Jul 27, 2024, 11:17 AM


Proudly established in 2010, still going!

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Topics - Towelie

General Announcements / New Server - Palworld
Jan 20, 2024, 10:20 AM
Hello everyone!

Long time no post.
We have launched a new server for the recently launched game PalWorld.

Palworld Vanilla
Name: [EU] SFT Palworld -sftmc.org-

You may be asking yourself "What is PalWorld?"
Well I've got you covered:

Enjoy, and I hope you all have been keeping safe!
Also, make sure you are on our discord to keep up with the most recent announcements!

General Announcements / Rust Server
Apr 20, 2022, 05:56 AM
While our Rust server is being prepared for a re-launch, come and play on our secondary Rust server
IP: rust.superfuntime.org:28016
Link to join: https://www.superfuntime.org/j/rust

Good news!
You can now join our server / network using Minecraft Bedrock (including PE, Windows 10 version, possibly console versions too).

Server ip: play.superfuntime.org:19132

NOTE: This is experimental and we do not offer any support for any issues arising from using this. We always advise using Minecraft Java whenever possible as the preferred way of joining, and our Minecraft JAVA ip of play.superfuntime.org
So we heard your complaints, mcmmo is too slow to level up, annoying, etc.
We have changed the formula from:
 base + (level * multiplier)
where base = 2040 and multiplier was 50

base = 2040
multiplier = 25

We may adjust further if it's still not enough, but this means the 20x mcmmo boosts are going to become something like 10x to compensate
Good news everyone! Player ranks now get more warps!
New limits:
      totalLimit: 30
      publicLimit: 15
      privateLimit: 15
      totalLimit: 50
      publicLimit: 20
      privateLimit: 30
      totalLimit: 70
      publicLimit: 40
      privateLimit: 30
      totalLimit: 150
      publicLimit: 75
      privateLimit: 75

Old limits:
      totalLimit: 20
      publicLimit: 10
      privateLimit: 10
      totalLimit: 40
      publicLimit: 20
      privateLimit: 20
      totalLimit: 50
      publicLimit: 30
      privateLimit: 20
      totalLimit: 100
      publicLimit: 50
      privateLimit: 50
You can play at /flatearth (play.superfuntime.org)
Flat Earth Survival is a hard mode Survival, with natural health regeneration disabled, difficulty increased.
There is no economy, and the plugins are reduced, so the experience is closer to a Vanilla server.
The map is big, and is a replica of the earth (we all know, the earth is flat, careful, you may fall off the world if you get to the world's end.)
We enforce standard chat rules as per our other servers, but otherwise the server has a reduced rule set (type /rules on the server).
You can even use mods such as Minimap and Xray if you wish, the only thing we will crack down is mods that are disruptive towards the server / world.
We are looking for a name for the hardcore server that does not contain the words hardcore or anarchy

This server will be like Survival before all the fancy economy stuff, with pvp on, and a relaxed rule set (except chat rules which apply globally on all the SFT network).
Hi everyone!
If it's not obvious, we're hurting. The player numbers are down and there's still a bit until the Summer starts.
Please invite a friend, and you will get 50k Emp after they play for 6h on Survival.
NEW: Your friends will also get 15k Emp after they have reached 6h uptime, if they create a ticket.
Please leave a reply and tell us how that sounds!

- You may not use alts to achieve this
- Your friend must not be using a VPN for the first 6h so we can tell for sure it is a true referal and not people cheating the system
- You may bring more than one friend and will be paid 50k for each, but only when they reach 6h uptime on Survival

NOTE: If you already brought friends in the last 30 days and they still play,  i will also pay you for that, but otherwise, this is a promotion that is valid from now on.
The SFT Hardcore beta is over! Thank you everyone for participating and for your feedback.
We will be back soon with a full release, and so many surprises!
Please note that the world will be reset for the release, as it is needed for the surprise changes we have coming.

PS: @Dogggeh has joined the SFT Hardcore team :D So he and I will be working together on it now, and he has some ideas! :D
There is a new minecraft server on the network: /hardcore
This started as a challenge, for myself, to see if I can launch a new server in a day, and I am happy to say I did it in half a day!

