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Happy Thanksgiving!

Started by Towelie, Nov 22, 2018, 05:10 PM

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Nov 22, 2018, 05:10 PM Last Edit: Nov 22, 2018, 05:16 PM by Towelie
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans!
Sorry for posting this a bit later, but I am not an american and therefor do not celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
I am thankful for having @darknuju as my lead dev - he helps me quite a lot and running Survival wouldn't be possible without him.
I'm thankful to all our Patrons and donators premium users
I'm thankful for having @Dpa1991 as a friend and a co-owner at the same time, and while our relationship has its ups and downs like any friendship has, we've managed to still be friends after 7 years (while also being co-owners).
I'm thankful for having a wonderful staff team (For Survival and the other servers)
I'm thankful for having awesome contributors that run servers for SFT @xQuicScopex✪ @Mord3005 @ceddy24 @Loasty @Nubbun
I'm also thankful for having @fearthe1337  - without him, none of this would be possible, but I'd be more thankful if he wasn't dead xd
I'm thankful for having all of you awesome people and this wonderful community.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Happy Thanksgiving guys! I am thankful for my position here in this community where I can learn and help out lots of people. Have a great day!


Happy Thanksgiving, I don't celebrate it but hope y'all get some amazing food and have a good time x)



I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone when I say that we are thankful for you all too!! Thanks for everything you have done and will do for SFT! Sending lots of love,