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Messages - Fractalion

I am a person that has been known to like big floating things, and I approve.
I don't really hang around in game these days, but I still have a look at the forum from time to time. Hi there!
Quote from: Towelie on Feb 23, 2021, 07:02 PM
Quote from: Fractalion on Feb 23, 2021, 06:35 PMHowever! I do have one question about this new rule. You said that after the third ban of the same reason, that's it, it's permanent, but is there some sort of 'statute of limitations' in play here, or is it absolutely rigidly set in stone?
absolutely set in stone because the situation is getting out of hand and we couldn't think of a better way to apply this impartially and with no exceptions.

Thanks for the clarification. That's the feeling I got from the original post, but I wanted to double check.

As for what Walrus said, I agree that's a valid concern as well. Not just for new bans, but for old ones as well. Sometimes mistakes are made. I don't know what sort of tracking we have on the backend nowadays in terms of being able to know if a ban was deemed in error, or genuine, but that's something to consider.

Say for example if there happened to be another player in game named something like "Fractalious" and they were spamming the chat, so someone typed /ban Frac.... and then hit tab to autocomplete, and didn't notice that my name was autocompleted instead. Now that's a mark against my record, and although I have no intention of being banned for spamming in the future, it's important to make sure that the fact that that ban was an error is tracked somewhere.

Again, I have no idea what our ban tracking system looks like nowadays, I haven't been staff in ages, but with something like this I feel it's really important to make sure that whenever this rule is applied, a person's history is checked over very carefully before pulling the trigger.

In some cases it will be really easy. "Oh, well I can think of at least ten cases in the past where you were banned for this reason, I don't even need to look into it. I handled these cases myself." but there will be cases that are in a grey area.
Although I don't participate in-game all that often anymore, I do still keep somewhat up to date on what's going on here on the forum. From what I've seen, this seems like a very positive change. I've noticed that there seems to be some resentment in the community regarding how some players get slaps on the wrist over toxicity over and over again, while some players aren't granted such leniency. How true this is I cannot speak on, as I am only referencing the opinions of others; I don't spend enough time in-game nowadays to have one of my own, but I've certainly seen enough people with this opinion that I don't believe it can be mere coincidence.

Hopefully this new policy will help curb the outbreaks of toxicity that I see people posting about now and then.

However! I do have one question about this new rule. You said that after the third ban of the same reason, that's it, it's permanent, but is there some sort of 'statute of limitations' in play here, or is it absolutely rigidly set in stone?

For example, say there's a player that had two bans for insulting other players and staff back in 2013, but since then has been an upstanding member of the community. If that person comes on one day, maybe they had a really bad day at work, lost their job or something, and after some minor inconvenience ends up unleashing their frustration on another player. Obviously they'd be banned for this --- before this it would probably be a temporary ban for a day or two to cool off or whatever, depending on the severity of their language, but without some limit this would be permanent.

I'm not saying this hypothetical player's conduct would be acceptable, not at all, but I wanted to give an example of when putting a limit on the timespan within which these three bans may have occurred would be useful.
Thanks for all your responses so far! I'm not surprised to see Shakespeare on everyone's lists so far.

If we get any responses from countries that don't have English as an official language it'll be interesting to see what changes, if we still see so much overlap or not!
Hey guys! I was reading a book the other day where one of the characters mentioned a book that they had to read for school. It wasn't a book that I had to read, and that got me thinking. In retrospect, I suppose it's somewhat obvious that different countries have different curriculums, and therefore different required reading, but it isn't something I had considered before.

So here I am asking all of you: What books did you have to read in school? Specifically, I'm interested in the books you were assigned to read, not the ones you got to choose yourselves. (But if you want to throw in some recommendations as well, go for it!)

I'm mostly interested in the books that you all had to read (or currently have to read!) in high school, but I'd be happy to hear about required reading at lower grade levels too. If the book wasn't in English, feel free to post either the original title or the translated title, I'll have a look either way.

If you want to include what country or even state/province/territory/etc. you're from, that'd be cool too, but don't feel obligated to do so if you don't feel comfortable making that public.

Let me get us started! I'm from Canada, more specifically the province of Ontario. Here are the books I had to read in high school, or at least the ones I remember. I've tried to put them in the order we read them in, but I make no promises.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Macbeth by Shakespeare
Fifth Business* by Robertson Davies
Hamlet by Shakespeare

There may have been a couple other books assigned to us, but I can't really remember any others for certain. There were certainly a lot more that we had to read, but we got to choose them ourselves. Regardless, if I remember any others I'll edit my post and add them in.

*I just wanted to call special attention to Fifth Business. I remembered absolutely loving this book when I read it in school, so I went back and re-read it recently. I didn't really remember much about the story all these years later, but after reading it again I can say it definitely lives up to my memory of it being a great book. If you get the chance to read it, I'd recommend doing so.
Quote from: Towelie on Sep 02, 2020, 02:26 PM@Fractalion - Thank you for everything <3. Your work and dedication helped get SFT bigger than I always thought I would.

