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Messages - T4Tom2

Quote from: omelet on Jan 18, 2021, 03:44 AMSeeing how slow sales have been, will the manager/admin team consider loosening the ownership rules? For example, allowing a player to own both a house and a shop?

(Sorry to bump an old topic, by the way)
It'll be discussed!
Quote from: Minecraftmeme11 on Dec 03, 2020, 04:02 PMI think that all staff do an amazing job on a daily basis, and are all dedicated to the server, but I have to say; my favourite is T4Tom2, I have many good memories on the server with him, he was the first person to greet me when I joined for the first time, and hosted some events for us!\

Although: WPP is great for getting me into mining,

Reminder: I think that all staff are amazing
Thanks Minecraftmeme I shall be sure to get that money over to you like we agreed ;)
Im not saying picking me is mandatory but my ban hammer is feeling particularly banny today  ;)
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Dec 01, 2020, 12:49 PM
hey apple
General Announcements / SFT Photographer
Dec 01, 2020, 11:54 AM
Hey guys!

Later this month, when SFT spawn and various other elements of the server are given a distinctly Christmassy feel, I shall be requiring a photographer to work alongside me to take and gather a number of shots of the server in all its glory, using texture packs and shaders that will show the server off in its best light!

If this sounds like fun to you, then for now just message me on discord #T46749 including a screenshot you have previously taken in minecraft. Once the server is christmass-ified i shall contact those who I would like to work with and I shall sort out a time to take some photos!
Quote from: Mazeworker on Nov 14, 2020, 12:56 AMWait a seconds... I can buy a house in /W1 spawn area?

I want one of those fancy houses... I'll take it as a my prize from Oct Top Voter contest T4Tom2 if its ok. Maybe make it the "Top Voters House" or something silly.

I want one of the corner 1.5 Million houses.

Sadly all the corner houses have already been sold off due to it being over a week since they first went on sale, however i'm sure we can sort out one of the other houses as a suitable prize, DM me either on forums or on discord!
The sale is now live! Contact a manager+ in game if you would like to purchase
Quote from: Thanos on Nov 07, 2020, 09:04 PMI know it's Brickport and all but don't you think the prices are a bit extreme given the size and the fact that the buildings are empty?
Oh Lordy you would've hated the first draft price list then  :o
To clear up a few issues ive seen arisen since the announcement;

Players will only be allowed one building in brickport, you may also purchase a market stall in addition to your house/shop building but you will not be allowed to purchase both a house and a shop building.

To clarify what the pricing list means for the houses;
Central square house standard (one of the houses in the central block (on one of the 4 central streets around the main square) in brickport but not one of the middle ones in a row nor one of  the corner ones) - 900k
Central square house corner/centre (a house in the middle of the row or at the corner within the main square (on one of the 4 main streets) - 1.5mil
Standard house (any house outside the main square that is not on the corner of a set of houses) - 500k
Corner house (a corner house on any of the blocks outside the main square of brickport) - 750k
Marketstall (one of the coloured marketstalls within the main square of brickport) - 500k
Shopbuilding (one of the buildings with a shopfront/canape within the market quarter of brickport)- 1 million

Quote from: George on Nov 07, 2020, 05:50 PMso you are telling me that i dont pay rent i own the actual thing but i will get kicked out if im inactive. get outta here dude
Thankfully nobody is going to force you to buy one ;)
Hey guys, in 24h from this post going live (UTC 6pm/1pm ET/10am PT) Brickport house sale countdown! the houses in our new W1 spawn brickport will go live for sale on a first come first serve basis!

The rules for buying/living in the houses at brickport are as followed;
  • No changes can be made to the exterior of the houses
  • Only one house per player
  • Only one marketstall/shopbuilding per player
  • The player must live there or at least frequent the location (includes decorating the interior in some way)
  • Players who are inactive for a period of time yet to be determined (likely 1month) will be evicted from their homes without the return of their money (but return of items within the building is likely)

The price list;
  • Central square house standard - 900k
  • Central square house corner/centre - 1.5mil
  • Standard house - 500k
  • Corner house - 750k
  • Marketstall - 500k
  • Shopbuilding - 1 million

In order to purchase you will need to contact a manager+ and pay them the money before you are allowed to have the building protected.

We are looking to make brickport a vibrant and active spawn with fully decorated interiors in all buildings! Good luck to everyone trying to buy one!

Hey all,

Seeing as so many of you seem to like the meme channel in the SFT discord I thought we could put that to good use;

I want you guys to make, copy (no it doesn't have to be your original content), find and generally get creative making SFT and Minecraft memes, for your own and the server's enjoyment. The best memes of each week will go up on our SFT social media, our twitter account @SFTMedia - so if you want a chance of seeing yours on there you might want to follow or even just regularly check up and interact with that account, a like or a retweet here and there.

Post all your meme's in the SFT discord meme channel or send them to me on discord #T46749, and I shall choose the best ones as and when I see them!
This will be just for fun so there will be no prize other than the pride of being one of SFT's primary meme lords content creators!

All the general server and discord rules apply when making these memes so nothing aimed offensively at any particular person, group etc.
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Oct 29, 2020, 10:37 AM
Quote from: sommergirl41 on Oct 29, 2020, 04:27 AMBut I actually won

blatant lies, cyan sus af
These photos will make lovely viewing on our social media
Just under a week left to enter! Remember, you have to fulfill each criteria in order to enter!
SFT artists, we need you!

