SteveCo #20 - Chewbacca Set

Started by Towelie, Aug 16, 2014, 06:48 AM

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Since StarWars is such a big thing I couldn't just leave it with one crate and move along.
So Introducing the 2nd StarWars SteveCo Crate #20.
I aim at adding 3 in total.

Contains: Chewbacca suit and mask, wookie bow, wookie blade and some other stuff.

NOTE: You can earn crates by voting. So vote every day, 5 times / day for the best chances.

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Yay!! Can't wait to unbox one :)


uhh towelie you mean 6 times/ day right? not 5


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Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796