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Started by Towelie, Dec 29, 2014, 07:43 PM

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Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 12:29 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 12:28 PM
Quote from: Cesspitsid on Dec 30, 2014, 12:04 PM
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the protection plugin, I don't really like it since 1.8 update, I can't get xp from the bottles I drop in someone's protection, about 25k I've wasted not knowing, people can't open wooden doors or even trapdoors in my autoshop, they can't take the free food from the dispensers... even when pressing a button,
and now they can't leave feedback about my shop because of child protections and stuff. It's quite annoying.

I hope there is a way to fix this protection plugin or finding another, This is first and foremost on my mind about SFT now.
This protection plugin is WorldGuard. About finding another, that's not going to happen. About fixing it, it's all up to the plugin author. We are using the same plugin, it's just  that they did some changes to it when updating.
PS: Just so people don't think I'm cocky and arrogant, I'd like to explain -> I said it's not gonna happen because if we were to change it all the current protected regions will remain unprotected. So basically it's not that I don't want, it's that we can't.

Understood :)

and it seems from other comments I can fix these things with help of a manager+ with child protections?
I thought staff weren't allowed to do these kinds of protections until further notice :P


Just to clarify the child protection thing:
It was on hold because 1.8 messed it up.
But credit to Happynem, he showed us another way, the negative part is that only Manager+ can do it. But at least some staff can do it now ;)

Other than that, as Towelie says, if you have anything on your mind regarding SFT (That can be used to change it or improve it) don't hold it back, we need your input! If you are afraid of going public with it, you can forum PM the Manager+ Team :)  :zombie:


Dec 31, 2014, 05:14 AM #27 Last Edit: Dec 31, 2014, 05:34 AM by Brightpkz
Personally for me, I am losing interest in SFT because of what's going on recently.

EMP not buying items:
This idea isn't bad, but it certainly isn't good too. It's just Minecraft, is economy really that important? Just let players enjoy selling items and earning money... I definitely found SFT funner with EMP. Simply because it was a unique idea and it brought money in.

Plugins falling apart:
I know this isn't SFT's fault but we need the plugins, it is what makes the game fun. Important plugins like GlobalMarket is also gone...

A lot of autoshops aren't doing well because of the EMP not buying items. However, not all autoshops are doing bad. Top autoshops are now profiting a lot if they do not depend on income from selling items. Since autoshops cannot sell over-loading stocks for income, and players have to sell to autoshops too for income.

VoteParty problems:
Very buggy until this date, many players (voted) received nothing from parties.

Timezones of staff:
Many timezones do not have Manager or higher to look after the server. However, Managers do work like null bolt removal, which is urgent in my opinion so that the player could gain access to their items. I suggest that Mods can remove null bolts too.

Deadzone is even more boring nowadays, it's just the same players over and over, there are first-joins but most of them just leave.

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


I think something is topics like this. People are sometimes too afraid to make a post and say something they dont like about the server so mabye every few months post one of these.


Quote from: tylerinator on Dec 31, 2014, 05:40 AM
I think something is topics like this. People are sometimes too afraid to make a post and say something they dont like about the server so mabye every few months post one of these.
As towelie said, this post isn't meant for everyone to state things they don't like about SFT. It's just meant to remind people that they can make suggestions at any time as long as they are professional about it. It doesn't necessarily need to be a forum topic either, it can be sent privately to someone if you're too scared to publicly say something.
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 12:43 PM
I feel like the purpose of this thread wasn't understood properly.
I meant this thread to tell you that it's fine to give us feedback when you are unhappy with a thing. However, I did not mean to give it all now (that's fine too tho), I meant to just say it when it happens rather than botle it in you and let it become wrose.


Quote from: Brightpkz on Dec 31, 2014, 05:14 AM
Personally for me, I am losing interest in SFT because of what's going on recently.

EMP not buying items:
This idea isn't bad, but it certainly isn't good too. It's just Minecraft, is economy really that important? Just let players enjoy selling items and earning money... I definitely found SFT funner with EMP. Simply because it was a unique idea and it brought money in.

Plugins falling apart:
I know this isn't SFT's fault but we need the plugins, it is what makes the game fun. Important plugins like GlobalMarket is also gone...

A lot of autoshops aren't doing well because of the EMP not buying items. However, not all autoshops are doing bad. Top autoshops are now profiting a lot if they do not depend on income from selling items. Since autoshops cannot sell over-loading stocks for income, and players have to sell to autoshops too for income.