- Hard difficulty with more mobs than Survival
- PvP is always on
- You cannot protect your house, only lock your chest/door with LWC so expect to be raided/griefed
- There is no economy, no advanced plugins like Slimefun, etc
- The nether and end are present, but with no shortcuts so you must actually build portals to get there
- Health regeneration is disabled, meaning the only way you can heal is by crafting golden apples
- Limited crafting is enabled, meaning you can only craft what you have discovered
- The world border is almost twice as big as Survival's, but there are no backups meaning in case of a world corruption we start over (to be fair that doesn't happen that often...)
- Raiding/griefing is allowed, but if it turns out all a player does is grief other's builds, they will be punished
- Mechanics are close to vanilla, villager trading is enabled, as well as wandering trader trading (seing as we don't have an economy to care about on hardcore, we can do that)
- Spawn killing is not allowed

I would call this a UHC server that's actually fun to play long term. Why? Because you don't get banned after you die, but the game is going to be punishing and hard to progress with difficulty being bumped, number of mobs increased, and other players being able to kill you at any moment.
This is the perfect server for someone who plays Minecraft and thinks "meh".
NOTE: As this is part of the network, we will enforce chat rules as per usually, but otherwise server rules are more relaxed.
- Nether & end were reset
- Scavengeworld was also reset
- Scavengeworld border was increased from 1500 to 2500

Everyone who completes this challenge by  will receive 50k EmpBucks. All you have to do is post proof of completing the challenge as a reply to this post by Sunday May the 7th.

Here's what you have to do:
- Get an emp transaction from me where i am selling/buying something to you  (previous ones work as well, I will be joining today and tomorrow and then throughout the week to host emp, but you're going to have to be lucky to catch me. I won't open the emp by request during this challenge.
- Get a selfie with at least three other staff members of any rank, in one go including aux (so EventHost/JMod+). I ask staff to try and help people with this for this week, but only if they are online eg don't get online to do it.
- Build your own monument of bling and take a screenshot of it. Has to be exactly like the one from 10 years ago (hint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By7bVpfRFZg)
- Stretch goal (extra 20k emp): Get a selfie with two Global Owners and yourself.

Good luck everyone!
Our current world schema is:
world1: 4000 border (in worldborder, i am not sure what that means in vanilla mc but its prob 8000x8000)
world2: 3500 border
world3: event world, irrelevant, it's as big as it needs to be
scavengeworld: small but irrelevant as it gets reset often
nether, end - irrelevant, only specify if you feel either hte end or nether need to be removed from the server.

Now I cannot increase world sizes more than that for various reasons, from disk usage to backup logistics nightmares, but I had a few questions and this goes to the players but also to those who are experienced in running MC servers.

Currently world1 and world2 are both building worlds and reset by rotation whenever needed (either when there are new features that we need to reset world to have or when we run out of space).
But I was thinking... is this order good? Got any better ones in mind?

TL;DR Without adding any worlds, how could we improve our current world layout?
So uh, some of you told me that the manager team needs to be a bit more relaxed.
We had a chat about that, and to facilitate that, I am also getting them some toys:

Frost Breath:
Gives the targeted player/entity slowness for a short time. Length changes depending on how many words you know.
With 1 Word (Fo) - 5 Seconds
With 2 Words (Fo Krah) - 10 Seconds
With 3 Words (Fo Krah Diin) - 15 Seconds

Unrelenting Force:
Pushes the targeted player/entity.
With 1 Word (Fus) - Pushes them a little bit.
With 2 Words (Fus Ro) - Pushes them even further.
With 3 Words (Fus Ro Dah) - Pushes them very far.

Marked For Death:
Gives the targeted player or entity poison for 8 seconds. Poison level increases per level.
With 1 Word (Krii) - Poison I
With 2 Words (Krii Lun) - Poison II
With 3 Words (Krii Lun Aus) - Poison III

Aura Whisper:
List players that are near you. Distance increases with each word.
With 1 Word (Laas) - 25 blocks
With 2 Words (Laas Yah) - 35 blocks
With 3 Words (Laas Yah Nir) - 45 blocks

Ice Form:
Completely Freeze a Player or Entity for a given amount of time.
With 1 Word (Liz) - 5 seconds
With 2 Words (Liz Slen) - 10 seconds
With 3 Words (Liz Slen Nus) - 15 seconds

Clear Skies:
Clear a storm for some time.
With 1 Word (Lok) - 15 seconds
With 2 Words (Lok Vah) - 30 seconds
With 3 Words (Lok Vah Koor) - Completely end the storm

Storm Call:
Calls a storm (with lightning) for a certain amount of time. Each level gains length.
With 1 Word (Strun) - 15 Seconds
With 2 Words (Strun Bah) - 30 Seconds
With 3 Words (Strun Bah Qo) - 45 Seconds

Elemental Fury:
Gives you some effects for different times.
With 1 Word (Su) - Haste for 5 seconds
With 2 Words (Su Grah) - Haste for 10 seconds. Strength for 5 seconds.
With 3 Words (Su Grah Dun) - Haste for 15 seconds. Strength for 10 seconds.

Slow Time:
Slows all entities within 40 blocks of you, and gives you Speed.
With 1 Word (Tiid) - Lasts 15 seconds.
With 2 Words (Tiid Klo) - 17 seconds.
With 3 Words (Tiid Klo Ui) - 20 seconds.

Whirlwind Sprint:
Makes you move extremely quickly in the direction you are looking.
With 1 Word (Wuld) - Moves you quickly in the direction you are looking.
With 2 Words (Wuld Nah) - Moves you quickly in the direction you are looking, but you go further.
With 3 Words (Wuld Nah Kest) - Moves you quickly in the direction you are looking, but you go even farther.

Fire Breath:
Sets the targeted player/entity on fire. Length grows with each level.
With 1 Word (Yol) - 2 Seconds
With 2 Words (Yol Toor) - 3 Seconds
With 3 Words (Yol Toor Shul) - 5 Seconds

Throw Voice:
Tells nearby players they hear a voice
With 1 Word (Zul) - Players within 10 blocks
With 2 Words (Zul Mey) - 15 blocks
With 3 Words (Zul Mey Gut) - 20 blocks

Pushes the target slightly and makes them drop the item they are holding (they will pick it up in a second or two if you don't).
With 1 Word (Zun) - 1 Block
With 2 Words (Zun Haal) - 1.5 Blocks
With 3 Words (Zun Haal Viik) - 2 Blocks

Call Dragon:
Summons a dragon for the Player to ride. The dragon despawns when dismounted.
With 1 Word (Od) - Nothing happens
With 2 Words (Od Ah) - Nothing happens
With 3 Words (Od Ah Viing) - Dragon is summoned

NOTE: These will not be added for the players, they are Manager+ and they are meant to be used to ligten up the mood, cheer players and managers+ up but they are NOT meant for excessive trolling, meaning if a Manager+ is asked to stop, they need to stop.

Enjoy your new toys Manager+ team this should for sure help you chill because what is more chill than riding a dragon to a player encounter? :D
Hi everyone, here is the challenge of the week (a new thing we are doing to try and boost activity).

- Get a picture of yourself in emp, with the person serving emp in the background
- Have at least 2h uptime for this week
- Take a selfie with a JMod and post it on discord or forums
- xQuic is taking over, find 16 of his minions in eventworld! (we are looking for playernames of heads, xquic will verify if this one was passed or not)

FOR EXTRA 50% prize: Take a selfie with Towelie, on Survival (has to be the real me, no skins, no disguises, I will write down who I take selfies with!

Do this by Sunday!

50k Emp (you may not redeem it more than once, and you may not redeem it on alts)
Depending on how this goes, we may keep doing this, with bigger rewards including discord ranks, etc.

NOTE: To redeem, please post proof (screenshots) of the criteria being met by Sunday
You know that magic idea that just adds something that keeps people glued to the screen and on the server?
I don't have many examples, stuff like the Murder Mystery plugin, Board Game, but also for some people Slimefun was that.
I just need one idea to give players something enjoyable to do while they are in-game.
So given that I am out of ideas, I thought... let's crowdsource.
I want you all to help look for that "new thing" that will keep players glued to survival, whether it's a new minigame plugin, or anything else really.

Here's what I want from you:
Look for ideas, get some researches. IF you want to look for plugins you can do so here https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/categories/spigot.4/ (please make sure they are updated and work with 1.16 before suggesting, should say that).
But I don't mean only plugins.. the sky is the limit in this one!

What's in it for you? If you come with a golden idea that's implemented into the server, you could stand to earn the super elusive and rare "Hype Beast" rank on Discord!
Curious why people have stopped playing.
I am only interested in personal responses, not guesses/assumptions.
I am interested in genuine feedback, with actionable items rather than ideals and goals which in the real world aren't exactly easy to implement.
I am not interested to hear from banned players.
For a while now, several people have been telling me that Survival should go back to its simpler times, and that we are way too complicated now, with too many plugins.
Now, I'm not one to rush into anything like that, so I think I found a nice way to start, without alienating half of the community.

You tell us what you mean by that, and exactly what you think should be done to survival (eg: Remove Slimefun), we can then make polls, see what the rest of the people think and do changes based on that.
But if the majority votes against such a change, we will not do it as we do not want to risk losing the remaining players.

NOTE: I ask you to understand that some times, even if there is popular support for a decision, we may veto that if we find it to be damaging to the server in any way

I kinda wrote the whole post focusing of the example of Slimefun but this post is not at all asking to remove Slimefun and other such plugins, I am merely asking you, the players, what do you want added/removed from survival and if someone says something concise enough we can start a poll based on that.
Sorry, my bad, should've been more clear.
So I am specifically interested to hear from our premium users and patrons, but also from everyone else.
We were discussing about potentially supporting a charity with $50 / mo if at the end of the month we can spare the funds after covering the costs.
The charity has to be a legitimate one, and we were thinking either a suicide prevention non profit or a mental health non profit, but we are open to other suggestions.
If this gets massive support, we will look into finding a charity, share that with the community and perhaps ask the community again if they are fine with the charity we have chosen.
If you believe our small contribution can be put to better use another way, we are interested in hearing that too!
It's about time that SFT started giving something back after getting support from a lot of awesome people over these 10 years.
Death coordinates is back! But with a few tweaks:
- It now costs 25k emp instead of 10k emp.
- It is now not available in nether/end
I am going to start working, this week, on a new server. It's a vanilla Minecraft server, called Survival Lite Hardcore.
Here's how it's going to be different from Survival and other servers:

- This server will be whitelisted, and you will have to apply
- The server will have a single world, but considerably larger than Survival worlds
- This server will be as close to vanilla as possible. Meaning no economy, no fun plugins (Eg: Vehicles, pyrofishing/mining, mcmmo)
- This server will not have an economy
- This server will be in hardcore mode. Meaning if you die... well you die. And you won't be able to play any more for a while (To be determined, 2-12h). Oh and no health regen.
- This server will not have staff, instead survival staff will moderate the chat (seing as we will generally whitelist those who already are a familiar presence on SFT, this should be possible)
- This server will block dupes and glitches, but we will try to leave as much as possible to you (pistons, hoppers) with no limits, however if you create something that is lagging the server extremely, we may remove `
- This server will have TNT, creepers and all such stuff enabled
- Protections will be done by the players, there will be no staff to help with that
- The server will have a small max players to limit the lag (12-20 players at most)
- There will have to be some monetizing to cover hosting, but at a minimum.  It will be EULA compliant as we are, and we are still deciding on that aspect. Playing on the server will be free though, perhaps implement a priority queue system, TBD based on demand.
- This won't be for everyone. It is highly possible that you can work for weeks, build a base, gather all the loot then permanently die and lose everything and nobody's going to help you recover it.