General Discussion / Re: 5 Years on SFT
Oct 01, 2019, 01:14 AM
Hey, congrats!

If you have any other questions about ancient history, let me know. I can't guarantee I'll know the answer to your questions, but I can at least try to answer them.
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 14, 2018, 01:54 PMWhat will happen to the items I purchased in premium shop?
- Any permission-based purchase will carry over. Any item (except global items) purchased from the premium shop since January 2018, that you have a paypal transaction id from (they are sent via e-mail automatically after a purchase) will be reimbursed as premium shop credit. Please wait until Survival 2.0 is out and I will make a post about this and how to claim. Any claim requests will be ignored until that time

What about any items you may have purchased using a Patreon voucher? (Since you wouldn't have a Paypal ID for that)

Would we just need to provide proof of having been a Patron during that time to get a new voucher?
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 11, 2018, 09:32 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 11, 2018, 12:28 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 10, 2018, 08:07 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 10, 2018, 02:13 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 09, 2018, 07:44 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 08, 2018, 07:40 PMThis is exciting, I've been waiting for this for a while!

A few questions, though:
1. You said some plugins are being removed. Could you give some examples? I assume some of the donation related ones that only one or two people actually purchased would be included here?
2. Since this will essentially reset the economy, will you be reducing the number of ways that money enters into the economy? For example, will the rewards from voting be reduced now that the economy doesn't necessarily require such inflated numbers?
3. In the same vein as #2, since this will reset the economy, will villager trading be enabled now? This would be a great opportunity to balance and enable that, probably the only chance you'll get.
4. Totally unrelated to the topic at hand, but which admin is currently in charge of Patreon coupon distribution? Easier to just ask here than to ask around xd
1. Just run of the mill un-used plugins that 1-2 people purchased, and then i'd reimburse those people in premium shop credit
2. No. Voting is important. The reason the economy was THAT fucked, was because a handful of people found ways to dupe items, and proceeded to dupe thousands of diamond stacks and whatnot.
3. Villager trading will not be enabled. It's still insanely broken and you can exploit the economy that way. Villager trading is not compatible with having an economy.
4. TheStarNomad

To be clear, what I mean is not to make voting less viable as a way of earning money, but rather to just make all the number smaller. Like, make diamonds 1/10 their current cost, make votes give 1/10 of what they currently do, make events give 1/10 of what they currently do, etc. At the moment, earning a million emp isn't really hard. You can do it pretty easily if you really want to.

By reducing slashing the cost of literally everything, you'd make the Emp seem like it's worth more, even if you technically haven't rebalanced anything at all.

I just think it'd be cool to see earning a million EmpBucks be a thing that takes effort again, rather than a thing that can be done rather trivially by mining for a little while.

I admit I could have phrased my question in a way that made what I was talking about a bit clearer, that's totally on me.
Will wait for Lans's rebalance and then we could do that.
But it wouldn't really achieve anything, it's just psychological, because whether you get 20k from voting and a piece of dirt is 20k, or whether you get 2k from voting and a piece of dirt is 2k, it's the same thing.

I agree it wouldn't really do anything, but I feel that with the advent of enchantments, beacons, potions, and everything else that has made amassing wealth easier, the value of emp has changed drastically.

The original emporium prices were set in an era before any of those things existed, when the absolute fastest you could mine an obsidian was at a rate of 4 per minute, for example. Diamonds were so much more of a grind to get back then as well, given that the ore veins were the same size, but neither efficiency nor fortune existed back then.

I figure since these "new" gameplay mechanics have drastically changed the value of basically everything, now would be a good time to adjust the prices so that they no longer feel as inflated as they currently do. Sure, it could always be done later, (and could have been done earlier, but then you would need to update every single player's Emp balance to reflect the change as well, as well as making sure every autoshop owner is aware of the upcoming change, etc.) but I feel like this is realistically the only time this can be done, which is why I bring it up now.

I just think it would be nice if the numbers weren't so crazy-overinflated. If it doesn't happen I won't be sad, because I know it would take a bit of effort, but I'd certainly be happy if it were done.
Would you be interested in helping with that? :D
I'm not really sure how much help I could be with it, since I feel like a lot of it is probably fiddling with config files, but if there's some way you can think of that I can be useful, then I'd be happy to give you some of my spare time to help out when I can
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 10, 2018, 08:07 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 10, 2018, 02:13 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 09, 2018, 07:44 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 08, 2018, 07:40 PMThis is exciting, I've been waiting for this for a while!

