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Survival Updates

Started by Autpek, Aug 31, 2022, 04:33 PM

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I just wanted to pass along all the hard work that the staff team has been doing behind the scenes and bring you another post covering some content updates. Below you will see only the new projects that have been added to the server along with a few shoutouts to the people who helped complete them.

Our server has been updated to 1.19 with all the features and updates you could ask for. Tow was kind enough to find us a custom world to give us some more variety in surviving/building. Feel free to log in and come check it out!

/w2 and /w2 Spawn
With the release of 1.19 we are brining back the second world. The new custom world will be hosted on /w2. This includes a brand new spawn for the world. A special shout out to samanthasnee, MayaTheEnderGirl, Calamador, and MasterX70 for designing, building, and implementing(twice).

MCMMO Prestige Ranks
As part of all the new updates coming to survival, McMMO has not only been tweaked to be faster, but the old prestige system has been revived too!

Once you have all your stats maxed to the highest level (lvl 2000), they can be reset to 0 and you'll gain a fancy badge prefix before your rank. There are currently 15 levels but more can easily be added. In addition to still running the weekend bonus XP rate event, we will be doing bonus event now until the weekend of 15x bonus xp! Thanks to the Survival HoS team for suggesting to bring back the system and a big special thanks to TheStarNomad for designing the layouts and making all the config changes. Also wanted to thank them for not purging our databases!

A couple of our managers built a new public spawner for you to grind up some xp with! Just log into the game and use /spawner to open the menu to teleport to a butchering of a life time (seriously, they made it kind of overpowered). Included with the build are two different spawners and a place to repair/enchant! Big shoutout to Kakota, Trojan, and TheStarNomad for putting the time and effort in making this.

EMP Updates and Price Fixes
This is still in process but should be live by the end of the week. We have lowered a bunch of the prices and also added the new 1.19 blocks! Big shoutout to Kakota for doing all of this.

Custom Crafting Recipes
Since we know you can't forcefully drag your favorite frogs into a nether portal their eternal doom, we decided to make a custom recipe so you can still get the lights of their screaming souls! Froglights are now able to be crafted with a shroom ight and 4 dye. These recipes are available for viewing within the Custom Crafting recipe book! Big thanks to the man+ team on helping get these created and added.

We had some more big content updates to release as well, but the update to 1.19 broke them. Hopefully we are able to get them back up and fixed.

If you have any suggestions for any future tweaks or features just shoot me a message on discord!
