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The state of things 2015

Started by Towelie, Apr 21, 2015, 09:17 AM

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Yeah I would not be pleased at all with a reset. That is my opinion and if it was a full reset I would most certainly quit SFT. I have put way to much time into my builds and gaining items that I could not go back. Even though I have almost everything I still find the game extremely fun and enjoyable.


Ditto xQuic's comments on the reset.  I just recently purchased Sponsor and while Sponsor privileges go beyond a single world, it would be like a kick in the pants to lose my town so soon after shelling out that kind of cash.

Other than that, I try to vote but will do a better job at it.  That's on me as an individual.


The "reset will fix everything" mentality is indicative of deeper problems.  I would not appreciate another reset this close to the previous one.

It's summer time and people are spending time doing other things, at least speaking for myself.

Experiment with a new, completely separate "beta survival" world where everyone has zero balance and zero items and see how that fares.

Server changes that break things (and people sometimes lose items) indicate inadequate testing.  Testing should not be done on a production server.  Let's use /ml as an example of upgrades gone wrong.

The emporium needs to go.  People with auto shops and regular shops get undercut by the emporium because it's easier to buy large quantities of items from the emporium instead of doing some research into people's shop pricing and item availability.  That means less incentive for people to put effort into their shops.  Many of the big builds on survival are shops, so this is important.

Agree or disagree, these are my thoughts.  I only put my thoughts down because I care about this server.


This sounds amazing Towelie. Cant wait to see all the new things and how the will work out and such! This is gonna be an epic year and Im looking forward to it  :heart:

As for voting: I vote nearly everyday and I encourage others to do so ^.^
Ex-Pixelmon Manager
Ex-Survival, Lost Islands, Pocket Edition Elder
Ex-WildWest, B-Team, Factions, Prison Owner


Along the lines of "deeper problems", I don't know if I'd use rhetoric that strong, but I know that outside of my town in /w1 of survival I have a few new-ish players with these vast cobblestone/dirt structures that they worked on for a few days and just left it.  They also added a few players on the protection who are still active, though the owners are not.  Under the current BCV policies, this creates problems in BCV-ing it even though it's an eyesore so close to /w1 spawn.  I think many of us have all been guilty of building 'random objects' and just leaving them, but those sorts of things contribute to the need for resets.  I know the managers+ are already sometimes overwhelmed by BCV responses, but I see this as one of those 'problems' that would lead someone to say a reset is an easier way out.

I guess to boil it all down to simpler words: I sympathize with staff who have to deal with so many "cheap/poorly constructed/mined" structures which pull down the overall look of the survival server as a whole.

My random thoughts.... take it for what it's worth.


Quote from: mandist on Apr 22, 2015, 01:58 AM
The emporium needs to go.  People with auto shops and regular shops get undercut by the emporium because it's easier to buy large quantities of items from the emporium instead of doing some research into people's shop pricing and item availability.  That means less incentive for people to put effort into their shops.  Many of the big builds on survival are shops, so this is important.
This'll be a thing of the past soon, my new market listing plugin (when finished) will display autoshops from lowest > highest price for buying and highest > lowest prices for selling, it only displays shops that are not full if you're selling and will only show shops that contain the item you're looking for if you're buying. I'm working on this as much as I can and I have a pretty much fully working proof of concept version done all I need to do now is optimize it more for use on the server(s) and get it checked over.

If I work on it every night from now on I'd guess it'll be done and released by sometime next week.


Apr 22, 2015, 07:06 PM #31 Last Edit: Apr 22, 2015, 08:31 PM by silly_string123
Quote from: MobileHome18 on Apr 21, 2015, 01:27 PM
-Maybe you can do more vote contests. This would help players vote more.
-I believe a full reset is totally needed on survival, too many people have too many things, and survival just gets boring after you own everything.
I couldn't agree more  :P

Post Merge: Apr 22, 2015, 08:31 PM

Quote from: xQuicScopex on Apr 21, 2015, 09:42 PM
maybe we do a world reset and let people move stuff over (1 build and server attractions) and then after everything is moved we do another world reset to make the entire server almost new
Anyone could simply just put all of their items in this build and lose nothing, so if we had to move a build maybe we could have the managers //replace chest air or something of that sorts


Maybe boost the vote rewards?

