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The state of things

Started by Towelie, Sep 06, 2014, 06:41 AM

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With regret I must inform you that it looks like bukkit/spigot (the heart of our servers and what allows us to have plugins and nice things) are dead. They have all suspended their downloads and are now stuck into what seems like a lengthy legal battle with the person that made this happen (read in an earlier post by me if you want to know the story).

What does this mean for us? This is probably the last update the server will get, at least in this form, so enjoy.
In the future (next few months), it will be crucial for us to establish the path we want to take. Staying on an older version is unacceptable for me, but from now on you might notice it takes us months to update to the latest version instead of hours/days. This is because the entire minecraft community is trying to find a Bukkit replacement and currently the only one seems to be CanaryMod or a combination of CanaryMod and Forge.
Problem is, people that run CanaryMod, it's just two of them, they have full-time jobs and they are still to this day stuck on 1.6.1 (Version). So things are uncertain now and we are basically stuck to 1.7.10 /w 1.8 compatibility.

The only party that could solve this is Mojang, however they seem to be extremely quiet and I believe they'll stay the same.
For now, this is a battle of the lawyers and until this is solved (could be months, years) and hopefully sold favorably we have to explore new options  / search for new alternatives.

tl;dr -> Bukkit's Dead, so is spigot, we are waiting for them to solve it which could take months but at the same time looking for new alternatives. Server won't update past 1.7.10 /w 1.8 compatibility until we find a viable alternative.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Sep 06, 2014, 06:57 AM #1 Last Edit: Sep 06, 2014, 07:04 AM by supergomguy
This is really sad news. :( I hope SFT can somehow make a plan and we keep the servers going. Eventually someone is going to make a copy of bukkit (Hopefully) but that might not even work very well, so I just hope that SFT can make a plan like they always do :)


We will find a sollution right now we are waiting and are curious of what will happen

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


This is ridiculous, surely there are other ways? D:


300 days  to create an update we cant even use


Quick question, what happens to towns then?

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


When you try to donwload one of the items you will get a not found error.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796

The Lovin Spoon

we all knew that the end of minecraft would come. I'm surprised it held for this long and people didn't return to play Garry's Mod


SFT will NOT die even if minecraft does, we still have other servers, granted not as popular, that we can go and put more resources into. I'm not saying that it won't be hard to come back if this goes poorly, but there are plenty of other games that we can host servers on. There's not really anything that we can do, other then hope for the best.



This is all happening because that one asshole thinks he's special...
"My country lay within a vast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted that wind, I suppose." - Ganondorf




Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


I have a stupid question -.-'
Is'nt it possible for you guys make your own 'bukkit' until something comes out?


Another update: Basically, All of the Bukkit Staff/Developers have resigned from their positions and or quit the project completely. This puts the icing on the cake, that Bukkit will not continue for the foreseeable future. At this point it's up to Mojang to come up with their own Mod API to support developers/server owners or continue the Bukkit Project which is highly unlikely due to the recent DMCA claim. Who knows what will happen next here? But there's no reason for our community to lay idle until someone/something else takes over development.

As a gaming community, like SuperFunTime, we should focus/move our attention towards other game servers. It's about time we realize Mojang doesn't care to support their community and it's really not worth our time and effort to keep those servers running anymore. It's not like everything we have here is going to shambles, all of the valued resources collected over the years to power Minecraft servers can be used elsewhere. This community was primarily built around Minecraft but now more than ever it's time for a change in a new direction. 

Source: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/an-independent-goodbye.310086/

EDIT: Just found out, there's still a new API under works to replace Bukkit/Spigot which can be found here.


I've always focused on other things, ALWAYS.
There is absolutely nothing to replace Minecraft there.
I've put a lot of time in Unturned, it's the most promising atm but still needs some improvements

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796

The Lovin Spoon

pls world
invent a new revolutionary game


i clicked on this for queen but now that read about it my heart skipped a beat :/



Yep that new guy ^ might just save us.
Yay for sponge-whateveritsname is and let's hope they don't take months to get a build out. (although they probably will since they are starting from scratch)

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796

The Lovin Spoon

>mr bucket is not kill
>2 weeks later mr bukkit closes

dont fink so m8


Quote from: brE on Sep 08, 2014, 06:56 PM
>mr bucket is not kill
>2 weeks later mr bukkit closes

dont fink so m8

its rel peple, gotta beleve it


The walruses are attempting to find mr. bucket: