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Messages - BattleAxium

Quote from: blalp on Jul 18, 2017, 03:59 AM
Quote from: garow93 on Jul 14, 2017, 05:30 PM
Quote from: iLaxrv10 on Jul 14, 2017, 03:54 PMI think that we should still at least try to offer premium shop things because I firmly believe that Technic just has to stop allowing new Pixelmon modpacks to be made, not closing down old ones.
Problem with this is our "updated" modpack will be released as a new modpack, so it fully falls under the "no new modpacks" category.
It is an update to an old pack. Not sure if that would be allowed. And it was on technic before this copyright thing under a separate version. Not sure if this will be blocked or not. Not sure if this would be blocked now, maybe just later when this goes through? not sure.

Regardless of whether the server is considered new or old, the main mod on the server, Pixelmon, is discontinued. Meaning it will become outdated with newer versions of Minecraft and eventually become stale and buried. I think it's a good idea to look for alternatives instead of putting more work into something that will soon become obsolete.
Quote from: magl on Jul 14, 2017, 12:37 PM
Quote from: BattleAxium on Jul 14, 2017, 11:59 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 14, 2017, 11:29 AM1. What we are doing now
2. Not possible for us right now. Unless we receive ~100k in funding over night so we can pay a team of devs
3. We're trying #1 first, but if not, yeah..

Just putting this out here: It would not cost you ~100k to put together a half decent mod. In fact it won't cost you a single dime if you have at least two devs who know what they're doing. This comes from someone who put together a small mod for fun, in like a couple weeks with one other person.

But, even so the pixelmon devs aren't paid much (if any probably) to make and maintain their mod. So, I just wanted to point this out, because saying it's impossible and it would take an over exaggerated figure (~100k) to do isn't accurate and this option should be reconsidered.
I'm sorry if this is like rude to say but doesn't this community have a slight habit of either taking forever to finish works or just ditching it in general? So taking on the task of making a stand in for pixelmon might be an overshot X:

That being said if someone from here manages to do it then I will obviously say sorry for having the doubt!

It wasn't always this way. Just recently, some people bite off more than they can chew and take on projects that they can't or don't have the time to finish. TRIT and I had an RP server idea planned out a long time ago, but it was never announced since we knew we had no time to deliver it fully.
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 14, 2017, 11:29 AM1. What we are doing now
2. Not possible for us right now. Unless we receive ~100k in funding over night so we can pay a team of devs
3. We're trying #1 first, but if not, yeah..

Just putting this out here: It would not cost you ~100k to put together a half decent mod. In fact it won't cost you a single dime if you have at least two devs who know what they're doing. This comes from someone who put together a small mod for fun, in like a couple weeks with one other person.

But, even so the pixelmon devs aren't paid much (if any probably) to make and maintain their mod. So, I just wanted to point this out, because saying it's impossible and it would take an over exaggerated figure (~100k) to do isn't accurate and this option should be reconsidered.
Pixelmon devs should and are abiding by the cease and desist order and it's not wrong for them to avoid facing a multi-billion dollar company's law suit.

I think we have a few options here:

1. Ride out the storm and release the pixelmon server anyways. Knowing that one day it will either be pulled from Technic or become outdated. Or as Towelie said we can hope someone will come along, decompile their source, and release it under a new name.

2. Make our own minecraft mod from scratch with similar features as pixelmon but not a complete 1:1 copy of Pokémon. This would take awhile and require more than a handful of developers.

3. Cut the cord and move along. Try to make as much money as you can from Pixelmon or scrap it, focus on improving and building other SFT servers, and try to keep SFT afloat.

Those are my .2 cents on the matter. Take it for what it's worth. They aren't the best options and of course you can take whatever course of action you guys think is necessary here.
Quote from: blalp on Jun 14, 2017, 11:13 PM
Quote from: xJimJam on Jun 14, 2017, 11:01 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Jun 14, 2017, 12:12 PMYou can now unsubscribe from the Discord <-> MC chat sync and no longer see discord messages or have your messages be broadcasted in discord.
I can see some problems with this already. When a player wants to insult someone they can toggle discord off and go at the person then enabling it again just so us staff won't see what they've said. When a player reports another player to me because of the things they've said and have no proof with them now it'll be harder to get the proof because the messages won't be logged into discord at all. I use discord to help players as much as i can and try to look into chat logs via discord for proof. But now that will be harder since the players in game can do /discord toggle :/
 maybe have /discord toggle only disable messages coming from discord and instead of disabling in-game chat logging in discord? idk if its possible but it'll be much easier for staff to look through the logs without the logs being tampered with.

Great idea tho i like the thought! :D
I agree if possible it should only disable discord -> you, not you-> discord.