Also, if you want people to vote, make the parties better. You never get anything except 4-8 wool and a few enchant bottle and a saddle every party. Who wants that? You could easily save more time getting that from an auto or somewhere then voting. You want people to vote, so make rewards better so people will save time by voting, not in-game buying!


Quote from: tobminer on Apr 22, 2015, 08:32 PM
Maybe boost the vote rewards?
I think not. The vote rewards are good. For example, getting 1 vote tokens or 8 lapis may not be much, but if you vote consecutively, you'll get 15 vote tokens or 32 lapis on the highest tier. I don't see how the vote rewards aren't good.

But this is not up to me. It's up to Towelie.


Quote from: Cireshie on Apr 22, 2015, 08:51 PM
Quote from: tobminer on Apr 22, 2015, 08:32 PM
Maybe boost the vote rewards?
I think not. The vote rewards are good. For example, getting 1 vote tokens or 8 lapis may not be much, but if you vote consecutively, you'll get 15 vote tokens or 32 lapis on the highest tier. I don't see how the vote rewards aren't good.

But this is not up to me. It's up to Towelie.

You very rarely get vote tokens, and on the highest Tier, you most of the time get 8 enderpearls, which are worth next to nothing.


Quote from: tobminer on Apr 22, 2015, 09:02 PM
Quote from: Cireshie on Apr 22, 2015, 08:51 PM
Quote from: tobminer on Apr 22, 2015, 08:32 PM
Maybe boost the vote rewards?
I think not. The vote rewards are good. For example, getting 1 vote tokens or 8 lapis may not be much, but if you vote consecutively, you'll get 15 vote tokens or 32 lapis on the highest tier. I don't see how the vote rewards aren't good.

But this is not up to me. It's up to Towelie.

You very rarely get vote tokens, and on the highest Tier, you most of the time get 8 enderpearls, which are worth next to nothing.
You do also get money. Top tier is 7.5k per vote I think which is like 50k.


Quote from: Cireshie on Apr 22, 2015, 09:35 PM
Quote from: tobminer on Apr 22, 2015, 09:02 PM
Quote from: Cireshie on Apr 22, 2015, 08:51 PM
Quote from: tobminer on Apr 22, 2015, 08:32 PM
Maybe boost the vote rewards?
I think not. The vote rewards are good. For example, getting 1 vote tokens or 8 lapis may not be much, but if you vote consecutively, you'll get 15 vote tokens or 32 lapis on the highest tier. I don't see how the vote rewards aren't good.

But this is not up to me. It's up to Towelie.

You very rarely get vote tokens, and on the highest Tier, you most of the time get 8 enderpearls, which are worth next to nothing.
You do also get money. Top tier is 7.5k per vote I think which is like 50k.
That really isn't that much to be honest, and that' s if all the voting websites are working and you don't have other people who vote in your house.


Quote from: VirginianAE on Apr 22, 2015, 02:56 AM
Along the lines of "deeper problems", I don't know if I'd use rhetoric that strong, but I know that outside of my town in /w1 of survival I have a few new-ish players with these vast cobblestone/dirt structures that they worked on for a few days and just left it.  They also added a few players on the protection who are still active, though the owners are not.  Under the current BCV policies, this creates problems in BCV-ing it even though it's an eyesore so close to /w1 spawn.  I think many of us have all been guilty of building 'random objects' and just leaving them, but those sorts of things contribute to the need for resets.  I know the managers+ are already sometimes overwhelmed by BCV responses, but I see this as one of those 'problems' that would lead someone to say a reset is an easier way out.

I guess to boil it all down to simpler words: I sympathize with staff who have to deal with so many "cheap/poorly constructed/mined" structures which pull down the overall look of the survival server as a whole.

My random thoughts.... take it for what it's worth.

My thoughts on BCV's:

The problem of people leaving poorly made structures around is going to happen again and again after a world reset.  A world reset is a temporary fix, really, at a large cost.

Perhaps the BCV system needs some automation.  If someone doesn't login for X weeks/months, revert their protection(s) to the original generated landscape.  It may be too harsh - the timeout would have to be sufficiently large to avoid nixing someone's stuff after a lengthy vacation.

