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Messages - Fractalion

General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 06:13 AM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Jul 06, 2016, 05:39 AM
Quote from: Fractalion on Jul 06, 2016, 05:34 AM-snip-
https://youtu.be/3Dc8JrTyC2I here's the video of you're interested. So why doesn't ark interest you?

I certainly hope their add-on thing offers more than just tweaking the AI, models, and textures of mobs.

As for ARK, I've looked at it several times but I feel like the creative aspect of the game just doesn't appeal to me. I know you can paint basically everything however you want, but the options for building seem far too restrictive to me. I've never really been a fan of any games of its type.

The only types of multiplayer games that really interest me all that much anymore are the ones where I can produce some sort of creative work, or ones that offer a bunch of unique experiences with each play session. Since the creative side of ARK doesn't impress me all that much, it basically just becomes a game of "collect the dinos until you're out of dinos to collect, and then get bored and don't bother with it anymore". I could go through the process of collecting them all, but at the end of that process I'd probably just end up feeling like I've wasted a lot of time.

What I like about games like Minecraft is that even though I am very aware that it's essentially a waste of time, while I am building stuff I'm expressing my creative side, which'll help me with future creative works. It doesn't even need to be an artsy creative work. Things like redstone are great because I'm basically teaching myself how to solve a logic based problem more efficiently in the process.

On the other hand, games that offer unique experiences with every play session interest me because of the social aspect of it. Minecraft doesn't fit this one as well, but some of our events offer that sort of thing. You know, those experiences where you and a small handful of other people will look back and say "Hey, you remember that time when ..."

I'm sure ARK is fun for you and the others who play it for a variety of reasons, but it just doesn't interest me all that much.

Also: PVP just generally doesn't interest me at all unless there is some form of roleplay involved, and I find it even less appealing when the PVP has a period of building up resources involved. I can get behind some PVP, like in GTA Online for example, where the PVP is fast and has little consequence for failure, but in games like ARK where you it may have taken you an hour to prepare for an encounter and you have the risk of losing everything you've worked for, I think failure is just soul crushing and not at all appealing.

I know you're going to be opening a PVE ARK server, but I just wanted to throw it out there that that's another reason it doesn't interest me. There's a reason I ended up on a non-PVP Minecraft server, after all. xd
General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 05:34 AM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on Jul 06, 2016, 05:26 AM
Quote from: LavishGaming on Jul 06, 2016, 04:02 AMThis is bad news, but we just need to keep jetting around with our siphons puffing out the water of the past and taking in new bouts of amazingness that is the future! we will make it through this!

And then mojang will tell us we cant do that either. They gave the seal of approval for rank missions, only to wait until servers had it developed to give them a month to remove it. Mojang only has one goal, and that's to shut us down to promote their new minecraft "addons"

I hadn't even heard about their add-ons thing yet, which tells me the community isn't that excited about it.

This just reinforces my belief that they aren't going to stop banning random bits of what made the Minecraft community great until we're eventually left with nothing but the base game, and stuff that is made through their add-on system. It's a shame that they're slowing driving their game into the ground.
General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 05:14 AM
Back when they did that first round of blacklisting I looked at the things they were going to start enforcing through the EULA, and I thought to myself "Yeah, alright, their demands are fair. They're a bit annoying, and they're going to hurt a lot of communities, but they're fair." I looked at it and said "Yeah, we can continue forward as a Minecraft-centric community. It'll be a bit harder, but we can still make it."

I don't really feel that way anymore.

I figured the new servers we're hosting would be less of a new focus for the community, and more of an additional bonus type of deal, but I'm now starting to see that the new servers are going to have to be the things that keep us going.

At this rate, Mojang will have everything but pure vanilla gameplay banned by this time next year. (or they will have removed the ability to connect to non-realms servers entirely)

I can't say that Rust, LiF, or ARK interest me at all, but since it seems like Minecraft won't be a viable game to host for much longer, I suppose I'll start looking for a game that we can host that does interest me.
General Announcements / Re: Whelp
Jul 06, 2016, 04:39 AM
Are we allowed to offer non-minecraft related rewards in exchange for votes?

For example, a vote for one of our minecraft servers = something on ARK?

Also, what is defined as a soft currency? What if we replace EmpBucks with diamonds, for example? (Is it still considered a soft currency if you can turn diamonds into said currency, and turn said currency back into diamonds without any fee, essentially just being a way of storing your diamonds and sending them between players with greater ease)

If we can do that, then maybe the emp/autoshops can be saved. (and even if we can't do something exactly like that, we can still switch to some sort of system that is similar. A Gold block/ingot/nugget system, perhaps?)

Either way this is frustrating.
Oh, thank you, I appreciate it!
Autoshop name: Automagical
Autoshop warp: Automagical
Autoshop owner: Fractalion

Also, there used to be a donation package for upgraded autoshop perms, is that still available through you, and how much does it cost if it is?

(It offered an upgrade to an ender chest in the list, as well as access to additional data from your autoshops if I remember correctly)
General Announcements / Re: Vote for SFT
Jul 01, 2016, 09:42 PM
Could we please have the new minecraft voting website, as well as whatever other new voting websites we've added ourselves to added on to the list at http://www.superfuntime.org/vote?