A few questions, though:
1. You said some plugins are being removed. Could you give some examples? I assume some of the donation related ones that only one or two people actually purchased would be included here?
2. Since this will essentially reset the economy, will you be reducing the number of ways that money enters into the economy? For example, will the rewards from voting be reduced now that the economy doesn't necessarily require such inflated numbers?
3. In the same vein as #2, since this will reset the economy, will villager trading be enabled now? This would be a great opportunity to balance and enable that, probably the only chance you'll get.
4. Totally unrelated to the topic at hand, but which admin is currently in charge of Patreon coupon distribution? Easier to just ask here than to ask around xd
1. Just run of the mill un-used plugins that 1-2 people purchased, and then i'd reimburse those people in premium shop credit
2. No. Voting is important. The reason the economy was THAT fucked, was because a handful of people found ways to dupe items, and proceeded to dupe thousands of diamond stacks and whatnot.
3. Villager trading will not be enabled. It's still insanely broken and you can exploit the economy that way. Villager trading is not compatible with having an economy.
4. TheStarNomad

To be clear, what I mean is not to make voting less viable as a way of earning money, but rather to just make all the number smaller. Like, make diamonds 1/10 their current cost, make votes give 1/10 of what they currently do, make events give 1/10 of what they currently do, etc. At the moment, earning a million emp isn't really hard. You can do it pretty easily if you really want to.

By reducing slashing the cost of literally everything, you'd make the Emp seem like it's worth more, even if you technically haven't rebalanced anything at all.

I just think it'd be cool to see earning a million EmpBucks be a thing that takes effort again, rather than a thing that can be done rather trivially by mining for a little while.

I admit I could have phrased my question in a way that made what I was talking about a bit clearer, that's totally on me.
Will wait for Lans's rebalance and then we could do that.
But it wouldn't really achieve anything, it's just psychological, because whether you get 20k from voting and a piece of dirt is 20k, or whether you get 2k from voting and a piece of dirt is 2k, it's the same thing.

I agree it wouldn't really do anything, but I feel that with the advent of enchantments, beacons, potions, and everything else that has made amassing wealth easier, the value of emp has changed drastically.

The original emporium prices were set in an era before any of those things existed, when the absolute fastest you could mine an obsidian was at a rate of 4 per minute, for example. Diamonds were so much more of a grind to get back then as well, given that the ore veins were the same size, but neither efficiency nor fortune existed back then.

I figure since these "new" gameplay mechanics have drastically changed the value of basically everything, now would be a good time to adjust the prices so that they no longer feel as inflated as they currently do. Sure, it could always be done later, (and could have been done earlier, but then you would need to update every single player's Emp balance to reflect the change as well, as well as making sure every autoshop owner is aware of the upcoming change, etc.) but I feel like this is realistically the only time this can be done, which is why I bring it up now.

I just think it would be nice if the numbers weren't so crazy-overinflated. If it doesn't happen I won't be sad, because I know it would take a bit of effort, but I'd certainly be happy if it were done.
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 09, 2018, 07:44 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 08, 2018, 07:40 PMThis is exciting, I've been waiting for this for a while!

A few questions, though:
1. You said some plugins are being removed. Could you give some examples? I assume some of the donation related ones that only one or two people actually purchased would be included here?
2. Since this will essentially reset the economy, will you be reducing the number of ways that money enters into the economy? For example, will the rewards from voting be reduced now that the economy doesn't necessarily require such inflated numbers?
3. In the same vein as #2, since this will reset the economy, will villager trading be enabled now? This would be a great opportunity to balance and enable that, probably the only chance you'll get.
4. Totally unrelated to the topic at hand, but which admin is currently in charge of Patreon coupon distribution? Easier to just ask here than to ask around xd
1. Just run of the mill un-used plugins that 1-2 people purchased, and then i'd reimburse those people in premium shop credit
2. No. Voting is important. The reason the economy was THAT fucked, was because a handful of people found ways to dupe items, and proceeded to dupe thousands of diamond stacks and whatnot.
3. Villager trading will not be enabled. It's still insanely broken and you can exploit the economy that way. Villager trading is not compatible with having an economy.
4. TheStarNomad

To be clear, what I mean is not to make voting less viable as a way of earning money, but rather to just make all the number smaller. Like, make diamonds 1/10 their current cost, make votes give 1/10 of what they currently do, make events give 1/10 of what they currently do, etc. At the moment, earning a million emp isn't really hard. You can do it pretty easily if you really want to.

By reducing slashing the cost of literally everything, you'd make the Emp seem like it's worth more, even if you technically haven't rebalanced anything at all.

I just think it'd be cool to see earning a million EmpBucks be a thing that takes effort again, rather than a thing that can be done rather trivially by mining for a little while.

I admit I could have phrased my question in a way that made what I was talking about a bit clearer, that's totally on me.
This is exciting, I've been waiting for this for a while!