This will be our implementation of Anarchy. We don't intend to punish griefing or looting.

We are removing the XPBank plugin in 48h, as we found out there are still bugs causing people to lose their stored xp.
If you used XPBank, please withdraw all your XP ASAP, otherwise you don't need to take any action
There are currently 3 tiers with increasing speeds, up to 4x cooking speeds. You can use them to smelt ores and cook food. If you don't have a power station, you can use the one at /warp airstrip, just drop your furnace near a connector and start cookin'
So, until now, we had separate commands to play MurderMystery's many maps: /murder /village /rooftops.
However, today, I consolidated those commands into one:

- /murder <map>. EG: /murder village or /murder rooftops or /murder terminal
- Typing just /murder in chat will show you the available arenas without actually taking you to one!
Good news! We now have parachutes! Check out /parachuteshop and see you around soaring through the skies!
To use: While in air, right click on the parachute chest to deploy parachute. While back down, shift + right click to get it back.
Today we found a critical issue/incompatibility with Tractors and Slimefun Backpacks.
Basically tractors can be used to dupe.

Due to that, I have removed permission from everyone to use tractors.
If that bothers you, I was told you can achieve a similar result with mcmmo (auto replanting), so I would suggest looking into that instead.

For the people that built tracks for tractors:
- Don't worry, I will be making a new KART but based on vehicles rather than tractors in the next days.

What you need to do:
- If you have any tractors, stop using them
- If you have a tractor that is already spawned and you are not able to put back in its chest, please make a ticket in #support and leave a warp to the tractor, an Admin can come and help you with that.
- If you would like to use tractors purely for decoration, that is fine (eg: if you already have them deployed that way). However, they will no longer be obtainable / useable.

Sorry everyone, I liked the tractors too :S
- We will not provide refund for existing tractors (since this is an emergency removal of tractors and not something we planned)
We have a Valheim server, put together by our wonderful @saywhat2365
It is currently being tested, and extremely in beta / vanilla.

Server IP:
Password: DM me on discord and I will give it to you if you are a known community member.

NOTE: This requires Valheim to play
So, we've deployed a possible fix for XPBank, but in order to do this, we had to reset the XPBank database.
We are not 100% sure this has fixed the issue, but we think it may. Please use with caution and know losing XP is possible, while not likely.

I guess now we will have to test the plugin for a few weeks, so if you notice any xpbank xp loss, please bring it to our attention, and we'll take a decision later: if the bug is still present, we probably will remove the plugin, if the bug is fixed, we are keeping it.
Please withdraw all your XP from XPBank and don't use it until we say it is safe to use again. We discovered a bug (xp loss), and in order to fix it we need to use another storage method for the db, meaning any XP still in the bank by then will have been lost.
First of all, I'd like to say that this is not some spur of the moment thing, but we needed such a rule for a while now:

- If you get banned 3 times for the same reason (not in a row, 3 times overall), you will get permanently banned from SFT with no chance of ever being unbanned.
- This does not apply to people that already have 3 bans for the same reason, but it will if they eg: have 3 now, and get one more, or have 2 now and get one more

This will be added to the rules soon.

Today we took a group picture with SFT Regulars, featuring some heavy names returning recently, see if you can spot who.

Admit it, you're bored of the same old boats and want something new and cool, with a bit of flair. Look no further, /raftshop is here for all your see journey needs.
Seen in the picture above is the elusive pirate raft for the low low price of just 69420

Hi everyone,

We are trying to expand our dev team with one new Java dev (bukkit plugin dev) and one Frontend / PHP OR web dsigner to work on an ongoing project.
This is not a paid position, we are too small to be able to pay anyone sadly, your perks will only be (after you are approved as a dev) just our recognition and Developer rank on discord/servers.

If you are interested, please let us know:
- When did you learn Java/PHP?
- Did you write any bukkit plugins / PHP / websites?
- Would you be ok in making a test project for our devs to review? This will be for us to determine your skill and whether you can fill a need in our team.

