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Hexxit 2 Release & Pixelmon Archive & Rotation Server!!!!

Started by AtomicPulse, Oct 23, 2021, 03:35 PM

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Hey everyone,

First off, Pixelmon will be archived due to it's lack players, though it may come back in the future depending on demand.

Although on a better note, we have decided to release Hexxit 2 as our first-ever "Rotation" server!!! The brand new sequel to the beloved Hexxit mod pack will be followed by the release of our server for a first-hand approach to the brand new modpack!

We will be releasing the server at 8PM BST / 3PM EST TODAY soon after the pack releases (we apologise for the late notice, blame blalp)

WE hope to see lots of people there!!!!!!!

How to download Hexxit2 (Bear in mind the pack doesn't release until 5PM GMT / 12PM EST) -> https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,197976.0.html (same process but with hexxit2)

More info on "Rotation Server":

The "Rotation" server will be a new server that will feature new game modes, minigames and modpacks which are  only up until the server dies. It will be designed to host a variety of fun and exciting modes to entertain all types of players. Hexxit 2 will be the first!

Soon after the server releases there will be a team dungeon building competition, details to follow
BTeam Owner | Survival Admin | Creative JMod

Ex - Factions FMod | Prison Guard


Delayed by an hour, unforeseen technic difficulties
Have a fantastic day!


Server releasing as Open Alpha, will move into beta on Monday
Have a fantastic day!