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Do you think SFT is heading in the right direction?

Started by Towelie, Jun 21, 2016, 09:40 AM

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Quote from: IndefinitaHono on Jan 02, 1970, 04:44 PM-snip-

Please do everyone a favor and split up some of your post into paragraphs. Not trying to be picky or mean but it's nearly impossible to read.


Quote from: xJimJam on Jun 21, 2016, 12:09 PM
Quote from: Jay on Jun 21, 2016, 10:14 AMI see MANY players getting banned for a certain time period (Such as 2 weeks, for griefing etc.)I think this is a quite bad approach to the player base to be honest
The ban time depends on the staff and how the player is acting towards a particular staff member, and if the ban is for greifing the player that got greifed would see and think "oh he got banned for 1 week-4 days that's not fair due to the amount of damage this person has done." thus, leaving the server thinking it's not a "fair" server and will only be getting greifed.
Quote from: Jay on Jun 21, 2016, 10:14 AMpunishments should be re-evaluated. This is because 70% (Rough Estimate) of players who get banned for a long period of time are unlikely to return
I personally don't think the punishments need to be "re-evaluated" because the player chooses his/her actions... staff just follow the duties/rules they need to comply with.
Quote from: Jay on Jun 21, 2016, 10:14 AMmost of the victims of this punishment are Guest's and when they get banned for a extent period of time
Most-some of the server's guests usually just come on to greif or try to become staff due to the fact they see YouTubers make hacking, grefing, staffing videos and are most likely to set an example for the everyday average minecraft player, ergo the players that start playing want to be an "awesome hacker" or an "amazing greifer"

Sometimes I do find the punishments on new people are quite harsh. I understand if someone comes on and spams an IP address, gets kicked, comes back on and continues spamming until they are banned, but I find the two rules broken are taken with too harsher punishments. These are griefing and X-raying. YES these are against the rules., I know.
I find when a new people breaks one block, most of the time not on purpose or not really realising it mainly because it's a half destroyed house or something, staff (mainly jmods as that's one of their main roles - I.. Think?) appear and make a bigger deal out of it than it actually is. I don't really know how to word that in a different way. I've heard countless stories of people telling me how when they were a guest or member where they accidently broke a block, or were unaware that taking a block of wood from a destroyed house was against the rules, where they've been confronted and had about 10 minutes of their time wasted and how they were annoyed and pretty much, "wtf?". This has happened to four people ik irl, two of which no longer play, as well as others on the server. I don't find staff pretty much trying to hunt down people breaking blocks, mean it or not, a very impressive thing to do.
Now of coarse if it is done on purpose and the damage is awful and etc, then yes, deal with them as you would, but most of the time, I find its just accidents.
Now the issue with X-rayers is that yes it is against the rules, but sometimes they don't know this, they may not read the rules properly, etc etc. I never read the rules when I first joined, mainly because I was so excited and just ran around looking at everything. No I never X-rayed but if I had done, I would not have known I was breaking the rules and would have been banned. Again I've seen people find new people to be X-rayers and they tell them to post an unban request on here and then they get banned.
I'm sure most of the people who were banned have no clue how to post an unban request, and aren't in a hurry to click on a random link in a server they have JUST come to, or even willing to return back when they weren't even given a second chance. Not too long ago a person who had just joined was caught for X-raying, and seeing the process happen so many times I just cut the person causing them short and told the new person they were gonna get banned. This new person began freaking out and apologising and saying please don't, but ofc they were still banned anyway. I felt kinda bad for them really because they obviously didn't know it was against the rules but still got hit with the ban hammer anyway.
What I would say is instead of banning these people straight away, give them a second chance and if found out again, give a better, detailed explanation on how to post an unban instead of saying "post an unban here" {10 seconds later where they may not have clicked on it} they get banned. Maybe make sure the person has the link up and guide them through it before sending them off to their doom.

This is hella long and I hope you all enjoyed reading that xD

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 22, 2016, 03:56 PMThere's these moments when there's a thing on forums and then I appear with my massive paragraphs of texts, and I feel like everyone else just goes "ohhhhh nooooooooooo..."
For all those poor people who read my stuff.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 22, 2016, 03:53 PMI find when a new people breaks one block, most of the time not on purpose or not really realising it mainly because it's a half destroyed house or something, staff (mainly jmods as that's one of their main roles - I.. Think?) appear and make a bigger deal out of it than it actually is. I don't really know how to word that in a different way. I've heard countless stories of people telling me how when they were a guest or member where they accidently broke a block, or were unaware that taking a block of wood from a destroyed house was against the rules, where they've been confronted and had about 10 minutes of their time wasted and how they were annoyed and pretty much, "wtf?". This has happened to four people ik irl, two of which no longer play, as well as others on the server. I don't find staff pretty much trying to hunt down people breaking blocks, mean it or not, a very impressive thing to do.