VoteParty problems:
Very buggy until this date, many players (voted) received nothing from parties.

Timezones of staff:
Many timezones do not have Manager or higher to look after the server. However, Managers do work like null bolt removal, which is urgent in my opinion so that the player could gain access to their items. I suggest that Mods can remove null bolts too.

Deadzone is even more boring nowadays, it's just the same players over and over, there are first-joins but most of them just leave.

I feel like you didn't understand certain thinlike iPlugins "breaking apart" : this is not something we can fix. Plugins didn't break themselves, the update did and also the fact that a lot of bukkit devs bailed out at the news that bukkit was shutting down and they did not return leaving us with a lot of abandoned plugins which the authors no longer maintain and did not provide the source either. I did say I was replacing global market but it s new years Eve and I did say I'll be on break..

Vote party: it's not meant to give all the players rewards, just some lucky ones.

Lacking staff: it's the holiday season.... People are on vacations or with their families.

I am aware of several staff issues (attitude problems) involving mostly jmods and like I said several times, we are working on it

Posted using Tapatalk

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


I know that it isn't your fault that it's falling apart. I've acknowledged that in
Quote from: Brightpkz on Dec 31, 2014, 05:14 AM

I know this isn't SFT's fault

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


Quote from: Brightpkz on Dec 31, 2014, 05:14 AM
VoteParty problems:
Very buggy until this date, many players (voted) received nothing from parties.
In all honesty, this shouldn't even be an issue. Just because sometimes we don't get a little reward from voting, why should that stop players from playing? The vote rewards are not anything significant anyway, I don't see why players would complain over missing out. The only things i've got from vote party is the milk and cookies, i'm fine with that, and i'm not gonna lose interest on the server over that. You gotta remember that voting is a lot more fruitful than just getting items and money, it attracts more people to the server, thus bringing in more donations etc. and making the server better in-turn. It's not all about the personal profits you make, there's a bigger picture. With the introduction of the new voting system, i've seen the amount of votes sky rocket (you can see it in the chat) and I think that it is wonderful, and should not be changed.


Can't expect kids to be so mature. Who wouldn't want rewards for doing a good deed when they are young and immature, not the entire server is mature enough to learn the art of contributing without expecting anything in return.

I'm not saying it's a problem, in my perspective, I take wider perspectives, I've been online during several parties, all I see is complaints about not getting anything. Obviously, I am not concluding that that's pushing me out, it's done no effect on me really, a few rewards isn't meant to make you a lot richer, it's meant to make you feel good for a deed you've done for the server to gain recognition. Hence why they are significant. Obviously votes wouldn't make you super-rich, they are intended for a win-win situation, and hence why so many servers have a vote system, and also why so many people vote.

And obviously, voting already gives you rewards. However, VoteParties were made quite attracting, not-receiving items is a downer, not a problem shoving a player off the server.

Call me Bond. Bright Bond.
Elytra Creds to Cayko <33


Quote from: Choc_Milks22 on Dec 30, 2014, 04:41 AM
Quote from: ryan_m004 on Dec 30, 2014, 02:52 AM
I see guests/ members, I can tell which ones have potential to be a Jmod+ And which ones don't have the potential.
I see a lot of the people that I think Didnt have the potential getting Jmod (I agree with krikky)

How can you possibly say that. The players promoted to Jmod are all hand picked by the Staff team, You may not know them, or ever heard them before, but we have, they have stood out to us a valued players, and thats why they get promoted. You say some don't have potential, well you obviously aren't looking at the same attributes we are.
I was a Mod before you started JMod and I know what attributes you look for so don't go down this road -.-


Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 10:18 AM
Quote from: KrikkytehDuck on Dec 29, 2014, 11:02 PM
What annoys me most of the time is these days all these randomers are getting JMod and everyone is like who the fuck is this guy/girl I remember when you had to earn it not just stay on the server long enough to get it, what also pisses me off and this is a big reason why I stopped playing SFT people get god mode and fly mode and it's a survival server like what's all that about? Also you can't express your opinions to these new staff members they just get annoyed and start kicking you for being rude, these new staff need to take on board some constructive critisim and improve themselves with it, also when staff members act differently when an admin comes online such as Kaninka he's a decent staff member and when other staff aren't doing there job properly and Kaninka2 comes online they change like they can actually do their job. I know others agree some might disagree but this is my opinion might sound a bit harsh but it has to be said.

