP shop in place, it sort of gives them an unlimited access to money.

If you want to fix the economy, the best would be a full restart and eliminating the Emporium.
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 29, 2017, 08:02 AMWild West and MineQuest were unique indeed, and countless of hours were spent in them. But where they popular? not really.. people just want to kill stuff.
Honestly, if you put the right amount of thought and effort into it, they would be successful.
Currently I am playing on a questing server, and it is phenomenal. The countless hours and beautiful builds that complete this server is great and keeps players involved because of the details.
Quest servers give something for the player to work towards and complete.
OMG there are alerts? :o :o :o
General Discussion / Re: Post your FACE!
Jan 07, 2017, 07:11 AM
Username: misspiggy95
Have you ever been staff before, and if so, where?: Eh thats not important
Have you ever been banned before, and if so, what for?: I was once banned by saywhat and he made me go to the kitchen, does that disqualify me?
How active are you on discord? Sorry, I only use teamspeak
What do you plan to do as DJ?:I plan to drop my sick beats for all them fresh ears to hear
Will we ever re-enable the end?
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Dec 17, 2016, 08:51 PMOne thing, what is an air horn? (In mc)

Air horn is a special ink sac you get with the name "Air Horn" in red/black.
You can right click it and it will make an air horn sound for people around you to hear
(Note: If you get annoyed by the sound, you can always do /airhorn mute)
Quote from: Chocobo123456 on Dec 13, 2016, 05:36 PMDoes this build count as an ilegal build?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSHrieM9994 Its a video containing the farm and shows whats it about so if you see this Happynem and tell me if its allowed or not It will be nice =D

That would definitely count as an illegal build.
It requires no work and can constantly reproduce the chicken meat.
Damn those are some pretty exact amounts xD
Anywho, I am pleased with the spawn, it definitely has lots of room for players to explore and travel through.

This will be great for large sponge hunts ;)
We should try to fill the boards at the spawn with any questions or helpful warps as well.
Quote from: lionblaze10 on Dec 09, 2016, 05:47 PMI think as a fun addition to this you should make it so player heads drop upon death, then you can start a fun collection in the normal world. Also would be a good alternative to the 1mil emp to buy a head from the Emporium

I think people may abuse that.

Player 1 goes to Resource world with nothing on them
Player 2 goes and kills player 1.
Switch roles and repeat.

Now they both have each others head for free
I have a concern about the world that may not be able to be discussed in public,
I have brought it up via group skype message.
Quote from: xQuicScopex✪ on Nov 30, 2016, 08:53 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Nov 30, 2016, 08:46 PM
Quote from: misspiggy95 on Nov 30, 2016, 06:27 PMLucy has been told by at least 4 Manager+ that her town will not be moved, but she can pick a build within it to have it moved.
This isnt anything new. There are rules set in place so please respect them :)
This is a lie.
I have been told by 2 admins and a manager that i can have it move in parts.
Sorry. :)

to correct you you were told it COULD be done in parts depending the rules and the rules do not allow it to be moved

Actually, I remember myself and another Admin telling you no, and even asked Tow and he said no as well.
Towns will not be moved, but you can use your 3 build moves to take 3 builds from it:)
Lucy has been told by at least 4 Manager+ that her town will not be moved, but she can pick a build within it to have it moved.
This isnt anything new. There are rules set in place so please respect them :)
@TeraStorm Don't forget about me placing the best flower in the entire spawn ;D