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Messages - Autpek

General Announcements / Survival Updates
Aug 31, 2022, 04:33 PM
I just wanted to pass along all the hard work that the staff team has been doing behind the scenes and bring you another post covering some content updates. Below you will see only the new projects that have been added to the server along with a few shoutouts to the people who helped complete them.

Our server has been updated to 1.19 with all the features and updates you could ask for. Tow was kind enough to find us a custom world to give us some more variety in surviving/building. Feel free to log in and come check it out!

/w2 and /w2 Spawn
With the release of 1.19 we are brining back the second world. The new custom world will be hosted on /w2. This includes a brand new spawn for the world. A special shout out to samanthasnee, MayaTheEnderGirl, Calamador, and MasterX70 for designing, building, and implementing(twice).

MCMMO Prestige Ranks
As part of all the new updates coming to survival, McMMO has not only been tweaked to be faster, but the old prestige system has been revived too!

Once you have all your stats maxed to the highest level (lvl 2000), they can be reset to 0 and you'll gain a fancy badge prefix before your rank. There are currently 15 levels but more can easily be added. In addition to still running the weekend bonus XP rate event, we will be doing bonus event now until the weekend of 15x bonus xp! Thanks to the Survival HoS team for suggesting to bring back the system and a big special thanks to TheStarNomad for designing the layouts and making all the config changes. Also wanted to thank them for not purging our databases!

A couple of our managers built a new public spawner for you to grind up some xp with! Just log into the game and use /spawner to open the menu to teleport to a butchering of a life time (seriously, they made it kind of overpowered). Included with the build are two different spawners and a place to repair/enchant! Big shoutout to Kakota, Trojan, and TheStarNomad for putting the time and effort in making this.

EMP Updates and Price Fixes
This is still in process but should be live by the end of the week. We have lowered a bunch of the prices and also added the new 1.19 blocks! Big shoutout to Kakota for doing all of this.

Custom Crafting Recipes
Since we know you can't forcefully drag your favorite frogs into a nether portal their eternal doom, we decided to make a custom recipe so you can still get the lights of their screaming souls! Froglights are now able to be crafted with a shroom ight and 4 dye. These recipes are available for viewing within the Custom Crafting recipe book! Big thanks to the man+ team on helping get these created and added.

We had some more big content updates to release as well, but the update to 1.19 broke them. Hopefully we are able to get them back up and fixed.

If you have any suggestions for any future tweaks or features just shoot me a message on discord!


Hey Everybody!

Hope everyone enjoyed the day of UwU! I know not everyone loved it as much as others, but with the removal it left behind some interesting changes in its wake. Below is a list of everything new that has been added since the disappearance of our beloved UwUiepuu, along with a couple updates to projects in development, and a refresher of some changes you might of missed!

New Changes
Arcade Vouchers:
Arcade vouchers are what you could say - a new form of currency. Players can play events and win vouchers as a reward instead of emp! Like vote tokens, when a player gains so many they may redeem them for items, shop premium items, beacons and more! A special thanks to the Event Team for creating and developing this project. You can find a more detailed description of the changes on this post!

Ever wanted to be able to display your skills of a hunter on the mantle of your fireplace? Well now you can with our new plugin HeadsPlus!
There is a chance when killing a mob that their head will drop, and includes ALL MOBS. This means you can take your turtle on one final walk at the beach before you turn it into turtle soup for a chance at their sweet sweet head!
  • Complete challenges with /hpc and earn rewards and bragging rights to all your server friends!
  • Sell heads that you have collected to the shop with /sellheads to earn a little extra emp!
  • Buy some heads from the new head shop (no pun intended, but Towelie would be proud of that one) including food, gems, logos, emojis, blocks, and even some microblocks!

You have spoken and you have been heard! Earning money with pyromining just got easier with the new custom recipies added! You can how craft gemstones from their retrospective materials and sell them at the /mine shop! In a crafting table combine the below blocks surrounded by redstone dust in a square (8 dust in total) and get the gemstone of your dreams for that special someone in your life!
  • Peridot - 9 Coal Blocks and 8 Redstone Dust
  • Ruby - 12 Redstone Blocks and 8 Redstone Dust
  • Topaz - 12 Quartz Blocks and 8 Redstone Dust
  • Amethyst - 14 Lapis blocks and 8 Redstone Dust
  • Pristine Tiger's Eye - 8 Diamonds and 8 Redstone Dust
Find all these recipes in game with the Custom Crafting recipe book (crafting by combing a crafting table and a book).