This is the biggest thing people get annoyed about is when staff stick up for their friends even though they are in the wrong.
We are already dealing with some staff issues, and we are running a complete internal investigation as we speak for exactly what you described above.
However, you clearly must understand the reason we need staff for. I mean say I agree with you, what are we to do? Just... give up and get no staff?
The sad reality is, we aren't getting as many JMod worthy people as we did in the good old days. I have expressed my belief a while ago, this is because the quality of the minecraft playerbase has decreased since Minecraft has gone viral and it's not just a crowd of smart computer geeks that heard about thsi game minecraft, it's all the people and kids and so on.
You've been saying this all year towelie. Every time a topic about staff pops up you say the same thing " we are dealing with staff issues " yet they haven't been fixed in a year's time


Jan 01, 2015, 12:58 AM #36 Last Edit: Jan 01, 2015, 01:07 AM by Eternal_Jamie
You're all welcome to provide suggestions to fix the issues you're complaining about as well as just pointing them out. That'd speed up the process of rectifying them. Cause honestly, there's plenty of "issues" with staff/the various servers, not too hard to identify some but fixing them is the hard part.


Quote from: onionboyzz on Jan 01, 2015, 12:43 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 10:18 AM
Quote from: KrikkytehDuck on Dec 29, 2014, 11:02 PM
What annoys me most of the time is these days all these randomers are getting JMod and everyone is like who the fuck is this guy/girl I remember when you had to earn it not just stay on the server long enough to get it, what also pisses me off and this is a big reason why I stopped playing SFT people get god mode and fly mode and it's a survival server like what's all that about? Also you can't express your opinions to these new staff members they just get annoyed and start kicking you for being rude, these new staff need to take on board some constructive critisim and improve themselves with it, also when staff members act differently when an admin comes online such as Kaninka he's a decent staff member and when other staff aren't doing there job properly and Kaninka2 comes online they change like they can actually do their job. I know others agree some might disagree but this is my opinion might sound a bit harsh but it has to be said.

This is the biggest thing people get annoyed about is when staff stick up for their friends even though they are in the wrong.
We are already dealing with some staff issues, and we are running a complete internal investigation as we speak for exactly what you described above.
However, you clearly must understand the reason we need staff for. I mean say I agree with you, what are we to do? Just... give up and get no staff?
The sad reality is, we aren't getting as many JMod worthy people as we did in the good old days. I have expressed my belief a while ago, this is because the quality of the minecraft playerbase has decreased since Minecraft has gone viral and it's not just a crowd of smart computer geeks that heard about thsi game minecraft, it's all the people and kids and so on.
You've been saying this all year towelie. Every time a topic about staff pops up you say the same thing " we are dealing with staff issues " yet they haven't been fixed in a year's time
Onion, please, for the love of fuck. Shut the fuck up right now. Do you know how hard it is to be the head of staff? Do you know how a head of staff doesn't only have to try fix all the staff teams problems, they are in charge of saying yes or no to a promotion, they need to monitor their actions, Djk does monthly staff evaluations for the entire fucking staff team, if a certain staff member got a low score they would be talked to it's as simple as fucking that, ok? "OHMYGOD THERES SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE STAFF TEAM RIGHT NOW>">{<"ERIONW"  yeah guess fucking what, SFT isn't filled with glorious minecraft gods who are 15 years old, have impeccable grammar and can deal with the stress of being shouted at by 40 players as well as have a real life as well as have these standards they are required to uphold to keep their rank. And krikky seriously? You aren't Mod anymore, so button it, things change things change all the fucking time in the SFT staff team, I know this because I was the god damn head of staff for god knows how many months, I've dealt with the bullshit of omg this jmod mod manager admin is naughty pls fix it, IF YOU HAVE A DAMN PROBLEM WITH A MEMBER OF STAFF OR THE STAFF TEAM AS A WHOLE


Rant over.

Edit - Everything said here is coming from my personal self, not from the SFT Staff team in any way shape or form. The way people treat the staff team is a joke and I have had enough of the publicising of their faults, the staff of SFT are human, don't bitch about their faults in the public for everyone to see and judge. Don't like something, look above to the giant ass message.