(and also /vote and /votegui if that hasn't been done already)


I always vote through that page, and it's a bit of a pain going on a scavenger hunt through the forum looking for links whenever I actually remember to vote for the servers that aren't listed there.
I haven't gotten my item hologram from Dpa's contest yet, and I also haven't received my book from last month's patreon pledge. (Though I'm not as concerned about the book)

Oh, and I'm waiting for news on the cargo manager as well.
You can make a million in a day very easily if you try. Besides, anyone who has been voting for the server for a decent amount of time should have the vote tokens necessary for both moves already anyway.

I think the fees are perfectly reasonable. If anything they might even be a bit low.
I know that I've said it before, but once I again I'd like to recommend that a post is made 24 hours ahead of the update to 1.10. (I'm assuming we'll be updating when we reset)

I've already given my reasoning in my last post on this matter. (Click here)

I think this is important, and since my last post wasn't acknowledged, I'm bringing this up again.
Polls / Re: Thoughts on Theme Parks
Jun 11, 2016, 11:58 AM
I'll go on a big roller coaster if the people I am at the park with pressure me into going on it, but generally I'm the guy who holds their bags and occasionally plays some of the arcade stuff. xd
Since updates have a tendency to cause everything to break horribly (especially slimefun stuff), would it be possible to announce the update ~24 hours in advance of whenever it is going to happen?

I know that would make the update a little bit more annoying to plan, but since the update is basically guaranteed to break some things, I'd recommend announcing it ahead of time. Just add on a few warnings like:
-Make sure any SlimeFun backpacks have been emptied, and do not attempt to open them until we tell you it is safe.
-Make sure your pets have been picked up and are safely stored in their eggs. Do not release them again until we tell you it is safe.
-Make sure you pick up any plugin-specific blocks, such as the SlimeFun Ancient Altar and store them until you are told they are safe to place again.

Feel free to add any other things that have a tendency to break because of updates.

I say this because I know that every time we update without a "This is the time it will happen" warning, there are a bunch of people who will say "I lost x stacks of diamonds because my backpack broke!", and although it's true that people are warned they should not store valuables in their backpacks, you can't really blame them because from my experience they only ever seem to have problems when we update. (and back in the day when they were first introduced, but they've changed since then so that's fairly irrelevant)

Again, I know it's a bit more work, but it'll save the staff from having to calm down a bunch of angry people who weren't aware of the dangers associated with version updates.

It won't really affect me, I'm going to be operating with extreme caution until we update, or I am told we will have a 24 hour warning post, but it'll save everyone else a big headache.
Realistically, if people want parkour in the gaming world we can just make new courses. If we move over what we already have, people are going to be just as sick of those courses as they already are.
Quote from: Stancrazy on Jun 04, 2016, 04:22 PMAs I was combing through the items, I noticed the plain old "Elytra" isn't available in slimefun. I assume to keep the rarity of said item, but doing so completely disables the "Infused Elytra" and "Soulbound Elytra". If enabling isnt an option, might as well remove the items related to the elytra as they're useless anyway.
Also, due to Elytras being added to slimefun, it gives the message "This item is disabled! How did you even get that?" to the player having it equipped.

@Towelie I guess we didn't catch this earlier today. Is there any way we can change recipes in SlimeFun, or is it strictly enable/disable?

If we can change the recipe, I'd recommend making the base Elytra take some really expensive things, so that you are effectively forced to get it via voting. I can help you figure out a good recipe if this is an option.

If you can't change the recipe, we'll need to figure out if there is a better way to disable it so that it's not craftable, but people can still use it. Might need to ask the developer about it. They probably should have made the SlimeFun version of the elytra its own separate thing anyway, so that weird conflicts like this don't happen. I have to assume there's a reason that they made the Elytra the only (or one of the only) thing(s) in SlimeFun that doesn't have custom text and such but it's still a bit strange.
Quote from: Towelie on Jun 04, 2016, 09:36 AMhunger games went bye-bye. I killed it today.
Copen... well let's just say he's either dead or alive and just decided to not answer to me for some reason...

Quote from: copen6199 on May 11, 2016, 12:21 AMI have been gone quite some time now and i am going to give some updates on where i have been.

My future wife was involved in a car accident and with out going into to much detail, she wasn't able to work due to her injuries but i had to pay all the bills with my check only. I ended up selling my computer, laptop, ps3, ect ect and get a second job to make sure the bills were paid. She is getting better and going back to work but at this point i cant afford to replace my computer and probably wont for some time. I will use my work laptop to start checking in more and checking on the staff team but it wont be like it was in the past. I do have skype on my phone but dont expect a response unless your lucky.