Again it depends on the staff member dealing with the player. Maybe the staff member had a bad day and is feeling edgy at the time idk, and things were also different in the past i know when i first joined i griefed a piece of glass once and got banned just like that. later on i was informed why that happened at the time. staff are given rules to follow and told what to do and if they do something you might not like, keep in mind they're just following their orders.

Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 22, 2016, 03:53 PMNow the issue with X-rayers is that yes it is against the rules, but sometimes they don't know this, they may not read the rules properly, etc etc. I never read the rules when I first joined, mainly because I was so excited and just ran around looking at everything. No I never X-rayed but if I had done, I would not have known I was breaking the rules and would have been banned. Again I've seen people find new people to be X-rayers and they tell them to post an unban request on here and then they get banned.

When a staff member deals with a x-rayer they normally ask questions like "Do you know what x-ray is?" and  "Do you know it's not allowed on the server?" this is to acknowledge if the player knows the rules, now they'll check if the player is co-operative or not.

Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 22, 2016, 03:53 PMMaybe make sure the person has the link up and guide them through it before sending them off to their doom.

this also depends on the type of staff member that they're dealing with, and the player too! The player can be cussing out everything and everyone in the server! there's so many possibilities that can happen during this time. They can be x-raying and flying or griefing at an incredible speed for all we know! It depends on the staff member. :)

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 22, 2016, 03:53 PMNot too long ago a person who had just joined was caught for X-raying, and seeing the process happen so many times I just cut the person causing them short and told the new person they were gonna get banned. This new person began freaking out and apologising and saying please don't, but ofc they were still banned anyway. I felt kinda bad for them really because they obviously didn't know it was against the rules but still got hit with the ban hammer anyway.
What I would say is instead of banning these people straight away, give them a second chance and if found out again, give a better, detailed explanation on how to post an unban instead of saying "post an unban here" {10 seconds later where they may not have clicked on it} they get banned. Maybe make sure the person has the link up and guide them through it before sending them off to their doom.

There is a process that goes with when someone is caught x-raying. We ask if they know if it's against the rules and if they don't we expain it to them. We always ask if they know how to post an unban request before we ban them. The person you are talking about was banned because it is protocol (I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about because I think I banned them.) No one gets special treatment no matter how sorry they are or even if you feel bad for them, equal treatment for everyone doing the same crime. It wouldn't be fair for some people to get off the hook for the same thing someone else was banned for because they were sorry. They should have read the rules, they're there for a reason. When giving the link for an unban request, we put it in the ban, so if they try to join the server again, the link shows up. These links take you directly to the post and the rest is just filling out the questions that the form asks so it's self-explanatory. So they don't lose the link. I always say when I'm about to ban them so they know that it's going to happen in a few seconds as a heads up and I try to help out as best as possible because it is sad to ban someone for something when they didn't know better, but it's protocol and we have to do it as staff. I am sorry you feel this way Lucy. I don't like banning people, it makes me sad and if I could give them another chance I would depending on the way they act but I can't and us staff have to follow the guidelines on how to deal with certian offenses.

That's America's Ass
Survival Elder


I think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 22, 2016, 11:53 PMI think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
someone has been needing to say that for a while now but ever time I say it it comes out wrong.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 23, 2016, 06:28 AM
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 22, 2016, 11:53 PMI think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
someone has been needing to say that for a while now but ever time I say it it comes out wrong.

A minor offence is usually something like a player breaking blocks in a claimed area, or a player breaking blocks within an unclaimed area but they are compliant with replacing them as best they can.

X-raying is a very serious offence, and I don't think you understand that Lucy. X-rayers basically ruin the economy and honestly, it's not doing so great currently. Having an economy with billions on billions of dollars in it just destroys the economy and any player having tens of millions of EMP basically just sets them up forever. If we were to allow x-rayers to just get away with a "sorry" then that's not a punishment on their behalf either. Most people (especially younger kids) aren't going to learn that they've made such a game-breaking mistake unless you punish them for it.
"There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts" -Voltaire


Quote from: Stoovs on Jun 24, 2016, 07:47 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 23, 2016, 06:28 AM
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 22, 2016, 11:53 PMI think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
someone has been needing to say that for a while now but ever time I say it it comes out wrong.