Quote from: donnydoom604 on Jan 01, 2015, 01:08 AM
Quote from: onionboyzz on Jan 01, 2015, 12:43 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 10:18 AM
Quote from: KrikkytehDuck on Dec 29, 2014, 11:02 PM
What annoys me most of the time is these days all these randomers are getting JMod and everyone is like who the fuck is this guy/girl I remember when you had to earn it not just stay on the server long enough to get it, what also pisses me off and this is a big reason why I stopped playing SFT people get god mode and fly mode and it's a survival server like what's all that about? Also you can't express your opinions to these new staff members they just get annoyed and start kicking you for being rude, these new staff need to take on board some constructive critisim and improve themselves with it, also when staff members act differently when an admin comes online such as Kaninka he's a decent staff member and when other staff aren't doing there job properly and Kaninka2 comes online they change like they can actually do their job. I know others agree some might disagree but this is my opinion might sound a bit harsh but it has to be said.

This is the biggest thing people get annoyed about is when staff stick up for their friends even though they are in the wrong.
We are already dealing with some staff issues, and we are running a complete internal investigation as we speak for exactly what you described above.
However, you clearly must understand the reason we need staff for. I mean say I agree with you, what are we to do? Just... give up and get no staff?
The sad reality is, we aren't getting as many JMod worthy people as we did in the good old days. I have expressed my belief a while ago, this is because the quality of the minecraft playerbase has decreased since Minecraft has gone viral and it's not just a crowd of smart computer geeks that heard about thsi game minecraft, it's all the people and kids and so on.
You've been saying this all year towelie. Every time a topic about staff pops up you say the same thing " we are dealing with staff issues " yet they haven't been fixed in a year's time
Onion, please, for the love of fuck. Shut the fuck up right now. Do you know how hard it is to be the head of staff? Do you know how a head of staff doesn't only have to try fix all the staff teams problems, they are in charge of saying yes or no to a promotion, they need to monitor their actions, Djk does monthly staff evaluations for the entire fucking staff team, if a certain staff member got a low score they would be talked to it's as simple as fucking that, ok? "OHMYGOD THERES SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE STAFF TEAM RIGHT NOW>">{<"ERIONW"  yeah guess fucking what, SFT isn't filled with glorious minecraft gods who are 15 years old, have impeccable grammar and can deal with the stress of being shouted at by 40 players as well as have a real life as well as have these standards they are required to uphold to keep their rank. And krikky seriously? You aren't Mod anymore, so button it, things change things change all the fucking time in the SFT staff team, I know this because I was the god damn head of staff for god knows how many months, I've dealt with the bullshit of omg this jmod mod manager admin is naughty pls fix it, IF YOU HAVE A DAMN PROBLEM WITH A MEMBER OF STAFF OR THE STAFF TEAM AS A WHOLE


Rant over.

Edit - Everything said here is coming from my personal self, not from the SFT Staff team in any way shape or form. The way people treat the staff team is a joke and I have had enough of the publicising of their faults, the staff of SFT are human, don't bitch about their faults in the public for everyone to see and judge. Don't like something, look above to the giant ass message.
Best way to fix problems is to curse out your players 10/10. I was just pointing out that you have been trying to solve something for a year now and that maybe a different approach was needed. Don't make a feedback post then yell at us

Sent from TapaSwag


Quote from: donnydoom604 on Jan 01, 2015, 01:08 AM
Onion, please, for the love of fuck. Shut the fuck up right now. Do you know how hard it is to be the head of staff? Do you know how a head of staff doesn't only have to try fix all the staff teams problems, they are in charge of saying yes or no to a promotion, they need to monitor their actions, Djk does monthly staff evaluations for the entire fucking staff team, if a certain staff member got a low score they would be talked to it's as simple as fucking that, ok? "OHMYGOD THERES SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE STAFF TEAM RIGHT NOW>">{<"ERIONW"  yeah guess fucking what, SFT isn't filled with glorious minecraft gods who are 15 years old, have impeccable grammar and can deal with the stress of being shouted at by 40 players as well as have a real life as well as have these standards they are required to uphold to keep their rank. And krikky seriously? You aren't Mod anymore, so button it, things change things change all the fucking time in the SFT staff team, I know this because I was the god damn head of staff for god knows how many months, I've dealt with the bullshit of omg this jmod mod manager admin is naughty pls fix it, IF YOU HAVE A DAMN PROBLEM WITH A MEMBER OF STAFF OR THE STAFF TEAM AS A WHOLE


Rant over.
djkirsh evaluates 43 staff members every month? Holy moly. That really is quite an achievement! Only one was managed during my time (and that was a once in August '11).

