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Messages - OrangeJuiceeee

My memory doesn't serve me that well when it comes to books from high school but here's a few that I remember:

Lord of the Flies - William Golding
Night - Elie Wiesel
(All the Shakespeare listed from everyone else)
House On Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros
1984 - George Orwell
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Educated - Tara Westover

I don't remember the rest but I remember the ones I enjoyed the most were probably Night, 1984, and Educated.
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
any update on this?
What are you advertising: autoshop
What is the warp to your business? : /warp ojbooks
What is the name of your business? : OJ Books
Who is the owner of the business? : mastercheif2710 (i'd prefer if OrangeJuiceeee was used tho since im switching back to that in a few weeks)

also question: this is part of a mall full of specialized autoshops i plan to open, but this is the only complete one. If i complete the other ones, would i be able to get it changed from this single shop to a warp for the whole mall?
i am now done! /warp ojxmas and then if you wanna go inside click the warp sign! hope you guys enjoy my snowglobe!
not done yet but the warp is above /warp ojxmas if you'd like a sneakpeek! :christmaspig:

working solo (unless @AtomicPulse would like to help me!)
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Dec 08, 2020, 07:30 AM
 :creeper: awww man
Mr Wpp bc he is one of,  if not the hardest working staff on sft as he consistently achieves the highest uptime and does not slack for a single minute of those many hours  8) and he trades fossils with me  :diamondpickaxe:
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Dec 02, 2020, 06:55 PM
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Dec 02, 2020, 09:40 AM
 :)  :laugh:  ;)  :D  ;D  >:(  :(  :o  8)  ???  ::)  ::)  :P   :-[  :-X  :-\  :-*  :'(  :steve:  :sheep:  :cow:  :pig:  :christmaspig:  :creeper:  :zombie:  :jackolantern:  :diamondshovel:  :diamondpickaxe:  :diamondaxe:  :diamondhoe:  :diamondsword:  :iron:  :gold:  :diamond:  :ironblock:  :goldblock:  :diamondblock:  :tnt:  :mobspawner:  :mobspawner:  :grassydirt:  :gravel:  :lightstone:  :chest:  :workbench:  :furnace:  :bookshelf:  :fire:  :heart:  :mushroom:  :redflower:  :yellowflower:  :slimeball:  :apple:  :goldenapple:  :boat:  :minecart:  :saddle:  :leather:  :bone:  :book:  :bow:  :fishingrod:  :bucket:  :waterbucket:  :lavabucket:  :milkbucket:  :cake:  :egg:  :greenrecord:  :paper:  :painting:  :sign:  :stick:  :snowball:  :lightstonedust:  :sugar:  :sugarcanes:  :woodendoor:  :cookedmeat:  :fish:  :potato: if i missed one im gonna be sad
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Dec 01, 2020, 01:03 AM
General Discussion / Re: Half a dozen
Sep 27, 2020, 02:51 AM
congrats winston!
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?: orangejuiceeee
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: about 3 hours (it is monday as of now)
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: around 210 hours
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?: no
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?: no
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?: JMod
Why do you want that rank?: I was JMod for a little bit before I became inactive again. I want to give it another shot since I have a lot of freetime on my hands this summer.
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): US
Do you have a Discord account?:yes