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[Lost Islands] The End

Started by blalp, Sep 27, 2016, 03:28 AM

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How mcuh of the end should be protected?

Nothing! Free for all and death warps are fine by me.
1 (33.3%)
Nothing! But please regulate
2 (66.7%)
10 block radius
4 (133.3%)
25 block radius
2 (66.7%)
50 block radius
0 (0%)
All of it.
1 (33.3%)
Leave a small area unprotected in which we can re-summon the enderDragon
4 (133.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3


The end has been constantly mined out of late. A couple days ago, the place where you spawned for the end was a straight drop into the void. Please realise that you do not need to mine out the end for any natural resources. Below is a list of how you get items without destroying the end. Currently a 25-50 block radius is protected.
  • Mob drops
  • nether ore
  • minicio plants
End Stone
  • R-click a glowstone onto a barrel filled with lava. This can be automated.
  • nether ore
  • sieving crushed end stone
ender lillies
  • No way to get them ouside of end
ender hives
  • No way to get them ouside of end

Any questions or comments? post below!
Have a fantastic day!


Quick note, the draconian in the end is the easiest and most abundant way to gather it because the crushed end stone method is very rare with full fortune upgrades and the nether ores haven't been very noticeable or even spawning.


Just a bit of a suggestion for everyone, try to get fortune, so if you do mine out the end, you don't have to mine as much. If you need an easy way to get fortune, just ask me anytime when I am on and if I have the xp or if you have spare xp you could spare, I can effectively make fortune 3 excavation foci at the cost of roughly 56 xp levels each, but with the addition of efficiency 2. (Fortune is the most effective way to harvest all end ores in the mod pack) There is also a method that I would consider a bit of a glitch that I am going to ask about before posting, but this glitch can be used to make mining in the nether a lot easier for anyone who uses it for resources. (This glitch ignites explosive ores in a somewhat ineffective area and releases hell fish from ores that they are inside of, but preserves most of the non-explosive ores) If I get told that this glitch is ok because it encourages nether mining, I will expose it, but if I am told otherwise, I will make sure it gets to the server staff.
You must accept the fundamental truth of reality, Lost = Life!!


I was told the "glitch" I found was not a glitch, so to use the effective nether mining method, use a portable hole on nether ores, let the ores explode and the hell fish escape, then go in for all the resources once the explosions have stopped(this may take some time if you hit a chain of bad veins).
You must accept the fundamental truth of reality, Lost = Life!!


End reset, 10 block radius with build area to make ritual provided. Happy mining! Please note that the end will reset less often than it once was. If it is needed desperately, I will try to arrange it, but please keep your mining to decent levels. Rebuild with the endstone at least on surface would be nice.
Have a fantastic day!