A minor offence is usually something like a player breaking blocks in a claimed area, or a player breaking blocks within an unclaimed area but they are compliant with replacing them as best they can.

X-raying is a very serious offence, and I don't think you understand that Lucy. X-rayers basically ruin the economy and honestly, it's not doing so great currently. Having an economy with billions on billions of dollars in it just destroys the economy and any player having tens of millions of EMP basically just sets them up forever. If we were to allow x-rayers to just get away with a "sorry" then that's not a punishment on their behalf either. Most people (especially younger kids) aren't going to learn that they've made such a game-breaking mistake unless you punish them for it.

-.- being treated like I've lived in a hole for a million years and that I know nothing is starting to irritate me.
Yes I know it's a serious offence, and I know it's unfair etc etc etc.
I mean if the player generally didn't know they broke the rules. And it's highly unlikely if the player is banned from the server, that they will come back. Sure if they are hissing, spitting, biting and doing whatever then yes okay ban them, but if the player is sorry, give them a huge mega slap (or a warning) and if they are caught doing it again, or doing another type of offence, THEN punch them in the face with a ban.
For the love of God I'm not saying "let's let all hackers be free and hack" I'm saying don't rip out everyone's guts if they didn't even realise they were doing something wrong.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 24, 2016, 08:18 PM
Quote from: Stoovs on Jun 24, 2016, 07:47 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 23, 2016, 06:28 AM
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 22, 2016, 11:53 PMI think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
someone has been needing to say that for a while now but ever time I say it it comes out wrong.

A minor offence is usually something like a player breaking blocks in a claimed area, or a player breaking blocks within an unclaimed area but they are compliant with replacing them as best they can.

X-raying is a very serious offence, and I don't think you understand that Lucy. X-rayers basically ruin the economy and honestly, it's not doing so great currently. Having an economy with billions on billions of dollars in it just destroys the economy and any player having tens of millions of EMP basically just sets them up forever. If we were to allow x-rayers to just get away with a "sorry" then that's not a punishment on their behalf either. Most people (especially younger kids) aren't going to learn that they've made such a game-breaking mistake unless you punish them for it.

-.- being treated like I've lived in a hole for a million years and that I know nothing is starting to irritate me.
Yes I know it's a serious offence, and I know it's unfair etc etc etc.
I mean if the player generally didn't know they broke the rules. And it's highly unlikely if the player is banned from the server, that they will come back. Sure if they are hissing, spitting, biting and doing whatever then yes okay ban them, but if the player is sorry, give them a huge mega slap (or a warning) and if they are caught doing it again, or doing another type of offence, THEN punch them in the face with a ban.
For the love of God I'm not saying "let's let all hackers be free and hack" I'm saying don't rip out everyone's guts if they didn't even realise they were doing something wrong.
Not knowing the rules is never an excuse, because then every player will say "I didn't know"
When dealing with an x-rayer, we make sure to explain how to post an unban request, and 90% of the time, they post one almost instantly, and get unbanned within 48 hours (With the appropriate punishments)

Melons are love. Melons are life


Quote from: misspiggy95 on Jun 24, 2016, 08:22 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 24, 2016, 08:18 PM
Quote from: Stoovs on Jun 24, 2016, 07:47 PM
Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 23, 2016, 06:28 AM
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 22, 2016, 11:53 PMI think staff needs to chill out more often and not be so strict on kicking and banning people for minor offenses. I can understand if they are kicked if they say something completely inappropriate, but I think that if it's not major, then they should resort to talking it out.

Diplomacy is key.  :steve:
someone has been needing to say that for a while now but ever time I say it it comes out wrong.

A minor offence is usually something like a player breaking blocks in a claimed area, or a player breaking blocks within an unclaimed area but they are compliant with replacing them as best they can.

X-raying is a very serious offence, and I don't think you understand that Lucy. X-rayers basically ruin the economy and honestly, it's not doing so great currently. Having an economy with billions on billions of dollars in it just destroys the economy and any player having tens of millions of EMP basically just sets them up forever. If we were to allow x-rayers to just get away with a "sorry" then that's not a punishment on their behalf either. Most people (especially younger kids) aren't going to learn that they've made such a game-breaking mistake unless you punish them for it.