Guest Town:
Coming back in stride this release is the reappearance of GuestTown! This is a place for new players to have a start and a community to explore the wonders that our server has to offer. Feel free to come have a look and welcome new guests who want to stay there by using /warp guesttown! Thanks to Kakota and her team on getting this built out and open for everyone to enjoy!

Changes You Might Of Missed
Adds various machines, tools, mobs, and bosses to Slimefun! (Thanks to Rally for the suggestion and configuration)

Early and late game machines, generators, and items to make automation in Slimefun more fun! (Thanks to Rally for the suggestion and configuration)

Use /sfcalc needed item_name to find out what items you still need to make a recipe. (Thanks to Reimu for the suggestion)

Realistic Seasons:
Added tweaks to the configuration based on player feedback. This includes but not limited to tempature stability, easier access to warming items, less harsh conditions in troublesome biomes, and more.

Coming Soon
Advanced Enchantments:
Adding a new way to gear up for thoes pesky thralls in slimefun. Get your gear super enchanted with new Custom Enchantments within the enchanting table! These will be random like all enchantments, plop your item or book in an enchanting table with some lapis and reap the benefits of these new powerful enchantments!

Helper's Guild:
A community guild dedicated to help develop our community and new players. Do you want to help retain player intrest and become a catalsyt for a growing, interconnected, and friendly community? If so find out more information at https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,198477.0.html

I have reached out to the Owners and one of them will get back with you.

Also to add, we can change the color pallet of blocks that change color with seasons. So if people think some of the grass is ugly, that is customizable as well.
General Survival Discussions / Season Changes
Jan 28, 2022, 08:23 PM
Hey Everyone!

The last post about seasons is still up, but it looks like more want to keep then get rid of, but I want to let you know that I hear the concerns and want to form a plan on what I need to get changed to make it more bearable for everyone. Since we are a community, I want to make sure I incorporate everyone's feedback as much as I can (the plugin config does have limitations, but most of the issues we see are configurable).

So far we have changed the following:

 - Stopped wolves from spawning in winter
 - Reduced the spawn rate of all seasonal spawned in mobs
 - Worked with dev to fix health_boost hunger bugs

With that said, Please list what you would like changed here in the following format.

Quote- Example 1
 - Example 2
 - Example 3
 - Example 4

I would appreciate if we limit this thread to just the above type responses so we have an easy way to look at all the changes the community would like us to make. I can not make promises that I can fix everything, but I will do my best to try. Example: I can not remove the extreme temperature causing you to go hungry, but I am able to adjust the ranges that the extreme temperatures take place.

Thanks for all the feedback, and also thanks for caring about the server and community you play on.

- Autpek
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Jan 25, 2022, 08:30 PM
The person to post under this post is a poopy head
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
Jan 25, 2022, 02:19 PM
This post has been locked by a moderator

Based on the insults in your unban I have to assume that you are totally not a "toxic piece of trash" anymore so I notified the team of your concerns and someone will get back to you. It might take a few days, a year, or even a decade since we have pea brains so I apologize in advance for your wait.

Staff applications are on hold until July 11th, 2021
Forum Games / Re: Last poster wins!
May 26, 2021, 02:52 PM
This thread has been locked by a moderator
Battlefield Earth in tribute to the John Travolta film that got 3% on rotten tomatoes.
So one of the things that makes us unique is the fact we stay current with the latest release. Most of the big servers are stuck on 1.8.9 or something similar because of their in house plugins, and the functionality of minecraft before microsoft took ownership. I think the setup we have is pretty good with us being able to give players the new features.

If you go on the server that must not be named, you can not get honey blocks, or bells, barrels. With the new release, there is going to be a minecraft version of backpacks that we will be able to give the players and also the new cave system. The drawback is trying to get that in a building world for everyone. That is why we have to do resets.