A few questions, though:
1. You said some plugins are being removed. Could you give some examples? I assume some of the donation related ones that only one or two people actually purchased would be included here?
2. Since this will essentially reset the economy, will you be reducing the number of ways that money enters into the economy? For example, will the rewards from voting be reduced now that the economy doesn't necessarily require such inflated numbers?
3. In the same vein as #2, since this will reset the economy, will villager trading be enabled now? This would be a great opportunity to balance and enable that, probably the only chance you'll get.
4. Totally unrelated to the topic at hand, but which admin is currently in charge of Patreon coupon distribution? Easier to just ask here than to ask around xd
So guess what? This cookie has just put you in debt.
I'm kinda surprised that this video is still up though, thought they would have deleted it at one point or another (Especially after they made that kinda strange apology video. Like, you'd think if you were apologizing for something you'd at least clean up behind yourself first?)
Name: Matthew
Age: 23
Vision: 227.14
Hearing: 134.81
Better start saving up for the ten year anniversary, I don't want to miss that
Quote from: Cocoa on Oct 28, 2017, 01:46 PMparront

I don't really have time to play all that much anymore, and I certainly don't have the income to justify a donation, but this pun alone is worth donating for.

So I guess you guys'll have Speed V, Jump Boost V for the next two hours. xd
(Would've done a 12 fly booster, but for some reason I can't add it to my cart)
Quote from: winston_b on Jul 25, 2017, 06:40 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Jul 22, 2017, 08:31 AM
Quote from: Chocobo123456 on Jul 21, 2017, 08:54 PMOut of all the things that have happend on the server (The good and the bad) what was the best experience you had with the server?
That's definitely gotta be when I learned CaptainSparklez made a video of our server and the video went viral. That was at a time when SFT was almost dead (Due to constant ddos and the worse hosting we had back then that couldn't handle ddos)
Has CaptainSparklez ever been like invited back to SFT just to see it again or something like that?

Oh man I can answer this one!

When Boymac and I were working on Spheretown 2.0, PaintballKitty invited him onto the test server to have a look at the new version. He wasn't really around for all that long, and I can't really remember what he said, but I can at least tell you that he saw Spheretown's successor and he was told how his video really helped the community recover

As for whether he's been on one of the main servers since then or not, I'm not really sure.
May I have donator as a secondary rank, please?

Here's my most recent purchase
Forum Games / Re: Never Have I Ever...
May 06, 2017, 08:10 PM
Quote from: Rose2247 on May 06, 2017, 08:04 PMI have does Canada count?( @Fractalion please tell us)

Never have I ever been banned off of SFT
Of course Canada counts as a different country!

I have.

Never have I ever played Pixelmon
Sorry for your loss, Towelie. I know he meant a lot to you.
I'd just like to say I approve of these changes.

I have absolutely no income at the moment, so you won't see me as a Patron yet, but you can expect me to start donating via Patreon once I have money coming in.
Quote from: Towelie on Feb 12, 2017, 10:18 AMI personally think we should rename the Guilds board to Guilds, Towns and Nations

I agree. I think it would breath a little bit more life into the Guild board, which currently only has a few active topics.

My only concern is with the miscellaneous topics that spring up from nations/towns. (Newspapers, polls, etc.) While there aren't that many at the moment, I feel like if many more nations start up, the guild board could become cluttered. That's why I still think there should be a sub-board added for guild/community/nation discussions. That way the main posts can be on a fairly clean board, and the miscellaneous posts can be in their own little area where they aren't causing any clutter.
Quote from: MrRed2017 on Jan 31, 2017, 04:09 PM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jan 31, 2017, 03:16 AMAlthough I approve of this change, could we please have a sub-board added to the guild board for guild/community/nation discussions?

That way, there's a single board where all of the miscellaneous topics associated with the current nations can exist without being scattered across the entire forum. They could all be moved to the guild board, sure, but then the guild board would become a mess. I feel it would be better to give them their own space to exist.

That's kind of, but not exactly what I suggested.

Quote from: MrRed2017 on Jan 30, 2017, 08:25 PMWe could also have a League of Nations (the current organization for almost all nations, similar to the UN and NATO) Board, with sub-boards for each existing nation or government. Within those sub-boards the owners/kings/prime ministers/preisidents of the nations can create their own "sub-sub" board within their sub-board for their needs, if that makes sense.

Like the idea tho.

While similar, there's definitely a huge difference between one sub board and a whole new board that has sub boards within sub boards.
I'm proposing one new board, you're proposing at least seven plus additional upkeep as time goes on. xd

Plus mine would be a place for guilds to post their miscellaneous topics, as well.
Although I approve of this change, could we please have a sub-board added to the guild board for guild/community/nation discussions?

That way, there's a single board where all of the miscellaneous topics associated with the current nations can exist without being scattered across the entire forum. They could all be moved to the guild board, sure, but then the guild board would become a mess. I feel it would be better to give them their own space to exist.