Regarding 'personal message djkirsh' as she is the Head of Staff, perhaps players should be made more aware of this? It's hard to know who the Head of Staff is unless you are in the staff team. I certainly wasn't aware, for example. Sorry if this is publicised more than I think - I'm not too active around here these days!  :-X

Perhaps she could have the forum title 'Head of Staff', similar to 'Head of Hosts' held by Karkafi, as a suggestion.
Trainee & JMod July 2011-early 2012
Mod - summer 2012
Head of Hosts - December 2012 - July 2013


Quotedjkirsh evaluates 43 staff members every month? Holy moly. That really is quite an achievement! Only one was managed during my time (and that was a once in August '11).

Regarding 'personal message djkirsh' as she is the Head of Staff, perhaps players should be made more aware of this? It's hard to know who the Head of Staff is unless you are in the staff team. I certainly wasn't aware, for example. Sorry if this is publicised more than I think - I'm not too active around here these days!  :-X

Perhaps she could have the forum title 'Head of Staff', similar to 'Head of Hosts' held by Karkafi, as a suggestion.

It's mentioned a fair bit, but not really in any reference kinda post. Sorta thing which could be added to http://www.superfuntime.org/forum/general-discussion/important-who-to-contact-when-you-have-problems-with-one-of-the-servers/msg314520/#msg314520 for example (along with an update for that topic).


Quote from: Eternal_Jamie on Jan 01, 2015, 02:28 AM
Quotedjkirsh evaluates 43 staff members every month? Holy moly. That really is quite an achievement! Only one was managed during my time (and that was a once in August '11).

Regarding 'personal message djkirsh' as she is the Head of Staff, perhaps players should be made more aware of this? It's hard to know who the Head of Staff is unless you are in the staff team. I certainly wasn't aware, for example. Sorry if this is publicised more than I think - I'm not too active around here these days!  :-X

Perhaps she could have the forum title 'Head of Staff', similar to 'Head of Hosts' held by Karkafi, as a suggestion.

It's mentioned a fair bit, but not really in any reference kinda post. Sorta thing which could be added to http://www.superfuntime.org/forum/general-discussion/important-who-to-contact-when-you-have-problems-with-one-of-the-servers/msg314520/#msg314520 for example (along with an update for that topic).

Maybe there should be a section on the front page saying who to contact if someone has an issue


Tow I love sft i don't have time for it any more i am about to temporarily retire from being staff on pix because i don't have the free time to get the required amount of hours to be active. its not that I have left or anything its that I literally cannot get on anymore and it is to they point that i am stressing about it and sft is supposed to be what i do for fun.


Quote from: Choc_Milks22 on Dec 30, 2014, 04:41 AM
Quote from: ryan_m004 on Dec 30, 2014, 02:52 AM
I see guests/ members, I can tell which ones have potential to be a Jmod+ And which ones don't have the potential.
I see a lot of the people that I think Didnt have the potential getting Jmod (I agree with krikky)

How can you possibly say that. The players promoted to Jmod are all hand picked by the Staff team, You may not know them, or ever heard them before, but we have, they have stood out to us a valued players, and thats why they get promoted. You say some don't have potential, well you obviously aren't looking at the same attributes we are.
Very well said choc. The staff probably see potential in the player. It's good to see staff members justifying their cause.


People are saying that this wasn't a post meant for people to express what they disliked about the server, but come on, this was basically an invitation.


onionboys  - The staff of Super Fun Time is my concern and the Head of Staff's concern.
The fact that I said we are working on it, is because it's true, we are, but I cannot give you - a player - a detailed explanation of what measures I am taking about this and neither should I.