With caves, we might just be able to reset SW for resources, but if we want the natural generated caves for players to build in, then we would have to reset a world and this is where the playerbase gets upset with because of the losing and moving of builds. This is where we need to establish a happy medium if/when the next big update and reset happens.

One thing other servers have that we do not have is an entrance world/portal that has all the different servers and the ability to join any server from that world. The server that must not be named does this with all their mini games, and there are a few others that do this with an NPC to talk with to take you to their skyblock, modded, vanilla, and parkour servers. Something like that could help out with new players trying to find the right server. The only issue is they would have to log into different clients, where with other servers the resource packs auto load in when you switch servers from that menu world. We have something similar with this on the modded servers were you enter a portal to get to stoneblock or eternal.
Quote from: SavageCoopDoge on Apr 22, 2021, 06:43 PMA bit of a flex but poggers
The struggles of being an admin and a patreon. I have nothing to spend my rewards on lol.
Greetings and Salutations!

Starting in May, if you bring someone new to the server and they are able to make it to the member rank, I will give you and your friend a $5 voucher for the premium shop. This is coming from my own stash of premium store vouchers that I have stored up from being a patreon, so I only have a limited amount to give. You also have to match all of the requirements below.

  • If you are the one who is bringing someone new to the server, your account's first login has to have been logged into survival before May 1st, 2021.
  • Your friend's account has to have their first login on the server on or after May 1st 2021.
  • Your friend's account has to reach the rank of member. This can be with 24h of playtime on survival OR 12h of playtime on survival and a registered forum account.
  • When your friend's account matches the criteria for member, respond to this post letting us know
  • You and your friend must not be banned on survival during the month of May.

I can reward the first 6 people who bring someone new and get them to the member rank. This means 6 current members and their friend who have reached the rank of member will get a $5 voucher, for a total of 12 winners.

Please reach out to me with any questions.

Inactivity Board / Radioactivelambo Inactive
Apr 09, 2021, 09:13 PM
Radioactivelambo opened a discord ticket to say they are going to be inactive due to computer issues. They are ordering a new battery.

No idea how long that will take but keeping this open for as long as default will allow (3 months).
Quote from: Palker on Apr 07, 2021, 05:55 PMWell it's not really "his" money and if the donated money is advertised as support for the server and then someone finds out that it is used for something else, that is technically fraud ... so there's that.
I think you are kind of looking at this the wrong way in this statement. And anyone who "found" out would know because Tow is transparent and asked us what he thought. Not like he is going to donate first then tell us. He wanted thoughts.

Quote from: Palker on Apr 07, 2021, 05:57 PM"A good point, but as a Patreon myself, I have no issue if the money I send to the server is given to charity. Also donating to a charity as a gaming community could also bring benefits to the server itself. Would be good PR and also helps give people who support the feel good of helping out people who are in need."

I'm not sure what kind of good PR you're looking for because donating 50$ to a charity won't give us jack shit lol, that's just the truth, it's not a noticeable amount for anyone to pick up on it tbh. It's just not worth while for the server in any aspect, since such a low amount amongst the masses wont give us any attention if that's what they are looking for.
You are coming off kind of rude with this. That and you kind of mixed up the meaning of truth and opinion. Instead of attacking someone for their opinions, maybe coming up with what would be better route for PR instead of just flaming someone would be a good start. Also the fact that a worldwide online gaming community is trying to give back to those in need, even if it is just a few dollars, shows that we care about people and making the world a better place. There are also some charities where $50 could be the difference of having a body to staff a phone for a suicide hotline for a few days or not.

Quote from: Palker on Apr 07, 2021, 06:05 PMAnother important note is that if players notice that their money that they donate don't even go towards helping and expanding the community, they might choose to just keep it for themselves since it's obviously not supporting the server as stated. This would just do more harm than good in this case since (I assume) the cash flow from the server isn't that great due to its size.
This is a good example of positive feedback. Not attacking anyone and giving supporting details.
Quote from: Palker on Apr 07, 2021, 01:19 PMI'm not sure if this is some sort of late April fools joke but whatever ???
The players supporting SFT(including myself) are donating and/or paying the monthly subscription on Patreon to *support the server* and not support a charity. If the players who support SFT and also have some extra money, they can personally support those charities but this is not a choice that you or the owners should make for those players. Also, it's kind of deceiving to have the money go somewhere else when nothing like that has been stated in the past as well.