Please reply to this topic with your responses to the questions above.
Do you have any feedback that you wish to provide to us? Feel like you are trying to get heard but nobody listens to you? Post here and someone in the Manager+ team will get back to you in max 3 days.
Anything goes, if it's private, you are also welcome to discord DM me.
After being told that tridents are randomly dissapearing, i went in search for the solution.
I found the cause: trident despawn rate being set to 300 ticks (15s). This was a default value that we didn't notice it had popped up.
We have now set it to 3 minutes. That means you have 3 minutes to pick your trident from the moment it lands. IF you get there within 3 minutes, you can get it, if not, it will be lost forever.

Want some Karts for your Go-Kart track? Build a cool track, post a picture of it here and then you can get up to 4 Karts.
Those karts will be for you to give to anyone who wishes to play on your racetrack, and we are going to feature the tracks in a /kart command, so i encourage you to get creative and build the most unique track!

Karts are modified tractors, who do not farm but go at an increased speed, fast enough to be fun but slow enough to be controllable (unlike cars and bikes and other vehicles which are too fast to make a fun race).

Karts are otherwise unobtainable, so this is your only way to get them.
To the players - I'm sure you will be able to play Go Kart on a track of your choosing :D

PS: I will also be subsidizing anyone who takes me up on this offer with 500k empbucks. Meaning i will give you 500k empbucks upon completion of an appropriate track (a tractor can be 2-3 blocks wide so tracks need to be wide enough)
General Announcements / Under attack
Jan 20, 2021, 02:49 PM
Hi everyone,

We are currently under attack by a sub-group of '2bt2' "for being pay to win".
Since we are not pay2win, and there are probably thousands of other servers way worse there, the running assumption is that they were mislead by someone to attack us.
As our general policy is to not negociate with hackers/blackmailers/script kiddies, we are not negociating, and instead doing our best to mitigate the attack and keep as much as possible of our infrastructure up.
We have currently banned almost 4000 ip's and countless nicknames and we will continue to do that until the attack is over.
Frankly, I haven't seen anything impressive in this attack, other than its scale, which is larger than average and while they will manage to probably take down our site from time to time, most of everything else should stand.
There has been no breach on our servers, there is no reason to believe any data was exfiltrated or leaked.

If you are playing on a VPN, you will notice you can no longer join. However, if you are Member or above, please contact any manager+ from the server you play on and they will whitelist your nickname to be able to join via  a VPN.

For the month of January, we are going to be adding towns/shops/spawners to /town /autoshop /spawner.
In order to get your shop added, please fill in this form and paste it as a reply to this topic:

What are you advertising: town/autoshop/spawner
What is the warp to your business? : /warp ...
What is the name of your business? : BusinessName
Who is the owner of the business? : TowelieDOH

- Your town/autoshop/spawner must be complete and open to the public before advertising it
- You agree that your listing will be removed the moment those terms are not met
I am looking for feedback from players that have either stopped playing on SFT or haven't played in a long time. Just a few questions, the answers will only be visible to Owner+:

PS: I would really appreciated if you could pass this to your friends who also have stopped playing SFT (PS: Unless they were banned)
Hi everyone,

Tell us who your favorite staff member is (any staff from any SFT server), and why.
Let's get some appreciation going!
I'm looking for someone who's good with making events/games to make a new big thing, like "board game" is. Something new that everyone will want to play, full of interactive stuff. I'm thinking something like minecraft monopoly? IS that even possible?

Please let me know if you would be interested in making a new in-game "game" for SFT
As a token of our gratitude for having you as players, everything is discounted 20% off in the Survival premium shop http://superfuntime.buycraft.net/category/939613

Stay awesome!
Two new crates now hit the Survival server!
- The Rare SteveCo crate #12 set made by @samanthasnee and @MasterX70 containing a netherite themed set
- The SteveCo Crate #60 set, containing Animal Crossing items, also made by @samanthasnee and @MasterX70

I have also added a "Rare SteveCo Bundle" to the premium shop, so both new crates are now drop-ready in our premium shop

As some of you may know, the 10th of September will mark SFT's 10 anniversary.
We have a few things prepared closer to that date, starting NOW with an awesome SFT 10 anniversary wallpaper, commemorating Fractalion and Spheretown as the awesome things that pushed SFT forward (look up captain sparklez' sphere town and you will see why). This awesome wallpaper was made by @MsDanteMomĀ£. Enjoy it! It is 1080p.
Keep an eye on SFT in the first half of september for more awesome surprises. Enjoy the wallpaper!