SFT Media is calling for your help, in designing a  brand new banner for the SFT twitter page! This is a chance for you to have your artwork representing SFT on social media and show off your skills!

The banner needs to be 1500 pixels wide by 500 pixels tall and MUST contain somewhere on the banner the following IP's;

  • play.superfuntime.org
  • modded.superfuntime.org

The banner needs to be Minecraft and/or SFT related, but other than that, let your creativity run wild!

The competition will run until August 8th and to enter all you have to do is dm me your entry on discord @T4#6749. As for a prize, i have not determined one yet but at the very least you will get your artwork on display as the pride of SFTMedia - good luck and happy arts'ing!
Wouldn't need too much (if any) building but a RTD roulette could be a fun idea, potentially matching the RTD of the host or something? Its a very rough idea but I think it might have potential
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Attached are a screenshot of the relevant tweet and facebook post required to like/retweet in order to enter the competition. Hope this clears up any confusion :)
Quote from: goosekino on Jun 21, 2020, 02:57 AMI cant find the tweet or facebook post mentioning the competition, am i missing something?
The tweet is pinned @sftmedia and uses the #sftmedia and the Facebook post is identical to the tweet, also using the #sftmedia
Hey everyone!

In case you were unaware SFT has both a Twitter and Facebook page. SFT Media are hosting a competition to get as many of you involved with SFT on social media as possible. In order to enter this competition all you have to do is;

  • 1. Follow us on Twitter (@SFTMedia) and Like our Facebook page (SuperFunTime Minecraft)
  • 2. Like/Retweet the competition post that uses the hashtag #SFTMedia - to be posted on both Twitter and Facebook later today.
  • 3. Either DM/MSG us your Minecraft IGN or Comment under this post with proof of No. 1+2

Note; anyone who already follows SFT on social media can still enter by completing No. 2+3

The competition will run for a month - until July 18th, when 3 winners will be chosen at random!

The Prize
Each winner will receive a Beacon, 2 Heads of their choosing and a 'Limited edition' Special custom item detailing them as a winner of the Social Media competition!

Note: If any of the winner's primary SFT server is not survival then I shall contact a Manager/Admin from their primary server to discuss a prize of similar value.

Finally, keep an eye out for SFT Media forum posts over the next month or so as it may require photography, artwork and meme-making skills from you guys!

Hey guys!

Since the server has had such a great revival of late myself and Carissa decided for the weekend event we would bring back a golden oldie - The Fridge of Death!

This event is a crazy parkour style event where the goal is to travel across the fridge in order to get to the prizes at the other side! There will be loads of prizes to be won and we hope to see as many of you there as possible! Be warned, this is a death event BUT I can promise you these prizes will outweigh the risk!

The event will take place on Friday 17th April at 3pm CDT / 9pm BST

Cant wait to see lots of you there!
I am hopelessly awful at parkour and even I could get to some of these chests! A must try to win some amazing goodies!
Hey guys! It's that time of the week again, weekend event time!

Soo, myself and Samanthasnee are really excited about this weekend's Spleef tournament! The winners of four rounds will each win 50k before advancing to compete in the grand final which will be worth a whopping 400k emp. You will not want to miss out on this one!

Sidenote there will be 4 different competitors for the final, if the winner of one of the spleef rounds wins another round they will win the 50k for that round but the second place player will then advance to the final.

We are hoping for a good participation in what is purely just a bit of fun! also bring your own shovels!

Myself and Samantha look forward to seeing lots of you there on Sunday Feb 9th 10pm GMT / 2pm PST / 5pm EST.
Quote from: sommergirl41 on Feb 02, 2020, 05:21 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Feb 01, 2020, 02:10 PMThe first result of this post is that we have replaced the w2 hologram with one that should help in letting players know what our server is, a lot faster:

The second, is that our architects will be building a sleek (small and well defined exits) new spawn somewhere in world2, in water, so it can easily be transferred to other worlds when we do a world reset.
Keep them coming, we are looking at this post!
to be completely honest i think that this can be rewritten and even more straight forward. In my opinon if i joined a server and saw all of that i would probably skim it at best, maybe im just lazy but it just seems like a lot. Consider rewriting it to solely the basics, /random, /gui, mentioning that the server is survival with the different plugins. everything else perhaps write elsewhere, or they will learn about the other things through player word of mouth on the server. 
I can only agree with this; if this is the first thing new players read when they join we need to make this hologram simple enough that children could read and understand it without being overbearing. I would probably take out lines 4,6,7,8,9 and make this information available elsewhere
From a quick look around spawn I have a few notes;

When players join, they need to be immediately confronted with the rules of the server, but more importantly a quick but not too complex guide on how to do things, stuff like /random, /homeset, /warp create, how to get builds protected, autoshop guides and a guide to using the emp to name just a few. They also don't need to be overburdened with commands and tips they will rarely use; it really needs to be an ease of access thing. Following on from this, the extra information, stuff like slimefun guide and a more expansive server guide needs to be readily available from spawn and needs to be VERY obvious where it is (when I went looking it took me about 2 minutes to find, by which time a new player may well have left).

Perhaps a remodelling of W1 spawn is required, to make it so that it contains purely informational guides and nothing else, with its core purpose being to provide new players with simply the information required to get started and then get them out into the survival world, to perhaps play 5-10 hours in order to get them invested in the server, before they need more information which by this point they will be more willing to go and look for and investigate further to find. Then W2 spawn can contain some more decorative and monument type items, emp staff heads and other things like this