"Become a Premium User by purchasing any of our items, and help us cover **our** costs"
"Your purchases will go towards paying the server bills and server upgrades or unforseen expenses."
A good point, but as a Patreon myself, I have no issue if the money I send to the server is given to charity. Also donating to a charity as a gaming community could also bring benefits to the server itself. Would be good PR and also helps give people who support the feel good of helping out people who are in need.

Quote from: Towelie on Apr 07, 2021, 07:08 AMThe charity has to be a legitimate one, and we were thinking either a suicide prevention non profit or a mental health non profit, but we are open to other suggestions.
Also we could do a rotating donation, meaning a different charity a month. We did something like this at my last job where the philanthropy team sponsored a different charity every month. One month we would work in a soup kitchen (YWCA homeless shelter), another month we would build houses(Habitat for Humanity), another month we would bring awareness to human trafficking(Melissa's House), etc.
Quote from: Groot_69 on Mar 28, 2021, 06:32 PM2. Slimefun- Raise the chances / percentage of getting "sifted ore" and lower the chances / percentage of getting flint.
I think we have addressed this before, but the drop rates are hard coded into slimefun. These can only be changed by slimefun devs and they are not going to change it (already raised the ticket with them about it)
General Announcements / Player Timeouts
Apr 03, 2021, 02:30 PM
There is currently a scenario happening right now where players are dying due to a connection timeout that is causing some players to lose their items. This isn't happening to everyone all the time, and most commonly happens when you log off the server.

To help mitigate the issues until we can get this fixed, we are asking you to please store any items you have in your inventory in a chest when you log out.

Hi it's me again! I won't close out the ticket and I have involved higher ups to take a look at your request. To note, you were sharing yo mamma jokes in general so I showed you insomniac and tagged you in a joke. If you took it personally that was not the intent. But your attack on me in retaliation was not the reasoning for the ban. Again, it was the general disregard for the rules.

As stated in this response. I have escalated your case with the owners, so please hang tight while they review your request. The review process might take longer than the standard process so give them a few extra days if needed.


I was the mod that banned you. If memory serves me right, you recently came back and started being disrespectful in general. I do not recall insulting your mom with any sort of names. I also went back and double checked with a search of myself and the keyword "whore", and as you can see from the search results below, nothing came back (see 1). Feel free to reach out to another admin to do a search if you feel it is needed as they would be able to see if I removed the post in question.

I banned you for being disrespectful and not following the rules. Based on your unban request you haven't really shown me a reason to unban you. I understand you see what you did wrong, but throwing false accusations to divert the consequences of your actions is not something I am going to tolerate.

Since you no longer have access to discord, I have included in this post the discord rules. Please read them and understand the terms and conditions you agree to by joining our server. Since there are two sets of rules(see 2), you can post an unban in 2 weeks and provide valid reasoning on why we should unban you.




1) Don't be evil or toxic! (making fun of people's shortcomings, spelling nasty messages with reactions, etc. SFT is Toxic free! Toxicity will get you banned!)
2) Don't be racist / discriminatory against people of a certain race/sex/religion/sexual orientation
3) Do not advertise other discord/gaming servers (in chats or DMs) unless it is to your friends that you met before SFT (we are basically trying to make sure that people do not use our work to get free publicity)
4) Do not advertise any commercial websites / streams / youtube channels. Want to advertise your business on our server? Open a ticket in #support and we will discuss pricing
5) Please be aware that this is a gaming community for all ages. Keep the text chats/voice chats clean and appropriate.
6) Please make your discord nickname relatively similar to your Minecraft in-game nickname, so other people can recognize you (and not too long! You can use nicknames elsewhere)
7) Do not impersonate staff! Do not ask for staff, if we are looking, we will ask you
8 ) Do not use [at]here and [at]everyone unless you have been permitted to do so! Do not complain about the use of [at]here and [at]everyone, we will try to keep these messages to a minimum, but they are needed.
9) Cursing / profane language are allowed if not directed at a specific person. Also, please do not overdo it.
10) If you get banned 3 times for the same reason (not in a row, 3 times overall), you will get permanently banned from SFT with no chance of ever being unbanned. This is valid throughout the SFT network, not just discord.(edited)
[4:41 AM]
       Discord Etiquette
1) You may advertise your in-game autoshops/builds via discord once every 30 minutes.
2) Don't use color codes in messages or names, as they will show-up in-game.
3) Don't use really long names, invisible names, invisible profile pictures, or add a prefix to your nickname.
4) Don't abuse bugs/glitches of Discord bots. All bugs/glitches must be reported to a @Discord Admin when found.
5) Bot commands should only be used in their designated channels (eg #bot-spam). Do not abuse bot commands outside these channels.
6) Don't mic spam in voice channels and don't be toxic.
7) If posting spoilers, you must use the spoiler tag and make it known you are posting a spoiler:  example --> example
8 ) Avoid controversial topics like racism/politics/religion etc. These topics are only allowed to be discussed in #insomniac-chat.
9) You must abide by all Discord guidelines listed here: https://discord.com/guidelines