-.- being treated like I've lived in a hole for a million years and that I know nothing is starting to irritate me.
Yes I know it's a serious offence, and I know it's unfair etc etc etc.
I mean if the player generally didn't know they broke the rules. And it's highly unlikely if the player is banned from the server, that they will come back. Sure if they are hissing, spitting, biting and doing whatever then yes okay ban them, but if the player is sorry, give them a huge mega slap (or a warning) and if they are caught doing it again, or doing another type of offence, THEN punch them in the face with a ban.
For the love of God I'm not saying "let's let all hackers be free and hack" I'm saying don't rip out everyone's guts if they didn't even realise they were doing something wrong.
Not knowing the rules is never an excuse, because then every player will say "I didn't know"
When dealing with an x-rayer, we make sure to explain how to post an unban request, and 90% of the time, they post one almost instantly, and get unbanned within 48 hours (With the appropriate punishments)

Totes is an excuse.
Like I said ages ago, I never read the rules when I joined cus I was so excited and ran around looking at everything.
All I can say is "chill with the whippin' of people" but the probability of me getting listened to is about 3% chance.
Do what you will but if I feeling extremely strongly that something is being dealt with wrong, I will interfere, and I'm pretty sure people are already aware of this and seen me do it.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Before I start writing my opinion, don't stone me to death, geez.

Okay, so I find players annoyed by staff for these reasons, which I am sorry to say has been increasing.

1. Staff ignore players too much, not even an exagguration.

2. General unfriendly attitude. I know they give you the cookie or whatever, but it looks like its filled with poison and shit, after you are spoken to rudely

3. Unecessary kicks. Do I really have to explain? Towelie has been apologizing to people for staff kicking them for no reason. And NO, this is not directed before you start jumping outta your seats and start setting my ass on fire.

Aight, that's my post.


Jun 24, 2016, 10:35 PM #37 Last Edit: Jun 24, 2016, 10:38 PM by xJimJam
QuoteDo what you will but if I feeling extremely strongly that something is being dealt with wrong, I will interfere, and I'm pretty sure people are already aware of this and seen me do it.
Like i've said before every staff member has their own way with dealing with stuff and if you get into it you might get in trouble for it. (depending on what staff member it is.) Yes I do agree that some staff need to cool it a bit but there's times where they have to be strict to get their message across... Some players are ignorant and just ignore most of the staff team, ergo leading the staff team to kicking /banning them. There's things staff needs to do in order to keep SFT clean from some types of players and keep it a happy community. Without rules there will be complete havoc among us. Yes we CAN be nice and deal with players in a way but that's IF they let us. We come up to a player and talk to them about greifing in a nice way but then they start lying and cussing us off causing them a longer ban time. There's certain punishments for the way a player acts. Notice in unbans some staff says "You were fully compliant therefor i'll be lowering your untrusted time/ ban time/ ect." that's because of the way the player acted toward the staff member we're not all robots programed to do the same thing.

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Quote from: Stoovs on Jun 24, 2016, 07:47 PMA minor offence is usually something like a player breaking blocks in a claimed area, or a player breaking blocks within an unclaimed area but they are compliant with replacing them as best they can.

X-raying is a very serious offence, and I don't think you understand that Lucy. X-rayers basically ruin the economy and honestly, it's not doing so great currently. Having an economy with billions on billions of dollars in it just destroys the economy and any player having tens of millions of EMP basically just sets them up forever. If we were to allow x-rayers to just get away with a "sorry" then that's not a punishment on their behalf either. Most people (especially younger kids) aren't going to learn that they've made such a game-breaking mistake unless you punish them for it.
Okay, first off, I don't know what you're saying has to do with what I had stated. I understand that when it comes to major rule breaking, the player must face the consequences that follow.

What I'm saying, is that staff should not be kicking or banning players for unnecessary reasons. For example, if someone cusses on the server, they should not be kicked since we allow cussing on our server as long as it is not excessive or towards another player.

What I want, is for ALL of SFT staff to just take a step back and not be addicted to punishing players for improper reasons. Let us just take this step back and realize that people want to have fun. I'm not saying throw away all sense of rules and justice, but understand that you don't have to police every single word that comes out of every player's mouth.

