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[Factions] Ranks list

Started by Dogggeh, Apr 27, 2020, 12:34 AM

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Apr 27, 2020, 12:34 AM Last Edit: Apr 27, 2020, 08:47 AM by Doggggeh
Factions Ranks and their power level

The number next to the rank name is the mcmmo power level needed to get that rank, your mcmmo power level is all of your mcmmo levels added together (so to rankup it is much easier to grind a variety of skills). To see your power level do /mcstats and it is the top number. Once you achieve the power level for a rank you should rankup automatically, it may just take a few minutes.

Miner --- 0 :

/kit includes;

Stone Pickaxe, Stone Axe, Stone Sword, and Stone shovel

Kit Cooldown --- 12h

Farmer --- 50 :

/kit includes;

Steak x8, Seeds x8, Stone Hoe, and Water Bucket

Kit Cooldown --- 12h

Ranger --- 100:

/kit includes;

Bow, and Arrow x16

Kit Cooldown --- 12h

Warrior --- 200 :

/kit includes;

Sharpness 1 Iron sword, Iron Chestplate, and a Iron Helmet

Kit Cooldown --- 24h

Salvager --- 400:

/kit includes;

Anvil, and a Iron Block

Kit Cooldown --- 48h

Lancer --- 750:

/kit includes;

Diamond Sword, and a Protection 2 Iron Helmet

Kit Cooldown --- 48h

Demoman --- 1250:

/kit includes;

TNT x8, Redstone x8, and a Lever

Kit Cooldown --- 24h

Paladin --- 1800:

/kit includes;

Sharpness 1 Diamond sword, Unbreaking 1 Diamond boots, Protection 1 Iron Helmet, Protection 1 Iron Chestplate, and Protection 1 Iron Leggings

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Chiefton --- 2500

/kit includes;

Diamond Sword, Diamond Axe, Diamond Shovel, and a Unbreaking 3 Book

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Warlord --- 4000:

/kit includes;

Diamond Helmet, Protection 3 Iron Chestplate, Protection 3 Iron Leggings, Diamond Boots, and a Sharpness 2 Book

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Celestial --- 6000:

/kit includes;

Protection 1 Diamond, Helmet Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Protection 1 Diamond Boots, Sharpness 3 Diamond Sword, and a Fire Aspect 1 Book

Kit Cooldown --- 72h

Ascended --- 10000

/kit includes;

Sharpness 4 Book, Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 Book, Power 5 Bow, Fortune 3 Pickaxe, and a Diamond Block

Kit Cooldown --- 72h