Ban evading will be punished to the fullest extent (permanent IP ban on all your accounts)

NOTE: Violating 'Rules' and 'Discord Etiquette' can get you punished or banned. All players are required to read all rules carefully. Any incidents not specified above are handled by SuperFunTime's Discord Staff with full authority

PS: There are cases that aren't covered by the ruleboard, in this case staff members are trusted to handle the scenario accordingly
Quote from: N1ux_ on Feb 20, 2021, 12:51 AM
Quote from: ropeclimber on Feb 12, 2021, 10:58 PMSFT is the only server I have ever really played in MC. I always come back because I always have fun. Today I am trying to decide if I ever come back. Or if this one incident is determinate of a larger problem in the rules of the server. I watched somebody use offensive language and when somebody else was offended and asked them not to use that language the offender started using more curse words and insulting people. I got involved to remind them to be respectful to others as it is part of the rules. The response I received was "Fuck being respectful if your going to be a ****". I then went on to ask mods how that is not bannable or why they at least werent taking any action. The offender's friend told me to "calm the fuck down". I am not playing a childs block building game to face language like this. The mods and admins online went on to say "i think this has run its course everyone be quiet". no action was taken and me and two other people were left offended by the language of two players. I understand that a lot worse things happen, but this server is called superfuntime, not superabusivetime. I will be interested to see if I am drawn back to SFT in the future. Hopefully staff can get the players under control. Cant be letting people use offensive language like that in any organization.
To combat this I believe I may have a few suggestions to staff; tolerance of suggested words should be minimal for swearing I understand we allow a degree of swearing and I respect your opinion to that, but furthermore, we should have very minimal tolerance towards trolls like these, like give a warning, then a 5 day ban to help them calm down, if they desire to continue, direct ban. That's the best way to combat this trolling.
Sorry for the delay, I thought I already replied to this one. I agree and we will be more diligent in regards to how people phrase words, most importantly on the differences of using such verbiage towards people. Recently we have allowed more "adult" chat in game and discord, but we will do better on punishing people who take it to the extreme.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Quote from: cyuma_ on Feb 17, 2021, 07:55 PMYo yo yo, another suggestion woop woop. So like i saw that Skyblock had this feature where when someone puts something on auction house the chat says something like 'SharpCyuma put ... on Auction House for $...'. It might be nice to have that in survival too!  8)

Dogggeh checked and the survival plugin for AH does not have this ability. He uses a different plugin for skyblock so that is why it works there.
Quote from: cyuma_ on Feb 17, 2021, 07:55 PMYo yo yo, another suggestion woop woop. So like i saw that Skyblock had this feature where when someone puts something on auction house the chat says something like 'SharpCyuma put ... on Auction House for $...'. It might be nice to have that in survival too!  8)

I will find out if this is something we can do on survival or not and take it to the Man+ team for review. Skyblock might be using a different plugin, and if so then it would not be possible with our current plugin. That and we would need to see if we can limit the amount it spams incase someone loads in 50 items, do not want to clutter chat too much with automated messages.

Quic was the staff that banned you.  I will notify him and he will get back to you within 48 hours about your inquiry.