Quote from: Lucy_23x on Jun 24, 2016, 08:18 PM-.- being treated like I've lived in a hole for a million years and that I know nothing is starting to irritate me.
Yes I know it's a serious offence, and I know it's unfair etc etc etc.
I mean if the player generally didn't know they broke the rules. And it's highly unlikely if the player is banned from the server, that they will come back. Sure if they are hissing, spitting, biting and doing whatever then yes okay ban them, but if the player is sorry, give them a huge mega slap (or a warning) and if they are caught doing it again, or doing another type of offence, THEN punch them in the face with a ban.
For the love of God I'm not saying "let's let all hackers be free and hack" I'm saying don't rip out everyone's guts if they didn't even realise they were doing something wrong.
@Lucy_23x is absolutely correct on this. We need to justify rule breaking APPROPRIATELY. We cannot continue to allow for loyal SFT players to feel like staff hates them, solely because they said something that is controversial or may be inappropriate.

I am and have always been a Pacifist. If you want to get something done the right way, then it starts with the self. It is ALL of our responsibility to treat our players equally. It is our responsibility to make sure that the consequences we give for rule breaking is FAIR and APPROPRIATE. :steve:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Quote from: Calaurix_95 on Jun 24, 2016, 10:31 PM1. Staff ignore players too much, not even an exagguration.
I can agree with this. We do sometimes tend to not see when players call for us due to the fact that we may be busy doing other staff work, or caught up in our own ordeals. I can guarantee you that all staff members look to improve their connections with the players and that this problem is being worked on as much as we can.

Quote from: Calaurix_95 on Jun 24, 2016, 10:31 PM2. General unfriendly attitude. I know they give you the cookie or whatever, but it looks like its filled with poison and shit, after you are spoken to rudely.
I understand that some staff may be stiff when it comes to punishing players, but we do that on the sole purpose because we need that player that is facing their consequences, knows the full extent of the power of staff. We do have the right to be strict when it comes to certain things and when certain rules are being broken.

You can relate what you said to the general outlook on police officers. I would say those who see them as mean and rude (mostly teenagers and young adults), don't understand that they are trying to show you that what you are doing, is unacceptable. Police officers often try and make sure that you do not continue to be a nuisance.

I would recommend that the best thing for players to do, is to cooperate with staff. We are players too, and we want the best for the server just as normal players do. But if we are being confronted with an angry, uncooperative player, then you will most likely not get the same response from the staff member.

Quote from: Calaurix_95 on Jun 24, 2016, 10:31 PM3. Unecessary kicks. Do I really have to explain? Towelie has been apologizing to people for staff kicking them for no reason. And NO, this is not directed before you start jumping outta your seats and start setting my ass on fire.
Here's what I said just a few moments ago on that issue:
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 25, 2016, 12:12 AM@Lucy_23x is absolutely correct on this. We need to justify rule breaking APPROPRIATELY. We cannot continue to allow for loyal SFT players to feel like staff hates them, solely because they said something that is controversial or may be inappropriate.

I am and have always been a Pacifist. If you want to get something done the right way, then it starts with the self. It is ALL of our responsibility to treat our players equally. It is our responsibility to make sure that the consequences we give for rule breaking is FAIR and APPROPRIATE. :steve:
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech."
― Benjamin Franklin


Jun 25, 2016, 05:33 AM #40 Last Edit: Jun 25, 2016, 05:36 AM by xJimJam
Quote from: ochoaj on Jun 25, 2016, 12:12 AMWhat I want, is for ALL of SFT staff to just take a step back and not be addicted to punishing players for improper reasons. Let us just take this step back and realize that people want to have fun.
Quote from: xJimJam on Jun 24, 2016, 10:35 PMLike i've said before every staff member has their own way with dealing with stuff...Yes I do agree that some staff need to cool it a bit but there's times where they have to be strict to get their message across... Some players are ignorant and just ignore most of the staff team, ergo leading the staff team to kicking /banning them.
Most of the staff team don't like kicking/banning people for improper reasons but some players push their luck with the staff with the kick and make the case worse than it already is. 

 :redflower: :redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower::redflower:

:heart:You MUST learn to help yourself. Thats how you become stronger. :heart:


Jun 25, 2016, 06:30 AM #41 Last Edit: Jun 25, 2016, 10:25 AM by Lucy_23x
I don't really have anything to extend on here.
All I can say is ill do what I believe is right and if I get in trouble for it, so be it.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile