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Messages - camster65

General Announcements / Re: New Server
Sep 28, 2020, 10:42 AM
Quote from: xJimJam on Sep 28, 2020, 09:18 AM
Quote from: Kiannaa on Sep 28, 2020, 12:30 AM
Quote from: xJimJam on Sep 28, 2020, 12:10 AM
Quote from: xJimJam on Sep 26, 2020, 12:45 PMI've seen some YouTube videos about the "one life" or "x life" where you basically start with one heart and the more you die the more hearts you gain. I don't know what happens after you reach all lives but it'd be interesting to play. (It's also a modded thing but I think it can happen in vanilla. I think.)

Idk about having another factions server considering the ones we've tried to bring back usually die off or stop having players after two weeks or so.

OR we can have another one of these bad boys https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,150384.msg721529.html#msg721529
Yeah, I really liked Wild West but it died off really fast. I was like the only player left when it died. I believe the quest-like adventure would most likely occur in skyblock. Great ideas though!
It died off because we had a beta version of MCMMO that would make players lag whenever they used a skill I feel like if players didn't lag Wild West would still be up and running

Main reason for the death of the server was you had both Wild West and Qwest That was the same thing and got released at the same time so both only got 50% the effort they could've had and split players, the idea and concept was good though, and both servers had some really good builds in them
MC, Hearts of iron 4, Terraria ( best game ever and wide server options ), league of legends, Rust, Csgo
There seems to be some animal abuse in this video
Hey everyone,

Prison will offically be released Friday 26th June at 4pm(GMT+1)

Hope you're ready to serve your time.

Also if you'd like the chance to join the guard team, apply using the link below!

Teaser has been added to the post!  ;D
General Announcements / SFT Prison is back!
Jun 03, 2020, 01:15 PM
Yes you indeed read that correctly, Prison is coming back to SFT.

With an increase in griefing and griefers, one hamster went out to search for a solution. He came around this old abandoned prison from 2013.

Overgrown and falling apart, he still decided to buy the place, grabbed his team and started to fix up the place until they got it in fit running shape.

Now far and wide griefers and banned players are seeing themselves brought to our mighty prison to serve their fate.

Information regarding the server

As of right now we don't have an official release date, however we will keep you all up to date with teasers trailers etc and information on dates as and when we decide them.

We are also seeking to do a beta test on 6/5/20 until 6/8/20 so we will need 10 of you to come help us out and provide us with feedback to improve before the actual release so please only apply if you're going to have enough time over those few days. If you're interested, please apply using the sheet below.

Application form:
What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?:
How much do you think you will be able to play?:
Do you have a Discord account?
Why should we choose you for our beta test?:

We look forward to opening this as soon as possible, time to teach you the ways the of the prison life... will you live and climb to the top, or fall and become another victim to the system.

What is your IGN (in-game nickname)?:Camster65
What is your uptime in the last week (/pstats)?: 3hrs this week (wed) 8hours 30mins last week
What is your overall uptime(/pstats)?: 2746hours (1196 survival)
Were you banned from our server in the last 6 months?:from factions for something stupid and a one off mistake that would never happen again (first ban of any kind in 8 years of playing)
Were you ever banned for xraying / advertising / exploiting glitches?:Nope
What rank do you wish to be (EventHost / JMod)?:Jmod
Why do you want that rank?:Well i have staffed before across all of SFT as many ranks going from Jmod-Admin with over 2 years of staffing time total. Would be nice to do the same again. Maturity may be seen as an issue now and again, however as staff i make sure to keep things serious
What region are you from? (EU / US / AU / OTHER): EU
Do you have a Discord account?:Yes
Faction Recruitment / Re: Envy
May 16, 2020, 10:11 PM
In Game Name:Camster65
Discord Name:camster
How active can you be?: as active as you want
Whats skills could you bring to the faction? i mean is my pressence not enough?
Are you up for a laugh? i am the laugh, and got my sikekick Brian
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
May 03, 2020, 12:31 PM
It's a good idea to trial and could end up being a positive, however it would be pointless to do right now in this current reset because all i'd have to do is take a screenshot of each persons cord's now and i'd know where each base and spawner is so would defeat the point in removing it.
any reason the mods take forever to load then crashes on loading in? or just me so far?
Anyone wana team up?
Polls / Re: Dark VS Milk Chocolate
Dec 26, 2017, 04:46 PM
Quote from: NoBoDyWoLf on Dec 26, 2017, 09:54 AMWhere's the love for white chocolate  :'(

sounds like a nub pick to me
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 21, 2017, 09:45 PM
Quote from: LavishGaming on Sep 21, 2017, 07:47 PMTowelie, sir, I cannot in good conscience insult a man as amazing, fascinating, father-like, and fantastic as you.

Unfortunately you are a bird, not a man.

I'm guessing this was a roast by talking in opposites right? Or was  this an insult of trying to suggest tow would be seduced by your rim techniques and fall for you? Becuase if that's the goal then the winning roast is this, for calling tow gay

(And no there's nothing wrong with gays, you hypersensitive people about to stand up to rant, STFD!! and return to your corner no one wants to hear the rants!)
General Announcements / Re: Roast me
Sep 17, 2017, 05:47 PM
I know why you got a bird, would be so you could teach it to say "I love you" but even the bird accepted that's never going to be said to you in this life

Would've put more time and effort into it, but even 1min thought seemed too much for a MINECRAFT SERVER OWNER!
Quote from: NittyFy on Jun 25, 2017, 04:15 AMWhat about me, I don't play Minecraft anymore. And, I joined 2 years ago.

Welllll no one said your name so you weren't added?
General Announcements / Re: New RightHand
Jun 17, 2017, 09:06 AM
you know we need for the right hands?
Glad to see this, amount of times over my time here has this caused huge arguments and fights purely because one persons word could be stronger than another due to position in ranks etc :)
Terastorm ofc
Quote from: Zesty on May 02, 2017, 02:10 PM
Quote from: Dpa1991 on May 02, 2017, 01:32 PM
Quote from: AmberKat on May 01, 2017, 02:53 PM
Quote from: theP on May 01, 2017, 12:10 PM
Quote from: Towelie on May 01, 2017, 11:37 AM
Quote from: TheOfficialMiner on May 01, 2017, 06:58 AMIsn't the spawn the exact same as the current world 1 on survival or am I going insane?
Let me rephrase what dpa said but in rougher terms: The entire architect team (surv + pix) failed to come up with a spawn for pix so we used Survival's.
Thats a bit harsh...
As hard as everyone tried, plus the world corrupting, in order to finally get pix out, corners had to be cut. (Like stealing survival's spawn.)

Stealing isn't the right word, were all on the same team. I would of loved to have a unique spawn special to pix but that would have never happened.

Almost 2 months of building we had maybe 4 people come online to build (I'm one of the 4), and out of those 4 only lavish, me and D-Day built anything. Never mind the fact we only had like 3 buildings built with not much else going on.

E:I can't remember if it was lavish or ilax now. Way too early

:/ I did offer many times to help build, was even willing to pull together a team until I got rejected and ignored :)

There's no way this comment was needed other than to slate people for self benefits. Purely just not needed
Forum Games / Re: Ban the person above you!
Apr 28, 2017, 03:17 AM
Banned for not knowing post boosting is when you reply back and forth to each other's posts so you get a higher post count
Forum Games / Re: Ban the person above you!
Apr 27, 2017, 09:16 PM
Both banned for post boosting
Quote from: Zesty on Apr 22, 2017, 08:41 AM
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 22, 2017, 05:49 AMA Leg To Stand On (ALTSO) is a non-profit providing

Quote from: camster65 on Apr 22, 2017, 08:37 AMIs the donations 100% to the charity or 50/50 like described in the email post?

"I'd love to chat with you or whoever might be best about how we could do something fun. We could do a competition between different factions on the server or just have a general goal. If you are already collecting funds it could be a dual campaign where 50% goes to you and 50% goes to charity, etc..."

is the quote i was referring to
Is the donations 100% to the charity or 50/50 like described in the email post?
Quote from: King_Craftius on Apr 19, 2017, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Towelie on Apr 19, 2017, 04:29 PM
Quote from: Tombo_ on Apr 19, 2017, 04:20 PMDemote half the staff team tbh
Who and why?

Some staff members seem too immature at times, and seem to have been pushed into the role even with little SFT experience just due to lack of staff.

its not just the idea of immaturity but those who take there roles for granted as a "im an manager/admin/mod now, you must respect me and il do to you what i want"