Set this MinecraftUnsubscribedMessageForwarding: false to true in the config if you want what they said. @Towelie
General Announcements / Re: Avatar Query
Feb 14, 2017, 02:33 AM
Don't we have something similar to this already?

or this: https://www.superfuntime.org/serverstats/Survival
Definitely not returning lmao and this would be Round #1000 for Factions.
Quote from: blalp on Feb 05, 2017, 08:38 AMI Find and replaced my own. It should be up to date.
Alright, I'll let you fix it then  8)
Quote from: Towelie on Feb 05, 2017, 08:06 AMUpdated. Thank you @BattleAxium @blalp  (I didn't see battle's reply so I asked blalp to do it  xD


Not sure about that one... I can tell you used the version I posted (originally) since the updated one is busted right now lol.

Here's a working one: http://pastebin.com/mUrUN70v

Your current version: https://i.gyazo.com/48145304d155dbf54f3740765a7d5351.png
My updated version: https://i.gyazo.com/9c07b9b57489decb46e7b0542c13f693.png
Something that might help here instead of full resetting or wiping the economy repeatedly is we could try to improve the system currently in place. Right now, we have the emp, which is opened regularly by managers+, autoshops which make up most of the economy, and player to player buying/selling through global market or directly.

What I think we could do to help the economy further besides increasing taxes, adjusting emp prices, starting fresh etc. is to create a dynamic market. A plugin which will adjust the value of items based on supply and demand. For instance, if someone buys an item, the sell price of that item goes down and if someone else sells that item, the sell price will go up. All of this will be automated. Thus, this will reduce inflation in the economy and could alleviate the need to reset/wipe it as often.

For more explanation on how the plugin will work, I'll be more than willing to share if necessary. It would be pretty complex but will pay off in the end.
Here's what you're missing they pass us by anyways because our community is smaller than most and even if we did have a Factions, Prison, Skyblock or whatever is the current trend server it'll never be unique enough to set us apart from or compete with servers already out there. We're completely late to the punch with those servers already and investing time in those servers will have a slim to none chance of getting us any new players.

You're also comparing apples to oranges here, I mentioned Wild West specifically cause it wasn't a modpack server. In fact, it was a purely bukkit/spigot server as far as I know. You know why we have any of the players we do? Cause we had something unique about our servers that set us apart from the rest. We don't have that anymore if we just go with the typical minigame server like EVERY SINGLE OTHER COMMUNITY is doing. But, anyways, I've made my points here and anything else I say will fall on deaf ears. Good luck.
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 28, 2017, 07:20 AMSecondly @blalp has showed interest in continuing Prison so I gave him access to the Prison files so he can study. Please take this with a grain of salt, and no guarantee whatsoever that Prison is going to be continued / released, but with the knowledge that someone's interested in continuing the work on it. At the moment blalp is not looking for any collaborators for the server.

Can we just let this server die peacefully instead? Prison has been done before and it didn't work out. Same with Factions but that's a different story. It's clear that after ~9 months of work, a whole team couldn't get it done right. Even if by some miracle "Prison 2.0" was released we're competing with thousands of other prison servers. It's about time we cut the cord and move on.

Come up with some original server ideas like Wild West which was a good idea just not given the attention or time of day it deserved. Or maybe an RP server. There's tons of options here instead of consistently reviving servers that died in the past. Same goes with projects like SFTNews, SFTRadio, SFTWiki, etc.

I hope you actually read this.. but I won't hold my breathe. But it's about damn time we move away from dead projects/servers and onto something worth trying. Just my .2 cents, take it for what it's worth. I'm not doing a tl;dr since I want you to actually read it through.
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Jan 26, 2017, 02:18 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 26, 2017, 01:31 PMAand just as I made this post DPA's hard-drive died and until he manages to get one there will be no more progress with Pix.
RIP @Dpa1991 's luck

It didn't randomly die though. @Stariieyed 's drive randomly died and I broke mine when I was testing hers haha, Ihave to look into it more but it says it failed the S.M.A.R.T test on sata port 1 and to backup and replace

Even if you have to get a new one, hard drives run relatively cheap these days.

In reference to what you posted: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000184.htm
Quote from: Towelie on Jan 26, 2017, 02:07 PM
Quote from: BattleAxium on Jan 26, 2017, 02:03 PMWhat about prison 2.0? Figured I would ask (even though I know the answer) but would rather it be officially confirmed dead.
Confirmed dead.
Don't think it will happen, especially with factions coming back.

So, ~9 months of work down the drain... damn that sucks. Glad I missed that one.
What about prison 2.0? Figured I would ask (even though I know the answer) but would rather it be officially confirmed dead.
Quote from: Tupacabra on Jan 01, 2017, 06:12 AMBeast guy didnt you use to do a bunch of add ons and such for the server when it was active? I could be wrong but its been so long lol

When it was popular, @bogeymanEST used to do a lot of addons for it.
Quote from: iLaxrv10 on Nov 10, 2016, 09:53 PMhow about instead of whining and crying about it we give the guy a chance?

Agreed. Can we just put this topic to rest? No one here is right or wrong.

