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[Survival] Chat/behavior rule clarifications

Started by Sparkle_Sun, Jul 26, 2016, 02:37 AM

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Hey SFT,

This is long overdue, but here is a clarification of what is not allowed in chat and certain behaviors. I am showing you both the player side of these rules, and the staff side (how staff will be directed to handle these instances) so everyone can see how things work. This has been posted in the general SuperFunTime rules as well, found here: General Rules and Guidelines for SuperFunTime Survival

If anyone disagrees or has a comment about something specific, please respond with constructive criticism. Any negativity for the sake of negativity will not be allowed. Please note that these guidelines were put in front of the Manager+ team and were critiqued and changed per group decision.

For players: The occasional few words are okay as long as they are not directed at anyone and aren't inappropriate, but spamming it is not, and neither is just spewing foul words into chat. Example: "oh f*ck me I died" which is fine, versus "f*cking sh*t son of a b*tch" which is over the top.

For staff: If someone is spamming, saying crude things, or swearing at someone, you should step in and give them a verbal warning or a kick if necessary. If it continues, issue a ban.

Vulgar language:
For players: No comments targeting race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identities, suicide, self-harm, religion, political groups or cultures, or sexual innuendos.

For staff: If someone makes a mal-intentioned comment, warn them and explain that it's not allowed. If spamming or it continues, issue a ban.

For players: You can mess around and pull pranks as long as you don't break any server rules and if the player(s) affected or staff tell you to stop, you need to stop. Tread lightly here; just because you intend to replace blocks you broke on your friend's house doesn't mean they don't see it as you griefing them, and then it's not a prank anymore.

For staff: If both sides are okay with what's happening, they're not getting hurt, and no rules are being broken (some rules may be bypassed because of the consent by the other player) trolling is fine. If not, you may intervene and handle the situation accordingly.

Arguing with staff:
For players: If you feel personally offended by staff, take it up with them in a private PM. Staff should do the same beyond the initial warning "Hey [soandso] please stop!"

For staff: If someone violates the rules or their behavior has justified you giving them a warning, the first one may be publically in chat like seen above, but do not continue any further discussion in global chat.

For players: No jokes targeting race, religion, political groups, cultures, dirty jokes, or anything distasteful and mocking modern issues such as jokes about 9/11, the current political climate in the Middle East, mass shootings, etc.

For staff: Same as vulgar language. If someone makes a one-time comment, warn them and explain that it's not allowed. If spamming or it continues, issue a time-ban.

For players: No debates on religion, politics, or any delicate subjects in global chat. Private debates are fine, but staff/SFT are not responsible for offense taken in private discussions.

For staff: If any of the above topics begin to start a debate in global/local chat, warn those involved to stop the conversation or move it to a private setting. If it does not stop, you may kick those who are carrying on.


Jul 26, 2016, 02:42 AM #1 Last Edit: Jul 26, 2016, 02:46 AM by American_Walrus
Party chats are awesome. If you want to have a debate or want discuss something, ask some people who are interested/are involved
 to join a temporary party.



Jul 26, 2016, 02:59 AM #3 Last Edit: Jul 26, 2016, 05:04 AM by FEXZER
amazing post, this information is really useful :D.


Thank you for clarifying that asking questions is not arguing.


Looks good. Just make sure staff are still held to the same chat rules as players.


Awesome post! A little thing for players and staff as well :)



Seems like these are the rules that have always been 'around' but were mostly just by word of mouth and never really official. It's good to have a post like this that staff and players can refer to instead of X staff member claimed X was the rules etc. :)


I hate jokes about modern issues and people suffering, I really do.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Not sure if this is still a rule but is it still true that only English is allowed in global chat?


                           /warp SteveCoMuseum


Quote from: onionboyzz on Jul 26, 2016, 08:03 AMNot sure if this is still a rule but is it still true that only English is allowed in global chat?
Tbh it should be you can speak any language, but then again it shouldn't so as of right now, it's still a rule.
Greed may not be good, but it's not bad, either. You humans think it's for money and power. But everyone wants something they don't have.
Survival is the only way. Live on and learn more.
Even when our eyes are closes, there's a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.


Great Post!Most of pocket already follows these rules :D


Quote from: Sparkle_Sun on Jul 26, 2016, 02:37 AMNo comments targeting religion, political groups or cultures, or sexual innuendos.
Oh shit that's most of my jokes out the window ;)


Don't take this the wrong way, I agree with everything in the post, but you also have to make sure that the staff also understand this, I've had a few staff (not naming) have a go at me because I swear, not excessively, nor at anyone, so I'd just like to make sure that the staff also understand this :)

 Thanks, Val.


Quote from: QuadKaiden|Yuggy on Jul 26, 2016, 09:06 AM
Quote from: onionboyzz on Jul 26, 2016, 08:03 AMNot sure if this is still a rule but is it still true that only English is allowed in global chat?
Tbh it should be you can speak any language, but then again it shouldn't so as of right now, it's still a rule.
On pixelmon it got changed so other languages is allowed but main is still English .-.




Quote from: onionboyzz on Jul 26, 2016, 08:03 AMNot sure if this is still a rule but is it still true that only English is allowed in global chat?

Quote from: Vallith on Jul 26, 2016, 11:59 AMDon't take this the wrong way, I agree with everything in the post, but you also have to make sure that the staff also understand this, I've had a few staff (not naming) have a go at me because I swear, not excessively, nor at anyone, so I'd just like to make sure that the staff also understand this :)

 Thanks, Val.
That's why I included how staff should handle situations. If you see a staff member do something wrong, take a screenshot and tell a Manager+ so they can sort it.


Great post, very much needed.

I also want to point out that, yes, staff are held to these same standards. Just because it says 'players', doesnt mean that the staff team is exempt from these rules. We have to enforce the rules, and by that standard we are to abide by them as well.

Like Sparkle said, if a staff member is not following these rules, take a screenshot and send it to a manager+. Everyone exists under the same conditions, so dont be afraid to 'tattle' on someone just because they are staff; we have rules to follow as well. :)


Quote from: nuggetzor150 on Jul 26, 2016, 05:13 PMGreat post, very much needed.

I also want to point out that, yes, staff are held to these same standards. Just because it says 'players', doesnt mean that the staff team is exempt from these rules. We have to enforce the rules, and by that standard we are to abide by them as well.

Like Sparkle said, if a staff member is not following these rules, take a screenshot and send it to a manager+. Everyone exists under the same conditions, so dont be afraid to 'tattle' on someone just because they are staff; we have rules to follow as well. :)
Said like a boss.

Quote from: sparkydeathcap on Feb 17, 2016, 04:07 AMand also; how old are you? I've always imagined you as like a old irish man that drinks whiskey and screams at people to get off his lawn while sitting on a bench in the park. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case because if it was: 1. you're a pedophile and 2. you're a pedophile


Life is what you make it, so make it great.
Love with all your heart.
❤Mrs_Ender❤ - Today at 2:25 PM >8ball should I be binned?
HovenBOT - Today at 2:25 PM As I see it, yes


Although it must be enforced that staff follow language rules as well sometimes they get out of control :)


Quote from: ThesonofHokusi on Jul 27, 2016, 09:57 PMAlthough it must be enforced that staff follow language rules as well sometimes they get out of control :)

Quote from: Sparkle_Sun on Jul 26, 2016, 12:34 PMThat's why I included how staff should handle situations. If you see a staff member do something wrong, take a screenshot and tell a Manager+ so they can sort it.