Bring this on any further and you will incur my full wrath upon you. Let the clean ones cast the first stone, you  are not exactly guilt free.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


Quote from: donnydoom604 on Jan 01, 2015, 01:08 AM
Quote from: onionboyzz on Jan 01, 2015, 12:43 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Dec 30, 2014, 10:18 AM
Quote from: KrikkytehDuck on Dec 29, 2014, 11:02 PM
What annoys me most of the time is these days all these randomers are getting JMod and everyone is like who the fuck is this guy/girl I remember when you had to earn it not just stay on the server long enough to get it, what also pisses me off and this is a big reason why I stopped playing SFT people get god mode and fly mode and it's a survival server like what's all that about? Also you can't express your opinions to these new staff members they just get annoyed and start kicking you for being rude, these new staff need to take on board some constructive critisim and improve themselves with it, also when staff members act differently when an admin comes online such as Kaninka he's a decent staff member and when other staff aren't doing there job properly and Kaninka2 comes online they change like they can actually do their job. I know others agree some might disagree but this is my opinion might sound a bit harsh but it has to be said.

This is the biggest thing people get annoyed about is when staff stick up for their friends even though they are in the wrong.
We are already dealing with some staff issues, and we are running a complete internal investigation as we speak for exactly what you described above.
However, you clearly must understand the reason we need staff for. I mean say I agree with you, what are we to do? Just... give up and get no staff?
The sad reality is, we aren't getting as many JMod worthy people as we did in the good old days. I have expressed my belief a while ago, this is because the quality of the minecraft playerbase has decreased since Minecraft has gone viral and it's not just a crowd of smart computer geeks that heard about thsi game minecraft, it's all the people and kids and so on.
You've been saying this all year towelie. Every time a topic about staff pops up you say the same thing " we are dealing with staff issues " yet they haven't been fixed in a year's time
Onion, please, for the love of fuck. Shut the fuck up right now. Do you know how hard it is to be the head of staff? Do you know how a head of staff doesn't only have to try fix all the staff teams problems, they are in charge of saying yes or no to a promotion, they need to monitor their actions, Djk does monthly staff evaluations for the entire fucking staff team, if a certain staff member got a low score they would be talked to it's as simple as fucking that, ok? "OHMYGOD THERES SO MANY PROBLEMS IN THE STAFF TEAM RIGHT NOW>">{<"ERIONW"  yeah guess fucking what, SFT isn't filled with glorious minecraft gods who are 15 years old, have impeccable grammar and can deal with the stress of being shouted at by 40 players as well as have a real life as well as have these standards they are required to uphold to keep their rank. And krikky seriously? You aren't Mod anymore, so button it, things change things change all the fucking time in the SFT staff team, I know this because I was the god damn head of staff for god knows how many months, I've dealt with the bullshit of omg this jmod mod manager admin is naughty pls fix it, IF YOU HAVE A DAMN PROBLEM WITH A MEMBER OF STAFF OR THE STAFF TEAM AS A WHOLE


Rant over.

Edit - Everything said here is coming from my personal self, not from the SFT Staff team in any way shape or form. The way people treat the staff team is a joke and I have had enough of the publicising of their faults, the staff of SFT are human, don't bitch about their faults in the public for everyone to see and judge. Don't like something, look above to the giant ass message.
Part of me looks at this message and wants to say thank you donny for saying what we all think.
However, I am not just Towelie, I am also an owner of Super Fun Time, and I must not condone such behavior. Donny - consider this as your verbal warning for insulting players. Please don't let it happen again.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


And to end this, onionboys, please cease and desist immediately. Thank you for adressing your concerns with the staff team, they will be looked into but refrain from further complaining about these issues or you will receive fair punishment.

Follow me on Instagram (i post cool stuff) https://www.instagram.com/toweliewtf/
Psst, got a Nintendo Switch? Add me -> SW-6574-1607-3796


I wanna be honest I havent noticed much of a problem with almost Al of the staff except maybe 1 or 2 .1 isn't staff anymore and the other I just don't know


If you ignore all the f-words from Donneh, then he got a point.

It's easy to throw stone, but very hard to fix the glass, onion ;) (bad metaphor)

Like anything SFT related, we also want suggestions on how the Staff are doing, I admit we rarely get the "You are perfect as you are" speech, we usually only get suggestions when one of us does something wrong.
But hey, we learn from mistakes :P

Fixing Staff isn't like fixing a table. With a table you could watch a DIY guide on youtube, with Staff you are dealing with humans with their own thoughts on things. I myself am a former Head of Staff, just like Donneh was, and Kirsh is now. And I can honestly say. Fixing problems within Staff can take months, depending on the issue :)
So if you report a problem within Staff, then have patience, The Head of Staff is the HoS because they know what they are doing.
The HoS is always an Admin, one of the most experienced Admins and one of the most responsible Admins.
They do know how to fix, but it takes time :)