Link -> https://imgur.com/gallery/I5kNchS
So our current vote plugin is pretty cool as it it was custom made and has vote tokens / voteshop.
But with every MC update this becomes less and less functional.
I think it's time considering to switch to a new vote system but we would lose vote tokens.

How does everyone feel about that?
We need your help!
We need you to tell us what multiplayer games you play. We are interested because we want to expand our presence to other games, either with dedicated servers or guilds ran by community members.

Please say what games you are playing at least 2h/week that are online multiplayer.
Hi guys, I have some premium shop changes (the summer cleanup if you wish), that I hope you will all be excited about:

- The "pet" packages were removed and there is now a single pet package, containing all disguise types for $7. If you have previously purchased any "pet" package (/pet not other pet packages), please make a ticket by 8/1/20 and we will upgrade you to the new pet package, containing all types of pets. NOTE: This is a limited time offer, valid only until Aug 1st 2020
- The "Mega Disguise Pack" was reduced from $30 to $15
- Removed all individual disguise packs from the shop (since the full disguise pack is $15 normal price and around $10 when discounted, those don't make sense any more)
- Re-added helicopter shop access
- Glow package price was reduced to $4 and there is now a mention that only WHITE glow works for now.
- mcMMO XP Boost 20x - 12h is now mcMMO XP Boost 15x - 24h and costs $7.5 (reduced 25%)
- Custom Prefix is now $12.5 (was 15)
- Fly global unlock 1week is now $30 (was $35)
- Spawn hologram (advertise your shop/grinder) now costs $10 (was $17)
- Rank prices were reduced (Contributor 12-10, Benefactor 22-20, Philanthropist 35-30, Eccentric 42-37.5, Sponsor 75-60)
- A 20% long running sale was added to the shop
- NEW Tank shop unlock (drive tanks)
- NEW Helicopter shop unlock (fly helis)
- NEW Hoverbike shop unlock (fly hoverbikes)

PS: Got any ideas for new premium perks/plugins? Please suggest!!!
Survival was updated to 1.16 and most of our plugins are now functional and updated.
Emp prices have been adjusted accordingly, with reductions in price for gold items.
Thanks to Autpek for updating the price list! Price list: https://pastebin.com/VAUPD6vJ
NOTE: If a price is -1 it means the emp does not buy/sell that item
Please adjust your autoshop prices accordingly!
Are you getting constantly disconnected from our servers in these last 48h, and you are 100% sure it is not your internet? Please tell us the following:

- What country are you from?
- What ISP do you use?
- Can you run "ping mc.superfuntime.org -t" for 30 minutes in a command window and then paste the out put?
- During that time, also ping google.com to rule out any clientside internet settings
- Tell us anything else you think it's useful
General Announcements / Thank you everyone!
Jun 03, 2020, 06:57 AM
Just want to say - Thank you everyone!
A few months ago I was sure SFT would die, I was constantly worried about not being able to pay bills.
Now our bills are covered by Patreon, we have more hosting capacity than we ever did, and people keep making servers for SFT (from blalp / xquic - the modded masterminds, to saywhat and evan, the vanilla heroes xd).

Just... thank you, from the bottom of my heart! I feel less choked xd I feel less pressure to perform because others are performing as well (but that doesn't mean I plan on giving up or reducing my involvement).
Now let's hope @Dpa1991 returns in full force, with new ideas when he is able to sort his IRL issues, which are much more important than a game server. (you know, the rioting, the covid pandemic, unemployment due to covid, etc)

With that, I want to say RIP George Floyd - America, land of the free and the opressed.