The last thing he posted.
Let's see..
  • I very rarely see people talk about Hunger Games or Parkour, so those ones should obviously be killed off.
  • If Lost Islands is actually that small, then I agree it should be shut down. We don't really have it on any voting websites that I'm aware of though, so maybe list it on one to try to attract some players first? Unless of course the problems you're talking about are really bad.
  • Altis Life I have no opinion on.
  • Qwest isn't as dead as it could be, but it's pretty dead from what I've seen. If there are updates coming, that's great, but maybe shut it down until those updates are at least on the horizon. No point in wasting the resources at the moment.
  • Pocket Minecraft should stay. I'm not a part of it, but it certainly has a dedicated community. Even if it's a rather small community, they actually seem to post on forums more than even some of our larger servers. Also, Saywhat said he has the update ready to go, so that's no longer an issue, really.
  • Wildwest is too new to kill at the moment, in my opinion. However, it's pretty dead. It's going to need to prove itself soon I think.
Polls / Re: Starter for Sun + Moon?
Jun 03, 2016, 11:24 PM
For me it's between Litten and Rowlet, but it's really going to come down to what the final evolution looks like. I'm only going to be looking at the first form for ~an hour, anyway.
If you could make a server for any game (it doesn't even have to be a multiplayer game, but it can be if you desire), which game would you make a server for?
Which update was the worst one in terms of work that you had to do?

I remember the update where the hmod development stopped and we needed to switch to bukkit was particularly bad, but maybe there's been a worse one I can't think of.
General Announcements / Re: [Reminder] Rust
May 30, 2016, 09:33 AM
I know I've said it a couple of times now, but no one has acknowledged it yet, so I'll say it again.

You should think about adding the rust vote site to http://www.superfuntime.org/vote so that we don't have to hunt down the link for the rust vote site every day. Given that votes will be resetting in ~48 hours, now would be a good time to get it on there!
Polls / Re: Re-enable end?
May 28, 2016, 06:44 PM
Quote from: Stoovs on May 28, 2016, 06:23 PMI think that the price of Dragon's Breath should be more costly than that of Blaze Powder and a glass bottle. Blaze Powder is much easier to farm than that of Dragon's Breath. With the use of spawners, it's very quick and easy to grab yourself a whole bunch of blaze rods which equates to easy blaze powder. As for Dragon's Breath, it's harder to farm because it takes time and there is a risk of dying (The End Dragon's knockback is way more powerful now).

I don't think it should be super expensive however, because it is currently not possible to get on SFT with the End disabled. I think the price should be somewhere around the 400-500 EMP price range instead of around 300-400 EMP, all things considered.

Also, if you look at Etho's video on the subject he doesn't seem to have that much trouble with it. (Starts around the 21 minute mark)

He dies a few times, but that was his first time trying to get dragon breath, and this was with little to no knowledge of how to be efficient when collecting it. As long as you know the mechanics of the dragon fight you probably won't die all that often, and you can get a ton of dragon breath in the process.

That's why I'd say the price should be somewhere between the bottle that is used to collect it and a nether potion material such as blaze powder.
Polls / Re: Re-enable end?
May 28, 2016, 05:55 PM
I can see your point GotAnError, but it's still another world altogether. If we were to add it, we'd probably have to get rid of another world.

What are we going to get rid of? The two building worlds are basically essential, the veteran world works as both a reward and a place for people that dislike having people build random dirt shacks beside them, the gaming world is needed so that the two building worlds don't get covered by random games scattered all over the place, and the nether is a far more useful world than the end. It has a greater variety of mobs, it has more useful items, and we've already spent time customising the nether experience.

Don't get me wrong, I think there are some cool things about the end, but I do think it is a bit boring. It doesn't have that many items that are unique to it, and while it's true that we could use the end as new version of the sky realm, I think that would be more popular if we just had a normal sky realm.

I think it's just a lot easier to add the couple new items to the emporium, and reduce the price of end stone to somewhere around the cost of stone.

As for the cost of breath sparkle, I'd probably make it somewhere between the cost of a glass bottle and blaze powder. If a person knows what they're doing they can get as much breath as they want from a single dragon fight, anyway. It shouldn't be that expensive.
Polls / Re: Re-enable end?
May 28, 2016, 12:26 AM
I doubt the end will be readded since it doesn't really add much to the game that the emporium cannot already provide. Furthermore, re-enabling the end would make elytras slightly more accessible, and would introduce dragon heads into the economy. (Plus the added strain on the server for a dimension which, once again, doesn't really do much.)

This being said, there are a couple of things I would like to see:
  • Add dragon breath to the emporium so that we can craft lingering potions and make tipped arrows.
  • Reduce the cost of end stone/end stone brick. The price of end stone was set to 10000 back in 2011 when it was introduced because we wanted to use it as a temporary drain on the economy during the month after release when it was a hot item. I know this because I was at the meeting where this was decided. It's been almost five years since the release of 1.0.0 now. It's time to give end stone a price that isn't absolutely insane.
  • Add dragon heads to the list of things the emporium sells. They aren't that different from the other mob heads, and it would be cool to have access to them. (As far as I'm aware, the only difference is that the mouth moves when the head is receiving power from redstone, which is kinda cool and can be used as decoration in a few situations)
I'll take the item hologram on survival, but I'm going to need a couple of days to figure out where I want it and what I want it to be.
Submitted my response!