An idea... every protection must have at least one block changed per X weeks/months or it becomes a candidate for a terrain reset and protection removal.  Or maybe instead of a block change, someone has to actually walk on the protection every X interval of time or it becomes a candidate for terrain reset.  In this way, old and abandoned areas will eventually be removed automatically.  That means less work for mods and less need for a reset.

Can someone with plugin development experience comment on the feasibility of such automation?


BCVs aren't the reason we need a reset, BCVs can be removed and landscape repaired easily, if it's that bad we can simply do another BCV run in which the Managers will simply go through and remove every current BCV stored.

The problem is the economy, people get insanely rich easily, all I hear from players is how broken the economy is.

Also automating BCVs doesn't seem that feasible, doing that many checks on the server would put a lot of strain on it, and we already have ~50 plugins (I think it is) constantly doing their thing.


@tobminer, the vote rewards are fine (as cire stated). In my opinion people get given too much for voting, 1 vote token can sell for 12k easily and you are complaining that the vote rewards aren't high enough?

As for the emp: I think it should stay but maybe open less, this means there will be less chances for people to buy and sell from the emp.

BCVs: BCVs are fine as the staff team does a good job with finding them and removing them, players even do their own BCV hunts wich helps a lot.

Server reset: you are worried about voting, if a server reset happens a lot less people will play meaning you won't be getting the votes you want/ need. No one wants a reset.

Quote from: MrEpicWonder on Dec 25, 2014, 09:21 PMi have such a good memory, an apple, an orange and a tennis ball thrown at my dick.


If we had a full reset many old players would come back I reckon..


If there were to be a reset, I'd go with either a full reset or no reset at all and just let the economy and whatnot keep going.


Awesome! Thx for the info Towelie =) its sad to see few players voting... ill remind everyone when i join =)


a full reset would cause a lot of newer players to completely quit because they already went through all the trouble of getting settled down with builds of their own and their items and for them to have them just taken away this early wouldnt sit well with them and in the time between the reset decision and the actual reset there will probably be a broadcast saying itll happen and any player that joins will see that and think "im not gonna put my time into this server just to lose everything in like a month or so" so personally i feel like a full reset may be a bad idea


after 3 years of getting to where I am (3 years since last full reset) I am not prepared to just lose it all. i'm in the middle of too many projects. Sorry to say, I'd be a quitter on a full reset.
I used to be lou, I have ascended.


idk if id completely quit but i would lose my motive to really do anything worth a lot of time on here.....


I have to be honest, if there was a full survival reset I probably wouldn't come back. I'm not prepared to lose everything just like that.


while im not as op as others on survival i still am semi decent so i wouldn't like to loose it but i woudn't leave for good as i have pixelmon to fall back on


Quote from: donnydoom604 on Apr 23, 2015, 08:36 AM
The problem is the economy, people get insanely rich easily, all I hear from players is how broken the economy is.

Why is getting insanely rich a problem?  It happens in real life, too.  For some people, it's easy.  For some things, you need lots of money, like beacons or blaze spawners or giant builds, etc.

It would be interesting to see a histograph of SFT players' emp bucks and compare to, say, a histograph of income distribution in the USA: http://visualizingeconomics.com/blog/2006/11/05/2005-us-income-distribution


our economy is a problem because players are making money TOO easy and then are controlling the server for example

there are 2 main autos on sft and thats mallusa and sanmarco and other autos arent being used as much and thats causing a problem

because of these autos only 2 players are getting heap loads of money with little work on their part now stevenxino has around 50 ish mil (not completely sure was around there last i checked) and ctyfrmr has 225 mil (these 2 own the above autos) in real life this would almost be a monopoly which is ILLEGAL no matter where you are so this is another reason why our economy is so bad

items are becomming worth less at one point an inv of spider eyes was worth around 150k now there only worth 300 a stack this is because there is way too much money in our economy and the need for these items is so low so their price drops even things like steve co crates/keys have dropped when i first joined the server over a year ago one key was worth around 50k now theyre selling for 5-9k so again even more items going down in value

beacons were once 10 mil and now theyre about 5 this is all caused by inflation and that is where our economy needs help so this is why our economy is a problem