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Problems and bugs in the challenge system

Started by AprilThird2027, Apr 30, 2017, 12:44 AM

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All referenced screenshots can be found here http://imgur.com/a/p9BiZ

In the first screenshot, I have completed a sufficient amount of challenges in all the previous tiers to have unlocked the fifth tier, by skipping the nether portal challenge since portals are disabled.  However, the nether portal challenge has become a specific requirement for the fifth tier, so I cannot progress through challenges anymore.

In the rest of the screenshots, I show the "topchef" challenge which required a baked potato, bread, cake, cooked chicken, cooked fish, cooked salmon, clownfish, cooked porkchop, cookie, golden apple, golden carrout, mushroom SOUP, pumpkin pie, steak, melon slice, and carrot.

My inventory can be seen containing all of the items required with the exception of it being mushroom stew, not soup.  Therefore for whatever reason, due to the change of wording, the challenge wont go through.  I am pretty sure the challenges are pure vanilla challenges, and the challenge is labelled "Collect every kind of edible food" so I can safely assume that mushroom stew is what is wanted by the challenge.

Those are my two complaints, one is probably an easy fix, the other likely is not, but the nether portal one is of far more importance to me because I'm currently at a stand still.

Hope to see these fixed in the near future,



It's possible to build a portal in the nether, then use the RFTools Space Chamber/Builder to move one of the portal blocks from the nether to your island. It won't last long, but it'll stick around long enough to get past that challenge.

It isn't ideal, but that's how I did it.

Also, the mushroom soup in your inventory is probably from natura. There's another recipe that will give you the vanilla one, but I believe it requires botania mushrooms or something silly like that.


The mushroom stew thing worked great, thanks for that, I did it with the botania mushrooms and it was good

With the nether portal, a friend and I couldn't figure out how to get the method you described to work, since it seemed to require an item that didn't have a crafting recipe.  If you could link to a video or explain how to do it, that would be great thanks :D


The part you care about starts at 1:30

Also, I recommend setting it up so only one portal block gets moved. If you set it up in another way, a block might get updated and destroy the block before you can turn in the challenge.