The election is what it is and whether you like it or not Donald J. Trump is our next president.
Guess now we'll see if the wall will be built and Mexicans will be deported.

To be honest you won't find an answer to what your future job or profession will be through a poll. Become something you're passionate about. If you like dealing with and studying people with mental disorders become a psychiatrist. If you like operating on living humans and performing life saving heart operations become a heart surgeon. No one here can tell you what you can/can't become in life. It's 100% your decision to make.
Polls / Re: Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton
Nov 03, 2016, 03:43 AM
Thank god neither of you are old enough to vote.
General Announcements / Re: What now?
Oct 24, 2016, 06:47 PM
Quote from: Jyncs on Oct 24, 2016, 06:14 PMIf we never try new servers how will we know if they don't work? How do we know if they won't work the second time, or the third or fourth.

USA History right here on Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president who helped to abolishslavery in my country.
Failed in business.
Ran for state legislature - lost.
Sought to become speaker of the state legislature - defeated.
Sought to become elector - defeated.
Ran for Congress - lost.
Ran for re-election to Congress - lost(he won in between losses).
Sought the job of land officer in his home state - rejected.
Ran for Senate of the United States - lost.
Sought the Vice-Presidential nomination at his party's national convention - get less than 100 votes.
Ran for U.S. Senate again - again he lost.
Elected president of the United States.

He lost a lot more than he won. The point is if we don't keep trying and don't keep pushing we won't know.

This is the second time we have had a Rust server and it is starting to grow and succeed. We just don't know what will take off and what won't all the time until we try it.

Good analogy Jyncs! We shouldn't have problem with trying the same server idea BUT we shouldn't try to make it the same way every time (unless it worked). For example, 7 days to die, we had that server a few times, but each time it was put up, it was abandoned by management. As Albert Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results". In this case, we're setting up the server (in the same way) over and over again, and expecting it to gain popularity instead of bottoming out like it always does.
General Announcements / Re: What now?
Oct 21, 2016, 11:42 PM
Quote from: QuadKaiden|Yuggy on Oct 21, 2016, 11:06 PM
Quote from: MetaBird on Oct 21, 2016, 10:16 PM
Quote from: QuadKaiden|Yuggy on Oct 21, 2016, 10:09 PMOr don't make a new server? Get more people working on the things we need done here until it has a more solid playerbase with people who actually join and stay? Then go out and make a new server. If you make one now one of two things are going to happen:

1- No one's going to play, you're going to waste money hosting a new server, then in three months time make this exact same post again.

2- People will actually like it.... and will leave mc servers to play on it, killing off these servers.

Fair point, but

More servers means we have a more open market for new players to see us. Some do not play on Minecraft servers, some don't play on ARK servers, et cetera. But some are dedicated players to whatever game(s) they play (like my love to TF2).
We are, as mentioned in the quote, at a risk of losing the player base from our current servers and a low median between servers; or basically wastes money on hosting a dead, empty, abandoned server.

Do what is wise. You're the man here, after all ;).

What I'm trying to say is we already have these functioning Minecraft servers. If we can just improve on it,
Quote from: Terror134 on Oct 21, 2016, 10:12 PMand focus on advertising or paying professional plugin devs outside of SFT to come in and make custom plugins. Maybe try to contact some Youtubers, like PaintballKitty or Pabbie, to record a video or at least drop by our server and say hi?
we can attract helpful, needed newer players such as professional developers, possibly even new youtubers. Or we may get people who know how to run other servers and can help us from there after we have our current ones fixed and ready. Once we get a solid playerbase here with enough players, who can help attract more attention to sft + help with other servers when the time comes sft will be swinging harder than ever. But it seems Towelie only ever wants to leave mc for other servers. Not trying to be rude, but why leave something that's working, repeatedly for something that's only shown to not work with the people we currently have.

Here, let me break this down for you real quick:

The average cost for a plugin to be developed is between $5-$100+, this varies based on complexity.

To get any "professional developer", most won't work for you under $70-80k which is the starting salary for an entry-level software engineer. So, the best SFT will get are people who are programming for their first time or those who are doing it on their own free time (pro-bono). I don't see Towelie shelling out enough donation money to pay off a full time developer, let alone a "professional developer."

As for the YouTubers, we've been there and done that. We had PaintballKitty and Pabbie but they didn't last long or lost interest in Minecraft. We paid Bashurverse, who made one video, and then completely forgot about us. So, I doubt wasting money on YouTubers is actually worth it.

That being said, we could branch out to a new game, and devote more time to building a community around that. Or continue on with Minecraft servers for the rest of SFT's existence.
General Announcements / Re: What now?
Oct 21, 2016, 08:43 PM
You know you can try a fresh GMod, Unturned, or 7D2D server but we all know what the end result is going to be... Server starts off strong and over a course of a week or two dies off. Like @IPwnCreeps said we're beating a dead horse with trying to make the same servers repeatedly. The only way any server besides Minecraft will be popular is if we advertise outside our current Minecraft community bubble.